Befuddled, bothered and bewildered, the UK electorate is regarding the present of a festive Brexit election with a jaundiced eye and a weary sigh. ‘Doing my head in’, ‘don’t care anymore’, ‘take it away’ being the typical responses.
With a lacklustre Sun square Neptune on the 8th and a Full Moon running through polling day square Neptune, it’s not a chart that inspires hopes of a decisive result. The restrictive, repressive Saturn Pluto is closing fast to exact and sandwiching Venus on the day itself for gloom and discouragement. With the only bright spark coming from a lively Jupiter trine Uranus.
The UK 1801 chart itself has tr Saturn exactly opposition the 10th house Moon suggesting disenchantment with the country’s leadership, perhaps also mourning a loss. Tr Neptune is hovering around the square to the Solar Arc Mars and the UK Mercury in the run up and in early 2020 for confusion and unclear thinking – as well as transport and communication problems perhaps. In the final days of this year tr Uranus will sextile the UK Pluto till early February which could indicate an upheaval of sorts.
Political party charts can be of questionable value. But for what it’s worth:- The Conservative 10 May 1912 chart which works better than the earlier one, is logjammed, suffering setbacks and in meltdown with tr Saturn opposition the Mars on election day and Neptune soon after; with tr Pluto in a confused and devastating opposition to the Neptune; and into 2020 square the Mercury.
The Labour 1900 chart is similarly dismayed and set back on its heels at the election and just beyond though bouncing with more enthusiasm from late March 2020. The 1906 Labour chart is downhearted in 2020 and on an upswing from 2022 onwards.
Boris is not a happy camper at the election and in the days following with disappointments from tr Neptune square his Sun/Mars and Venus/Mars midpoints; setbacks from tr Saturn opposing his Mars/Uranus and tr Pluto in a trapped opposition to his Mars/Pluto till December 20th. He’ll perk up marginally from late January 2020 but is running into two tricky Solar Arcs of MC conjunct his Uranus for sudden radical career change and Uranus conjunct his natal Moon for an emotional shock.
Dominic Cummings appears to be in a worse state in November/December, but that may be due to health worries since his long overdue surgical intervention may be happening. But even so he isn’t looking upbeat about the news.
Carrie Symonds will find the campaign puts a major strain on her relationship with Boris with tr Uranus opposing the composite Uranus and square Saturn from mid-November through till election day, suggesting clashing agendas. On December 12th she’s got a blocked tr Saturn conjunct her Sun/Pluto midpoint and only a slight uplift from tr Jupiter conjunct her Saturn in Capricorn with tr Uranus trine.
Jeremy Corbyn’s chart is the usual blank sheet of information though with some upheaval from tr Pluto opposition the Uranus/Pluto midpoint.
The SNP could be decisive since they at present are the third largest party and hold 35 out of the 59 Scottish seats at Westminster. Nicola Sturgeon is in good form with tr Jupiter moving into her 3rd as December piles on the election pressure. But hasn’t anything too illuminating showing on her chart apart from a mildly upbeat tr Jupiter sextile and tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/Ascendant midpoint. The SNP 1934 chart looks downbeat on the run up to December 12th but in jubilant form over the New Year into 2020.
Jo Swinson, the LibDem leader with 20 seats in Westminster, should in theory be doing well but there’s nothing much of cheer on her personal chart. Though the LibDems have a minor boost from tr Jupiter trine tr Uranus sextile/trine their Mars/Jupiter midpoint but that’s v mild. They look more upbeat from the spring.
Wild guess – Corbyn loses and is heaved overboard; maybe Boris too and Michael Gove could, just maybe, have a chance of promotion with tr Jupiter trine tr Uranus trine his Virgo Sun. But I kind of reckon another election (sag) could be on the cards in 2020.
NB. Usual caveats about many charts lacking birth times and others not verified so there will be information missing.
Nigel Farage is gung-ho with exuberance till mid November then calms down a touch, with not much visible over the election itself – and is on a real downer in 2020 from late January onwards.
Philip Hammond is looking especially chipper over the result – the only one with an upbeat, successful influence, in his case tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though without a birth time its difficult to say when a peculiarly unpleasant, road-blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Mars will hit – perhaps it happened at the fall of May and rise of Bojo, so he’s over the hurdle. He also looks in buoyant form from late February 2020 for several months with tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Node midpoint. Though it’s always possible that he bales from Westminster into a cushy City job (or several).