A sweeping new investigation by House Democrats has kicked off, seeking a wide range of materials that go to the heart of allegations against the president — including abuses of power, corruption, and obstruction of justice. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has demanded information from the White House, Trump’s namesake company, charity, transition, inauguration and 2016 campaign, as well as several long-time associates including his CFO and the president’s two adult sons.
The committee will investigate accusations of corruption, including possible violations of campaign finance law, the Constitution’s ban on foreign emoluments and the use of office for personal gain.
Nadler born 13 June 1947 in New York has an exact Sun Uranus in Gemini conjunction, so not dissimilar to Trump. He also has Mars in determined Taurus opposition Jupiter square Pluto – so rock-solid and unbudgeable, controlling, good at investigating. His Pluto is also in the tough conjunction to Saturn.
His Uranus is close to Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon, so although fairly alike in this regard, he will have an unsettling effect on Trump.
Their relationship chart has a differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus with an argumentative Mercury Mars; and more significantly a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter square Pluto which is being elbowed sharply from this May onwards and more so in 2020. And over the past few weeks tr Uranus has been in a tension-erupting square to the composite Saturn as word no doubt trickled through about what Nadler intended, sending shivers up Trump’s spine – since it crosses all his red lines of business finances and family.
Trump’s Progressed Moon is now only one degree and four weeks away from the exact conjunction to his explosive Mars in Leo so he’ll be at his most volcanic over coming weeks. Late this month from March 31st he picks up two challenging, heavy-duty, discouraging and really sticky influences as tr Pluto opposes his Saturn and opposes his Mars/Node midpoint for two months, which latter Ebertin describes as quarrelsome and violent or forced separations. These repeat on and off till late 2020.
Spare thought – not that it affects Trump’s chart directly. But Uranus moves into Taurus this week. Uranus = the torchbearer, shining light on hidden places. Taurus rules money. And of course as I’ve been reminded tr Uranus does square the Trump Presidency chart with its zero Aquarius Sun so it will rattle it up from this Wednesday. Though with tr Pluto squaring the Jupiter all this month, any criticism will be met with a bullish response. That latter confidence/over-confidence disappears on the final day of March as the undermining tr Neptune conjunct Venus moves into place for four weeks. That can affect popularity but Venus also has financial implications on a mundane chart.