Magenta Devine – a rebel with style



Magenta Devine, who has just died, was a well-dressed rebel with a cause in the 1980s,  a counter-culture figure on television, talking to young people in a dynamic way with a substance and style far removed from the laddish 1990s.

Once her time in the spotlight was over she became a heroin addict and eventually went bankrupt.

Born 4 November 1957, outside London, she had her Sun in Scorpio as well as Neptune and Mercury, all squaring onto Uranus so she was suited for an outsider, status-quo-upsetter role. Her Uranus was also in an innovative trine to Saturn and both sextiled an enthusiastic Jupiter in Libra.

She may also have had an inspirational Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Moon trine Saturn trine Uranus, with Jupiter as the driving planet of a Kite, which would make sense.

Algeria – invisible president to stand for re-election



News that the ailing President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is to stand for re-election in April has sparked the largest demonstrations seen in decades in Algeria. He suffered a stroke six years ago and can hardly walk or talk and the population fear he is being used as a façade by an opaque group of power brokers to maintain control and protect their political and economic interests. Though cracks are beginning to show with some leading entrepreneurs speaking out against the status quo.

Algeria gained independence on 3 July 1962 10.38 am Algiers. There are more indications of sudden changes in 2020 than in this year. After mid 2020 tr Uranus will be square the Algeria Saturn and opposition the Neptune which will bring jolts, jangles and rising paranoia; with muddles and miscommunications from tr Neptune square the 10th house Mercury, so the rulers won’t be clear in their intentions or communiques.

Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been re-elected four times since 1999 with claims of fraud being made by the opposition.

His First Term 27 April 1999 has a cruel Sun Saturn opposition Mars in Scorpio, and it indicates severe disruptions from May this year onwards with tr Uranus opposition Mars and then continuing on to a jolting conjunction to the Sun Saturn from July, running on and off into 2020. Tr Saturn is also square the Jupiter for lowered confidence till late 2019 and tr Neptune squares the Venus for unpopularity, picking up in April over the election.

Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s personal chart, 2 March 1937, won’t be too informative, given his age and infirmity. He is a Sun in Pisces; with Saturn also in Pisces in an unpleasant and ruthless Grand Trine to Pluto and Mars in Scorpio; with Pluto opposition Jupiter – confidence and luck aplenty to prop up a brutal regime.  The Solar Arc Uranus is somewhere around the conjunction to his Pluto, which can sometimes bring health issues for the elderly.

Nijinsky – his talent came at a terrible price



Vaslav Nijinsky was, prior to Nureyev, deemed the greatest male ballet dancer, celebrated for his virtuosity, for the intensity of his characterizations and his seemingly gravity-defying leaps- and his modernist choreography.

Born 12 March 1890 10.30 pm Kiev, Ukraine (Rodden B) to parents in the ballet world, he was a Sun Venus in creative Pisces; with his artistic Venus and Sun highlighted on the focal point of a Yod to an innovative Uranus sextile Saturn. He also had an emotionally troublesome Moon Mars in Sagittarius opposition Pluto Neptune in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces. He’d be very highly strung and on a fine mental balance which sadly became increasingly less stable after he was interned during World War 1. He initially became the lover of the impresario Sergei Diaghilev, though he later married and had two children, but was still under Diaghilev’s thumb. His marriage broke down and eventually he succumbed to depression and dementia with alternating rages and catatonic withdrawals, being diagnosed eventually as a hopeless schizophrenic – and spent the last thirty years of his life institutionalised.

His Moon aspects to Mars, Neptune and Pluto would account for some of his symptoms, especially the rage and all focussed onto a Mutable Mercury putting intolerable pressure on his rational functions.

Like Nureyev he had a Pisces Sun but in his case it lacked a firm anchoring and would be stressed being in a Yod, giving him a fluctuating sense of his identity. Like Nureyev as well he had Jupiter in Aquarius, which can have an appeal across people of many backgrounds.   But Nureyev was a much harder personality and although a volatile personality with a Mars Uranus conjunction, that didn’t impact on his Moon, as it did for poor Nijinsky.

Saudi Arabia – uneasy lies the head that wears a crown



“There are growing signs of a potentially destabilising rift between the king of Saudi Arabia and his heir,” according to the Guardian. There are evidently disagreements between the aged King Salman’s camp and the brash young Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over Khashogghi’s death in Turkey, the Yemen War and MbS’s hard line against activists amongst others. A few days ago in late February the elderly king’s security entourage was hastily changed during a visit to Egypt after a warning that there might be a move against him.

King Salman acceded to the throne on 23 January 2015 at 1 am and that chart shows a major upheaval from mid this April with tr Uranus square the Aquarius Sun, which repeats into early 2020; followed by a destructive Solar Arc Saturn square Mars around this time in 2020.

