The quagmire, train wreck, omnishambles and general clusterf*** that is Brexit sank deeper in the mud with Boris’s “do or die” plan to take Britain out of the EU on October 31 thrown into disarray. MPs voted to delay a crunch vote on his new Brexit deal and force him to seek an extension which he defiantly refuses to do, despite being told he’ll break the law if he doesn’t. He is expected to go for a speedy election. Though the final few days of this month and first week of November are bedevilled by disruptive Scorpio New Moon opposition Uranus, a major setback, accident-prone Mars square Saturn followed by a high-risk, exceptionally aggravated few days running into Mars square Pluto on November 5 – and a retrograde Mercury from October 31st to November 20th.
The chart for today’s high noon Brexit Debate today which fizzled out – is set for 9.30 am London and wasn’t too illuminating with a 12th house Sun trine a late 8th house Moon, oddly enough the latter being exactly conjunct Boris’s Sun Venus. The over-hopeful Jupiter Neptune square was in place but not well integrated; and Mars was in a road-blocked square to Saturn. Nothing much fits together.
To say Boris is not on a winning streak is putting it mildly. He’s got tr Neptune square his Mars/Node midpoint now till mid November and again mid December to late January 2020 which brings disappointments and undermining of relationships. From mid this November to mid December he has tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars midpoint which is more moments of panicky failure, losses, undermining of career position.
Mid November to mid December seems to be a crux time of unsolvable problems from all of the relevant Boris crony and government charts.
The UK chart looks bemused with tr Neptune square the Mercury and Solar Arc Mars now through till late February 2020; and saddened just before Christmas with tr Saturn opposition the 10th house Moon. There’ll be a shift of sorts late December to early February as tr Uranus is sextile the UK Pluto, which could act with the force of a hard aspect.
The UK joining the EEC chart, 1 January 1973 12 am, is similarly kerflummoxed with a fogged-up windscreen from tr Neptune square the Venus and square Saturn through till late January 2020.
It’s like being condemned to purgatory – stuck in eternal twilight. Can’t get in and can’t get out.