EU – unity or split: German leadership the key


The jury is still out about whether the Merkel-Macron recovery fund of half a trillion euros will: a) be enough to make a difference: and b) will fly in the face of opposition from the ‘frugal four’ of the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Denmark who have all held out against direct subsidies. Never mind the German Constitutional Court, who have already made their displeasure known – see previous post May 6. Repayment would be the responsibility of the entire bloc but it would primarily benefit the poorer south. Though not oddly enough Italy who is a net contributor and would gain nothing from agreeing and their budget chief has described it as a ‘gimmick.’  Pro-EU optimists see it as a major step toward a more unified Europe. Sceptics take the alternative view.

The timeline on the EU chart ahead: There’s a seriously-blocked Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct Pluto through 2020; with the worrisome, panicky tr Neptune square the 3rd house Saturn, around in April and returning September and early 2021, making negotiations and discussions, never mind transport and communications tricky. But what will have most impact is tr Uranus in a jolting conjunction to the 8th house financial Moon and square the forward-planning 11th house Uranus from July 4th this year running till late September and returning through the spring of 2021 and across the New Year into 2022. It then moves on to square the 5th house speculative Venus in 2022 into 2023 – so an extended period of extreme turbulence on the money front.

The previous time tr Uranus was in hard aspect to these planets was in 1998/99 when the single currency of the euro was agreed and European Central Bank was set up. So it is likely to signal a shift in financial arrangements. Uranus is usually more of a separating than a merging influence but it can also have a catalytic effect.

However tr Uranus moving through the EU 8th house of international trade until 2025 will be an erratic time economically. The global recession-bringing tr Uranus square tr Saturn in 2021 will hit those EU financial planets hard, so it will be in the eye of that particular storm. With major shocks from Solar Arc Mars square the Moon, exact in May 2021, and even more explosive setbacks in opposition to the Uranus, exact in late 2021 into early 2022. By 2023 the Solar Arc Neptune moves to undermine the EU Sun by conjunction. In 2024 tr Neptune squares the EU Midheaven and opposes the Ascendant, which will be directionless and not committed to co-operation, with close relationships sagging. That’s followed in 2025/26 by a dead-halt Solar Arc Pluto opposition the EU Moon and a disruptive square to the EU Uranus.

The key country is Germany since without it the EU boat won’t float. This June’s Cancer Solar Eclipse will oppose the Germany Saturn in Capricorn (square Mars) which intriguingly often carries a lesson about shouldering responsibility for others, though, as ever, the challenges of Eclipses are often ducked with crises forcing the issue in the months thereafter.

Even more interesting astrologically is tr Pluto moving to oppose the Germany 10th house Uranus from early 2021 to late 2022. This could indicate a radical change of direction, certainly a period of upheaval and turbulence. Previous hard aspects of transiting Pluto to the Germany Uranus heralded strong leaders taking over. In 1934 tr Pluto was conjunct the Germany Uranus as Hitler rose to power; and in 1982 as tr Pluto in Libra was in square to the Germany Uranus Helmut Kohl, described as “the greatest European leader of the second half of the 20th century”, took over as Chancellor. He was committed to European integration, French–German cooperation and was a steadfast ally of the USA. He oversaw the end of the Cold War, the reunification of Germany and with François Mitterrand, was the architect of the Maastricht Treaty.

The above could argue for a more integration-friendly Germany but the anti-bailout right-wing opposition and the constitutional court would be an enormous hurdle to overcome – and times have changed.

All of the principal EU countries and not just the ‘frugal four’ look in turmoil vis a vis the EU’s direction right through till the middle of this decade as tr Neptune in last decan Pisces and tr Uranus moving through Taurus undermine and rattle all of the composite charts.

Mind you that includes the EU/UK relationship chart as well and with a Tory Government in place I can’t imagine that Brexit won’t move ahead, given that staying would double the contribution with no obvious benefit.

