Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York and hero of 9/11, one-time Presidential candidate, now Trump’s personal attorney is embroiled in what is proving to be a messy and rancorous divorce from his third wife. Instead of settling details in private there’s now a trial date set for next January with public brickbats being aimed from both sides. She accuses him of trying to renege on the finances while his allies insist she was jealous and damaged his friendships.
He was born 28 May 1944 at 2.30pm (from memory) New York and is a changeable Sun Uranus in Gemini conjunct Venus in final degree Taurus trine Neptune and sextile a ruthlessly ambitious Mars Pluto in Leo. He’s do-or-die-determined and not the most tolerant of individuals. His Moon is in flamboyant, five-star-lifestyle Leo conjunct Jupiter – so he likes living high. His worldwide speaking engagements turned him into a global brand and that along with his lucrative law practice amassed millions of dollars and six homes.
His third wife Judith Nathan,16 December 1954, was a registered nurse/medical salesperson and is also on her third marriage. She’s an enthusiastic and determined Sagittarius Sun trine Pluto, sextile Neptune; with a steely Venus Saturn in Scorpio in an unyielding square to Pluto; and an innovative Jupiter Uranus in Cancer.
It was always an odd match with her Sun opposition his Saturn; her Mars in an explosive and argumentative square to his Uranus Sun; and her Saturn square his Moon Jupiter.
The relationship chart has a toxic, power-struggling composite Mars square Pluto – and those relationships always end in long-drawn-out bitterness. There’s also a composite Venus square Mars which would produce a few sparks of passion initially as would Venus conjunct Pluto but ultimately the flames turned destructive.
He’s looking considerably rattled until tr Uranus clears the square to his Mars Pluto which will take him through till February 2021 – though that won’t all be his divorce causing ructions. He’s not looking happy in the aftermath of the November election with a loss-making tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter/Saturn midpoint and very jangled indeed over the Inauguration with the tr Uranus Mars in Taurus square his Pluto and tr Saturn in a setback square to his Mars.