A quick skid round a few of the top bank charts points obviously to this year being stressful and bumpy. But more alarmingly it indicates more major problems in 2021/22/23.
HSBC, 2 January 1990, is feeling car-crashed now with Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Sun; and is facing a grinding slowdown in late 2020 with Solar Arc Saturn square Pluto; with major upheavals and road-blocks in 2022/23.
Barclays Bank 20 July 1896, has a blocked/hardship Solar Arc Saturn square Pluto now and tr Saturn opposition the Cancer Sun; but 2021 looks more strained by far with tr Uranus opposition the Barclays Saturn and conjunct Mars.
Barclays, 7 April 1690 JC, paralysed this year with a surprising lift in 2022, but mayhem in 2023/24.
Royal Bank of Scotland, 31 May 1727 JC, has an undermining tr Neptune square the Gemini Sun from later this month into 2021; with an anguished and blocked tr Pluto opposition the financial Venus in 2020/21; and a jolted and jangled with the economically stressful tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the RBS Uranus square Saturn at 14 degrees in 2021 and 2022.
Santander UK, 12 November 2004, is fairly paralysed and devastated this year with tr Neptune square Pluto; but is even more disrupted in 2022 with Solar Arc Uranus square the Pluto at the same time as the discouraging and deprived tr Pluto opposition Saturn picks up and extends into 2023. With a shocking crash of sorts in 2024 with Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Sun.
Santander, 15 May 1857, is devastated and jangled this year; panicking through a major trough in 2021; with a forced reorganisation in 2023 and more high anxiety in 2024.
BNP Paribas, 23 May 2000, nerve stretched this year but much worse in 2022 and 2024.
JP Morgan Chase, 31 December 2000, is having a major uphill struggle through 2020/21, a bubble-bursting panic in 2021; and more financial dips in 2022.
It fits the general pattern of economic and financial upheavals and major strain until mid decade. Though none of the charts looks terminal which some of the 2008 finance house charts did. My impression is that banks are nowhere near as much of a worry as they once were.
ADD ON: March 15 2020.
European banks are particularly hard hit by the coronavirus/oil crash pressures. Although more robust than in 2008 or 2012 their shares are now trading at the lowest level since the 1990s – and are worth 0.4 times their net assets, half of the 0.8 ratio for the top six US banks.
The Euro Stoxx 50 Index, 26 February 1998, has a disastrous-setback Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn now; and the unstable Solar Arc Saturn moving to square the Uranus within weeks/months – and both of those will be severely jolted by tr Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus from July onwards into 2021. 2021/22 look heavily stressed with tr Pluto conjunct the financial Venus; with a meltdown from tr Neptune conjunct the Mars in 2022/23.
Mediobanco, the Italian bank, 10 April 1946, is especially hard hit. It has a trapped tr Pluto opposition Mars in 2020/21; a panicky-failure Solar Arc Mars conjunct Neptune and financially restrictive Solar Arc Venus conjunct Saturn, both this year. With significant disruptions from tr Uranus conjunct Venus and square Pluto from this April on and off into 2021; with worse in 2024/25.
Credit Agricole, the French bank, 5 August 1920, is showing 2021/22/23 as even more pressured than this year.
KBC, the Belgian bank, 9 February 1935, is trapped and nerve-stretched this year and in considerable turmoil in 2022/23.
Natixis, the French investment house, 17 November 2006, follows the same pattern of a highly unsettled 2020, extending into upheavals, major shocks and panics in 2022/23.
So confirming the pattern of the original list above – knocked off course this year and not recovering for several years ahead.
Add ON 2: March 16 2020
Switzerland will not be immune from the meltdown. The Switzerland chart, 12 September 1848, 12.55 pm Bern, has an undermining tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun this year and next; with a disruptive Solar Arc Pluto opposition Uranus in 2021; moving onto a depressed and anxious tr Neptune conjunct the Switzerland Saturn in 2022/23.
The Bank of Switzerland, 20 June 1907, points to much the same timeline with 2021 to 2024 being panicked, crisis-ridden and unhelpful.
That is reflected also in the UBS and Credit Suisse charts – the latter looking especially blocked this year.