The Maastricht Treaty chart, 1 November 1993, a symbol for further EU integration, has Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct the Mars Pluto and opposition the Moon – perhaps an indication of the present push for further unity. But there’ll be hitches and glitches from tr Uranus opposition the Sun later this month and on and off into 2021; with cataclysmic changes coming in 2023/24 as tr Uranus is conjunct the Moon and opposition Mars Pluto and square Saturn. That last set of Uranian firecrackers coincides with grinding changes, mountainous obstacles and serious disturbance on the EU chart itself.

There won’t be anything straightforward or clear cut about what lies ahead in an extremely stormy few years.

Anne Glenn – triumphing over an afflicted Mercury


Anne Glenn has died at 100, the widow of the astronaut and fighter pilot John Glenn who was the first American to orbit the earth in 1962. She was his childhood sweetheart and suffered from the most severe level of stuttering which prevented her communicating until she took a course in her mid-fifties which cured her. In later years, during her husband’s four stint term as Senator, she campaigned tirelessly for those with speech disorders.

Born 17 February 1920 in Columbus, Ohio, no birth time, she was a Sun Aquarius with her Mercury in Pisces conjunct Uranus and opposition Saturn in Virgo and trine Pluto and Mars in Scorpio. So she had an overloaded and frustrated Water Grand Trine of Sun Mercury Uranus trine Mars trine Pluto formed into a Kite by the Saturn opposition.

Ebertin describes Saturn Mercury as leading sometimes to ‘defective speech’ and a blocking of the functional relationship of the nervous system to the organs of speech and hearing. Mercury Pluto can also lead to nervous irritation as does Mercury Mars.

When she was finally able to leave her stutter behind in 1973 tr Pluto was in a successful and confidence-boosting conjunction to her Solar Arc Jupiter; and tr Uranus was in a life-changing opposition to her Solar Arc Sun and Uranus. Tr Neptune was also square her Saturn and Mercury for a healing event which must also have felt quite disorienting after half a century.

Her husband John, 18 July 1921 4pm Cambridge, Ohio, had a powerful, intense, secretive and influential chart with an 8th house Cancer Sun conjunct Mars and Mercury Pluto also in the 8th – not that easy a personality despite his charmingly light-hearted 7th house Venus in Gemini. There are shades of JFK with that hefty 8th house which would make him courageous and attracted to high-risk situation.

Glenn had Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Virgo, sitting on his midheaven which would make him a good organiser and lucky. His adventurous and outspoken Uranus in the 3rd was opposition Jupiter and trine Pluto Mercury. His domestic and emotional life wouldn’t be too straightforward with his Capricorn Moon opposing Pluto, Mercury and Mars – that’s quite a psychological legacy which wouldn’t always make for a comfortable family life. Though he’d soak a good deal of it up in his war years, as an astronaut and later a senator. And those were different days with different kinds of marriages.

It wasn’t an intuitively obvious match with her Aquarius Sun and his Cancer Sun though her three Pisces planets and Mars in Scorpio would provide some cross over with his water planets. Their relationship chart did suggest a rather one-sided relationship where one partner had to sacrifice a good deal to make it work. There was a composite Mars Saturn suggesting a fair amount of work and duty/discipline. Though her disability must have also added an additional strain in the early years.

But for all that it’s reasonably well-knit together relationship chart, despite having stress and strains, with the composite Uranus opposition Saturn providing a platform for a Half Grand Sextile in trine/sextile to the Sun Mercury and Pluto. The composite Sun was also square Neptune for idealism if not realism – though I’d imagine there were disappointments along the way. Plus the composite Venus squares Pluto for passion and attraction. The Sun was also opposition the North Node tying them as a couple into the zeitgeist.

He had no Fixed planets while she had a Fixed Sun, Jupiter, Neptune Mars and maybe Moon, so she’d be the one with staying power.

When he had his five hours in space in 1962 tr Uranus was conjunct his Solar Arc Mars for a high-risk, adrenaline-pumping experience with his Solar Arc Jupiter in a successful square to his Sun; and a game-changing tr Pluto opposition his Uranus, sending his life off in a different trajectory thereafter. He became friendly with the Kennedys who suggested he go into politics and after a stint in business he did win a Senate seat in 1974, the first of four re-elections. He retired in 1999 and died aged 95.

