The promise was a love-bombing that would unite the Tory Party. The reality was a savage pruning of moderates and remainers and the appointment of a Cabinet of hardcore Brexiteers. Typical lying, vengeful Boris, now nicknamed The Liar King by cartoonists. In the ‘midnight massacre’ Jeremy Hunt, who got 40% (of the admittedly miniscule Tory vote) was ousted since he wouldn’t accept a demotion. It may have pleasured Boris with his dream of a Godfather’s bloody revenge but it stocks the backbenches with a murder of magpies, an unkindness of ravens and a parliament of magpies all ready to pounce.
In a quick skip through the charts of the oddball collection now in the Cabinet what stands out as striking is the emphasis on strongly Mutable charts, which Boris and Dominic Cummings certainly have, as do Priti Patel, Sajid Javid, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Dominic Raab, Ben Wallace, Michael Gove, Stephen Barclay.
Mutable energy – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces – is stimulating if not overly-nerve-stretched, constantly restless and bored, lives moment to moment, is not goal-oriented or a forward-planner, can lack discipline and concentration. In a crisis too much Mutable acts like a windmill in a storm, flying off in all directions. Mutable tends to react to prevailing circumstances rather than initiate new projects and isn’t good at standing firm over the long haul. Couldn’t be more different from stolid, unbudgeable Theresa May – or indeed the incredibly Fixed EU.
There are also a fair sprinkling of Saturn Neptunes in opposition or square which in my experience are not decisive and lack the killer push-through mentality to get things done.
Priti Patel, 29 March 1972, now Home Secretary, is a Sun Mercury in Aries opposition Uranus Moon (Pluto) square Jupiter in Capricorn – pro-active, impulsive, overly-confident; with a hard-edged and toxic Mars Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune, trine/sextile Pluto – not renowned as a team player, having resigned as international development minister in 2017 over undisclosed meetings with Israeli officials that breached diplomatic protocol. She’s far-right on immigration and many other areas that she now presides over.
She’s got an exceptionally rocky, crises-strewn and bad-tempered ride late September to late October this year; is at odds with Boris late September to mid November; with major ructions in November into December which are showing up on most of the connected charts. And she’s in meltdown from late December to late February – again when many of the Cabinet charts are showing extreme stress.
Sajid Javid, now Chancellor, 5 December 1969, is a Sun Sagittarius with a Libra Moon; a publicity-attracting Mars square Neptune; and a wobbly hates-failure Jupiter opposition Saturn. He again has a major hiccup mid September to mid October, is extremely anxious mid November to mid December; severely jolted mid December to early February 2020; and utterly confused and devastated from late January 2020. His relationship with Boris is unstable and conflicted at best and is slithering and sliding over the next two years.
Dominic Raab, the new Foreign Secretary who has to take over the Iran situation, 25 February 1974, is a Sun Mercury in Pisces square Neptune. He’s on a confidence slide downhill late September to mid November; and into catastrophe territory from mid December to early February 2020, that last is a time when his relationship with Boris could snap altogether as tr Uranus is conjunct their composite Sun.
Rees-Mogg, now Leader of the House, is also into calamity country from mid December to early February with tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint.
I know I’m not supposed to have strong political views and I don’t much like any of them but frankly all I’m praying for – probably delusionally – is that Corbyn and Momentum get pushed off stage and Keir Starmer put in as Labour leader. Faced with this bunch they’d walk an election.