This is an astro-maze post more for my benefit as I struggle to grasp what is actually going on with Brexit. Question – what is a lying chancer and the manic spinning-top that is Boris Johnson doing as the catalyst for change in a country as fixed as the UK? Partly it touches on Kissinger’s thought about Trump that such people turn up at the end of a cycle, effectively as wreckers of the old ways, but without much sense of what any alternative plan might be. Pluto in Capricorn’s final revenge before it exits, tearing down the pillars of the old temple.
The UK is strong, enduring, resourceful, capable of surviving through tough times, but not good at adaptability or embracing change with what is effectively a Fixed Grand Cross in the 1801 chart. Along comes Boris and his sidekick Dominic Cummings who lack almost totally the UK’s astro-strengths since they have manically scattergun Mutable charts – Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius. Staying-power is not their forte to put it mildly as they get blown hither and thither by their excitable need for constant action and desperate need for a windmill to tilt at.
What caught my eye and attention on the UK 1801 chart is Pluto in Pisces, one of only two Mutable (adaptable) planets, which is picking up the tr Uranus sextile late this December and through January 2020 for the third and final time. In country charts, even soft transits appear to act much like hard, so it is likely to be a more major jolt than it appears.
The UK Pluto natally is on the apex of a Yod to Jupiter sextile Uranus and was amplified at Brexit in 2016 by Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct, exact in the months before. What Pluto on a yod says about the UK temperament is that it has all of the aloof Plutonic power-hungry tendencies, usually along with a lack of understanding the Other, being better suited for an authoritarian position than equal co-operation. Such a Yod can undergo periods of frustration and isolation before being reborn with different values and ambitions.
When the UK finally joined the European Economic Community with the hope of rebuilding the economy after two punishingly expensive wars tr Pluto was conjunct the UK Ascendant; and the natal Pluto had moved by Solar Arc to conjunct the 11th house legislative Saturn which is the final leg of the Fixed Grand Cross. Solar Arc Pluto had started round the Fixed Grand Cross around 1960/1 as the old Empire disappeared. Solar Arc Pluto is now poised almost exactly to cross the UK Ascendant – for another major staging post in the country’s history.
On the synastry comparing the UK to the EU chart, the UK’s authoritarian Pluto at 2 degrees Pisces natally it is exactly opposition the EU’s ruthlessly determined and unco-operative Pluto square Mars – so it was never going to be a comfortable match. The UK’s Uranus is conjunct the EU’s Ascendant making the UK the maverick rebel, with the UK likes-to-be-in-financial-control Mars conjunct the EU Moon and square the EU Uranus for a combustible and inflammatory chemistry.
The key events of the 20th Century – WW1 and 11, loss of colonies, joining the EEC – were all marked up by that UK Pluto in its Solar Arc position at the time. And here we are again with another significant marker on the UK’s timeline.
It kind of makes sense of the clown that is Johnson who is not remotely Churchillian for all his vanity preening. [ Churchill despite being a Sagittarius had a preponderantly Fixed chart to give him endurance and bottom; and his enthusiastic, morale-boosting Mars Jupiter fell in the UK’s 1st house which was the saving grace in WW11.]
I wasn’t remotely pro Brexit for pragmatic reasons since the gigantic economic hiccup that it’ll cause in trade will hit the poorest worst – with no clear indication of what will fill the void. And divorce from the EU with its vengeful, dirty-dealing Mars square Pluto wasn’t ever going to be easy-peasy or without jeopardy.
But we are where we are – and my sense is that a good many people are so fed up with the topic, they’d be happy to just get it done and dusted and if we step into a void then the country will cope somehow, since it always has – jollied along by Boris et al’s delusional optimism that it’ll be alright on the day – though that wouldn’t include Scots or Irish. And since the EU’s beyond-parody Juncker and bloated technocrats etc have made themselves even more unpopular, even with remainers, there is probably no way back. And just to add another layer of snarl-up, no one is going to vote even a rubber duck like Boris out and put an incompetent, old Trot like Corbyn in. It is very Plutonic – a titanium spun spider’s web which traps you no matter which way you try to turn.
Boris as a puppet on the fates’ string makes more sense as Pluto in Capricorn moves into its final third, fulfilling the promise of tearing down old governmental (and financial) structures – reducing to ashes to clear the ground for rebuilding. As with all matters Plutonic nothing moves fast and the destruction phase is unpleasant and often painful. Economically the UK is now into a very turbulent few years with tr Uranus in Taurus moving through the 8th until 2025 bouncing off all the UK’s Fixed planets.