Ho Chi Minh – an enduring legacy


Ho Chi Minh, the North Vietnamese Marxist-Leninist President, is regarded as a historically important and influential 20th Century figure, inspiring other leaders in Africa, Latin America and Asia. He led his country’s independence movement in successful conflicts against the French and then the USA, though he died before unification with the south came after the Vietnam War. His birth data is suspect but best guesses appear to be 19 May 1890 5am Hoang Tru, Vietnam. He was born into an educated family, travelled and lived abroad for many years in France, US, England and China if his reports are to be believed.

On this birth data he was a New Moon in Taurus square Saturn in Leo – practical, a good organiser, stubborn to the nth degree, with great perseverance. Even more significantly he had the signature Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini of his generation which in his case was in a ruthless opposition to Mars.

Mao Tse Tung had a Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini as did Hitler. Stalin had Neptune and Pluto both in Taurus (though not conjunct). Neptune gives vision, idealism and strong ideology while Pluto backs it up with a power-push.

Lenin and Marx were both Sun Taurus, Marx with a New Moon in Taurus and Neptune square Pluto. Both Mao and Stalin were Sun Capricorns which is a key dictators’ sign. Pol Pot, the barbarous revolutionary Marxist-Leninist of Cambodia was Sun Taurus  with his Sun Uranus trine Pluto and sextile Neptune. Capricorn and Taurus are definitely the heavyweight signs.

On this chart Ho Chi Minh had Jupiter in Aquarius on his Midheaven. Given that Marx was a New Moon in Taurus, one might suspect this birthdate was brewed up to fit.

After his death a personality cult has been nurtured by later governments to preserve a perfect image of the ‘father of the revolution.’

India & Pakistan – heading for an incendiary Eclipse


India and Pakistan appear to have missed the worst of the first wave of coronavirus though the lockdown and general global recession will affect them. India is also facing a potentially devastating and destructive super-cyclone due to reach the east coast by tomorrow. And Pakistan PM Imran Khan, in a face-saving gesture to root out corruption, is embroiled in a power struggle with the sugar barons who claim they won him his election victory as well as the military who sidelined him over his indecisive response to a lockdown. Experts warn of the danger to western security interests in the region if he falls and the (just as corrupt) military take over the nuclear-armed country.

What’s of note astrologically that the India and Pakistan independence charts from the 1947 Partition both have Mars at zero degrees Cancer which will be exactly conjunct the June Cancer Solar Eclipse. Mars on an Eclipse is argumentative and then some, bringing surges of anger, sometimes bringing a feeling of a collision as well as a confrontation . In the case of India since their Mars is in their 2nd house the consequences may be mainly financial. For Pakistan with Mars conjunct their Midheaven it’s more likely to be a crisis affecting the country’s direction.

Both charts are obviously similar but with Pakistan claiming freedom at 9.30am the day before the axis of the chart is different. But both will catch the turbulent tr Uranus square tr Saturn in hard aspect to their Pluto Saturn and financial Venus in 2021 which will be a tough and jolting phase economically.

Narendra Modi’s Term from 30 May 2019 7.04pm Delhi, has a lacklustre, over-hopeful and confused Mercury opposition Jupiter square Neptune which is catching tr Neptune hard aspects through this year into next which doesn’t suggest they’ll be exactly on top of problems.

The Reserve Bank of India chart, 1 April 1935, looks shell-shocked exactly now because of the economic hit with Solar Arc Mars square the Sun. There’ll be more confidence after mid this year for a few months. But 2021 will be economically challenging with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on the financial Venus in Taurus; and 2022 will be much worse with a dead-halt Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Mars and a disruptive Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Pluto.

Imran Khan’s Government, 18 August 2018 10.15 am Islamabad, will be facing a setback over coming months as the June Eclipse opposes the Saturn in Capricorn, which will bring chickens home to roost, serious challenges and a need for a revision of policies.

