Hillary Clinton’s bizarre attack on the also-ran Democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard for being a Russian asset, without offering any proof, only managed to improve Gabbard’s fund raising. While the congresswoman from Hawaii has some oddball and unsavoury associations (pro-Assad etc) and does spout Russian bot language at times, she would seem an unlikely Putin plant. And Clinton throwing the spotlight on her just raises her status.
Gabbard was born 12 April 1981 in American Samoa and is a toughminded, uber-ambitious and determined Sun Venus Mars in Aries opposition Pluto and trine Neptune. She’s in an extremely challenging phase with tr Pluto square her Mars and then her Sun/Mars midpoint this year bringing acute frustrations; and tr Pluto continues to square her Sun and Pluto in 2020 – so she’s under tremendous pressure.
What will be interesting to see how it shakes down is that at the election tr Jupiter Pluto are exactly square her Sun and Pluto which could bring her a major boost. Plus she has a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Libra which is catching the tr Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius trine over the Inauguration.
She’s certainly a tricky mix with Hillary. Both are controlling women with strong Mars Pluto Venus contacts in their charts; and Aries is not a good mix with Scorpio – fire and water.
Their relationship chart is horrible reeking with hostile dislike and bitterness. There’s a composite Mars square Uranus, Saturn, Pluto – and it doesn’t get much worse than that. Their connection will slip and slide through 2020 and beyond.
With odd murmurs that Clinton may throw her hat back into the ring – and she’s tone deaf enough to do it – be interesting to see what tr Uranus opposition her Scorpio Sun does in the final days of this December and through January.