MBS was elevated to Crown Prince on 21 June 2017, announced at 6.19 am Riyadh, which puts a reformist/innovative and divisive Uranus in the 10th; with a ruthless Mars opposition Pluto in a pushily-confident square to Jupiter opposition Midheaven. There is an entrepreneurial and attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine of Saturn trine Uranus trine a leadership Leo North Node; with Saturn opposition a Sun Mercury in Gemini. So it’s a strong and lucky chart and won’t be easily suppressed. Though tr Saturn opposition the Pluto and square Jupiter on and off till this December will damp some of his enthusiasm and produce a few setbacks. 2020 looks to be a year of risk-taking and impetuous decisions.

The Saudi Arabia 15 January 1902 3.45 am chart is undergoing massive changes with tr Saturn Pluto conjunction moving across its Saturn, Sun, Jupiter in Capricorn. While the eventual outcome should bring benefits as tr Pluto is conjunct the Jupiter in 2020/2021 they will only come after massive and painful changes. There’ll be high anxiety and concern from this April onwards for two or three years as tr Neptune squares the Pluto opposition Uranus. Then the Uranus opposition Pluto moves by Solar Arc to crash into the Saturn between 2023 to 2025; and following that the Saudi Sun in the late 2020s. So a long run of destiny-changing events in this coming decade.

The 23 September 1932 chart shows much the same influences with tr Uranus in an explosive and insecure square to the Mars  from late this month; and a long grinding series of jolting changes from tr Pluto in hard aspect to the Saudi Saturn opposition Pluto square Uranus till the mid 2020s – and a disruptive series of Solar Arcs from 2023 till the early 2030s.

Brexit – Theresa May slipping and slithering on



Brexit? Urgh. Supposedly crucial, life-changing votes are expected next week on the 12th but I have my doubts. There is a get-it-together Pisces Sun sextile Pluto on the 13th but that’s mild enough, followed on the 14th by a mixed bag of over-promising Jupiter square the Sun; and a teeth-grinding Mars trine Saturn.

Theresa May looks limp, aiming towards yet more difficulties from March 31st as the dashed-hopes tr Neptune opposes her Jupiter; and she has the career-loss-making tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint throughout April as well.

Her relationship with the mouthy, overly ebullient Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, now over in Brussels supposedly to fix the Irish backstop guarantees, looks deflated in April as well.

If MPs reject the withdrawal agreement for a second time, they will have the opportunity to vote on whether to go ahead in just over three weeks’ time without any kind of negotiated deal. If they decide against, they will then have a vote on whether to extend negotiations and push the date of departure back by several months.

Jacob Rees Mogg, chief of the Brexiteer gang, is facing a major catastrophe from mid April for two weeks; and again for three months over the end of the year; so he’s not exactly singing and dancing either.

The UK chart has odd ripples of confusion from tr Neptune square Mercury in April; a minor upheaval also from mid April; with tr Uranus sextile the UK Pluto; and relief from a couple of Uranus transits to Jupiter and a Jupiter midpoint from late March into April.  There’ll be more uncertainty in May but by and large my sense is the UK is sooo bored/exhausted/confused by the whole debacle they just want it over and done with one way or the other. Which may or may not happen, of course, since if T May does get her deal then another aeon of trade negotiations with the EU will follow. The woman needs her head examined agreeing to this split and giving away any future bargaining power thereby allowing the EU to hold the whip hand.

Her Government chart looks very undermined by May and in a state of upheaval.

Keith Flint – acting out his rage on stage



“A wild provocateur”, “both human pogo and giddy rottweiler”, “the neon demon” – none of the descriptions of Keith Flint, lead vocalist with the band Prodigy, who has just been found dead, are soothing for an older generation. But for his myriad fans he was the godfather of rave, ‘a true pioneer, innovator and legend.’ His Firestarter video in the 1990s had Flint, covered in Satanic tattoos, eyes bulging wildly and his hair teased into Beelzebub-like horns snarling into the camera about being a “trouble starter”. He was banned by Tops of the Pops.

Born 17 September 1969 in London, he was seriously dyslexic and hyper-active as a child, became a roofer before moving onto the music scene. He was a tightly controlled and edgy Sun Pluto in Virgo square Mars in Sagittarius, so quite a powder keg of anger issues. He also had Uranus Jupiter Mercury in Libra and by all accounts behind the carefully manufactured public image was a helpful and kindly personality, who cared about wild animals and was a bird-watcher.