The Bank of Pakistan, 1 July 1948, will be slipping and sliding in 2021/22 witha panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition the Mars and in a bubble-bursting and confidence-denting square to the Jupiter – and tr Neptune will hang around for another three years thereafter. So not an easy financial run.

Pope John Paul 11 – a force for good but flawed

Pope John Paul 11, born 100 years ago today, is regarded as one of the ‘greats’ for helping to end Communist rule in his native Poland and eventually the rest of Europe, and significantly improving the Catholic Church’s relations with Judaism, Islam, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. But a Polish documentary on child abuse by Catholic clerics has put a damper on the centenary celebrations in his home country. The documentary maker has made waves with two films on the subject so far, seen millions of times on YouTube and says he will release a third on the “role of John Paul II in the dissimulation of crimes committed by priests”.  Although mouthing the right sentiments he was heavily criticised for discontinuing investigations into Marcial Maciel of the Legion of Christ, a major fundraiser for the Vatican, who was removed later after JP’s death for widespread abuse.

Pope John Paul 11 was generally regarded as conservative on abortion, contraception, the ordination of women and celibate clergy.

He was born 18 May 1920 5.30 pm Wadowice, Poland, started to study for the priesthood during World War 11 in an underground seminary and was involved in the escape of Polish Jews from the Nazis. His mother died in 1929, his father in 1941 and an older brother was also gone – all by the time he was twenty.

He had an intense, deeply buried and enduring and stubborn 8th house Taurus Sun conjunct a Gemini Moon. With his Moon on the focal point of a T Square to an autocratic Saturn in Virgo opposition Uranus, making him well-suited to a public life but not always practising what he preached. He had an ethereal, compassionate and optimistic Jupiter Neptune in Leo conjunct his Midheaven square a 7th house Venus in earthy Taurus. He could turn on the charm when needed; but he also had a dogmatic Pluto in the 9th so would dig his heels in when it came to discussions.

His Mars in Libra in the 12th was unaspected which would make him single-minded, uncompromising, driven to constant activity. Tierney remarks of an unaspected Mars that negative manifestations are likely to be unconscious – and given that he had two serious accidents during the war years and a near-terminal assassination attempt it may be his Mars drew ‘collisions’ towards him.

When he was shot in 1981 tr Pluto was exactly conjunct his Mars which is a classic high-risk influence. Tr Uranus was retrograding in opposition to his Sun; tr Saturn was square his Solar Arc Midheaven and Solar Arc was approaching the square to his Midheaven – a perfect storm of difficult aspects.

His Election chart did have a volatile and explosive Mars Uranus in the 7th and tr Pluto was exactly conjunct the Libra Sun when he was shot. That chart has Saturn in the 5th house of children, perhaps a hint from the start of an overly-rigid attitude towards the subject of child abuse.

His chart did fit well with the Vatican since his Sun was conjunct the Vatican Jupiter and Midheaven; with his Gemini Moon chiming with the Vatican New Moon in Gemini. The relationship chart had a composite New Moon suggesting a complementary relationship – more whole when together – with a ‘power-couple’ Jupiter Pluto conjunction.

The faithful may regard him as the greatest and he undoubtedly made a difference for the better in many areas – but history will point out his flaws and his rigidity on progressive reforms and child protection.

Israel – more of the same but worse

Israel has sworn in a unity government under the revolving leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz which is likely to oversee the annexation of large parts of the West Bank. It’s also likely to defer indefinitely any potential sentence for corruption charges against Netanyahu.

Trump/Kushner’s ‘vision for peace’ for Palestine, described as Monty Python-ish, which envisaged Israel taking full military control over Palestinians, grabbing much of their land and all of Jerusalem and Israeli settlements was comprehensively rejected by the Palestinians who in return had been offered the option of economic incentives, land swaps and the prospect of some form of self-rule, but with significant caveats. Speaking at the Knesset yesterday ahead of being sworn in, Netanyahu called it “another glorious chapter in the history of Zionism”.

