There are squawks and hisses emerging from the UK ITV morning shows with rumours of bad blood between the ever-popular Philip Schofield and his sofa-companion Holly Willoughby as well as Eamonn Holmes and wifely co-presenter Ruth Langsford. A management spokesman wrote off the reports of a toxic atmosphere off “ a desperate attempt to tarnish Philip’s reputation by maliciously motivated gossip.’ Perish the thought.
Schofield, born 1 April 1962 2am Oldham, England (from memory), does have a fairly tricky chart with a lively 3rd house Aries Sun inconjunct Pluto. If the birth time is right his Pluto as well as Uranus are in the 8th; and his Pluto opposes both Jupiter and Mars in Pisces. So he’s super-confident, which he’d need to be with a heavy presenting schedule – and super-determined with Mars Pluto. Plus he has a cool Saturn Moon in Aquarius. Tr Neptune is finishing a run of conjunctions to his Mars into the middle of this month which is not ego-supportive; and he has tr Saturn heading downwards through his first quadrant which is always a touch lacklustre in the career department.
Holly Willoughby, 10 February 1981, has been his co-presenter for a decade as well as juggling myriad other programmes. She has her Aquarius Sun conjunct his Moon which is a perfect crossover but her Venus is conjunct his Saturn which is OK for work but not warm; and her Pluto is conjunct his Midheaven which will have led to some underlying tussles for the upper hand. Their relationship chart is a mix of affectionate with a composite Sun Venus square Jupiter and aggravated with Saturn Neptune square Mars. It’s definitely sagging at the moment through 2019 and 2020 with tr Neptune dissolving the composite Sun, Venus, Mercury and square Jupiter.
Relations between Schofield and Eamonn Holmes, 3 December 1959 – an enthusiastic and confident Sun Jupiter in Sagittarius square Pluto; with an ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio – will be negatively impacted by the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Their relationship chart has a composite Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury opposition Venus which is being challenged, damped down and aggravated from now onwards; with more hiccups after July 2020 as tr Uranus starts to square the composite Sun.
Life is rarely all sweetness and light in the land of showbusiness egos, but it’s most often swept under the carpet.
If Schofield’s birth time is accurate then I’d imagine he is struggling with a few unresolved issues courtesy of tr Saturn heading into the nadir of his chart.