He evidently always said when he got to a certain point he’d go.  His Solar Arc Saturn was exactly opposition his Mars at the moment, having been square his Sun Pluto in 2015/16 so he would have been depressed and feeling hemmed in for a while. It may have been building for a while and Mars Saturn can be destructive.   And his Solar Arc Neptune is on the square to his Mercury also now which wouldn’t improve the clarity of his thinking.

Luke Perry – heartfelt tributes



“One of the nicest guys” – “genuine, kind hearted and thoughtful” – fans of actor Luke Perry remember him with sadness and gratitude after his sudden death from a stroke. He was the brooding heartthrob Dylan McKay in Beverley Hills, 90210 through the 1990s and then became Fred, the father of Archie Andrews, from comic book adaption Riverdale.

He was born 11 October 1966 in Mansfield, Ohio, two days after David Cameron with the same charming, sociable Sun Venus in Libra and a colorful Mars and Jupiter in entertaining Leo. Plus the determined Uranus Pluto plus a worry-wart Moon in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces, sextile/trine Neptune.

A new Trump investigation – his temper likely to explode **Add On



A sweeping new investigation by House Democrats has kicked off, seeking a wide range of materials that go to the heart of allegations against the president — including abuses of power, corruption, and obstruction of justice. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has demanded information from the White House, Trump’s namesake company, charity, transition, inauguration and 2016 campaign, as well as several long-time associates including his CFO and the president’s two adult sons.

The committee will investigate accusations of corruption, including possible violations of campaign finance law, the Constitution’s ban on foreign emoluments and the use of office for personal gain.

Nadler born 13 June 1947 in New York has an exact Sun Uranus in Gemini conjunction, so not dissimilar to Trump. He also has Mars in determined Taurus opposition Jupiter square Pluto – so rock-solid and unbudgeable, controlling, good at investigating. His Pluto is also in the tough conjunction to Saturn.

His Uranus is close to Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon, so although fairly alike in this regard, he will have an unsettling effect on Trump.

Their relationship chart has a differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus with an argumentative Mercury Mars; and more significantly a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter square Pluto which is being elbowed sharply from this May onwards and more so in 2020. And over the past few weeks tr Uranus has been in a tension-erupting  square to the composite Saturn as word no doubt trickled through about what Nadler intended, sending shivers up Trump’s spine – since it crosses all his red lines of business finances and family.

Trump’s Progressed Moon is now only one degree and four weeks away from the exact conjunction to his explosive Mars in Leo so he’ll be at his most volcanic over coming weeks. Late this month from March 31st he picks up two challenging, heavy-duty, discouraging and really sticky influences as tr Pluto opposes his Saturn and opposes his Mars/Node midpoint for two months, which latter Ebertin describes as quarrelsome and violent or forced separations. These repeat on and off till late 2020.

Spare thought – not that it affects Trump’s chart directly. But Uranus moves into Taurus this week. Uranus = the torchbearer, shining light on hidden places. Taurus rules money. And of course as I’ve been reminded tr Uranus does square the Trump Presidency chart with its zero Aquarius Sun so it will rattle it up from this Wednesday. Though with tr Pluto squaring the Jupiter all this month, any criticism will be met with a bullish response. That latter  confidence/over-confidence disappears on the final day of March as the undermining tr Neptune conjunct Venus moves into place for four weeks.  That can affect popularity but Venus also has financial implications on a mundane chart.

Rudolf Nureyev – a Russian gift to the west



Rudolf Nureyev was the greatest male ballet dancer of the 20th Century – “an exuberant, vagabond personality” with an athletic Russian style and a powerful sexual charisma which appealed to both sexes. A new film The White Crow, directed by Ralph Fiennes, traces his journey from birth on a Siberian train, through a poverty-stricken childhood and his days as a student dancer in Leningrad; and then defection to the West at the height of the Cold War.

He had a vast ego, knew he was different and special, was wilful, intensely focussed, could be a monster when crossed – and was incredibly talented.

Born 17 March 1938 maybe 1pm (unverified) in Irkustk, he had a Pisces Sun trine Pluto and opposition Neptune which combination can lead to stratospheric ambitions.  He had a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries conjunct Venus Mercury maybe opposition a Libra Moon – so he would be emotionally self-contained and unsentimental. Venus Saturn can also be promiscuous which he was, mainly with homosexual partners though he had affairs with women as well. He also had a volatile and explosive Mars Uranus in Taurus.

In his later years he became a renowned choreographer and defiantly continued dancing on stage long after his physical prowess had declined due to age and AIDs. He died aged 55; his long time partner Danish dancer Erik Bruhn also died his late 50s.

His super-star 22nd Harmonic is his strongest. His creative 5th and 7th harmonics are also well aspected.