King Abdullah II of Jordan has indicated extreme concern about the proposal and some believe it could lead to a cancellation of the Jordan-Israel peace treaty which has kept Israel safe on its eastern border. Jordan hosts millions of Palestinian refugees and would face internal disruption from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Mike Pompeo reinforced Trump’s wishes on his visit to Israel last week. The EU is preparing for the possibility that joint projects with Israel will be suspended in response to moves toward unilateral annexation.

Israel just past another birthday is moving into a longish phase of domestic mutiny with tr Pluto moving into its 4th house for many years ahead; with tr Saturn leading the way for the first two years of that stretch. This year’s Solar Eclipses will trigger the national chart with the June Cancer Eclipse in an emotionally upsetting conjunction with the Israeli Venus; and the December Eclipse conjunct the Jupiter and opposition Uranus which could lead to an over-optimistic gamble.

The way ahead for several years until tr Uranus exits Taurus in 2026 will be exceptionally turbulent. First tr Saturn Jupiter will oppose the 10th house Moon in early 2021, and even more disruptive and unsettling economically the tr Saturn square tr Uranus will hard aspect the 10th house Pluto through 2021 as well into 2022. Tr Uranus then forms a jolting square to the Saturn and is conjunct the 8th house Sun in 2022/23, before moving to make a volatile explosive and insecure square to the Israel Mars in 2024/25. Along the way tr Neptune squaring the risk-taking and opportunistic Israel Jupiter opposition Uranus in 2022 to 2024 will lower confidence and diminish luck.

Both the Gaza and Palestine declaration charts have a congregation of Fixed planets that will also be jolted through these years. The relationship with Jordan does look uncertain exactly now; with a complete turnaround in 2021 which could be a break in diplomatic relations – and unrest rolls on for several years after that.

The government Swearing In took place yesterday around 2pm which gives a limp Moon Neptune in Pisces square Venus; with a confident, controlling and unyielding Sun (conjunct Algol) trine Pluto Jupiter and Saturn; plus an autocratic and financially erratic Uranus square Saturn. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction oppose the Fixed Star Procyon which sits on the Israel national chart’s Midheaven and is associated with rises to great fame/success and just as sudden falls. Both the Israel Sun and this chart’s Sun are conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol.

Netanyahu himself despite having tr Saturn moving through a low-profile, less successful 1st quadrant has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter in 2020/21 so giving him undeserved luck to prop him up. But for all that he has tr Neptune opposing his Midheaven in 2021 which won’t do much for his progress.

Sigh. Plus ca change.The Saturn Pluto autocracy is alive and kicking the underdog.

Brexit – a dead parrot or a glorious leap

From here to eternity had nothing on the endless Brexit negotiations which have stuttered and stumbled, slithered and shambled well beyond the public’s tolerance levels or attention span. Does anyone care anymore? If the referendum were held tomorrow with the looming CV-19 economic hit would the vote flit to a no? Not that the EU is exactly in an enticing financial state itself.

Negotiations between Michel Barnier and UK civil servant David Frost appear to be deadlocked and getting tetchy which is normal except that time is running very short with decisions required a) by June and b) certainly by October. The charts of neither look cheerful ahead. Barnier born 9 January 1951 4.40pm La Tranche, France, a Sun Capricorn square Neptune with an immoveable 8th house Moon Mars in Aquarius opposition Pluto, has tr Neptune moving across his Midheaven this year into his 10th and squaring two of his key career midpoints till late February 2021.

David Frost, 21 February 1965, is a Sun Saturn Mercury in Pisces with Uranus Pluto Mars spread through Virgo – so a typical Boris scattergun type. He also has Jupiter in Taurus in an (over hopeful) opposition to Neptune (Moon) square Venus in Aquarius – charming and can be stubborn but no match I’d reckon for Barnier’s Mars opposition Pluto. He’s looking just as downcast at the moment and into early 2021. His midpoints are picking up the stuck, undermining tr Neptune opposition to his Mars/Pluto midpoint exactly now and Mars/Uranus later in the year into 2021; as well as the failed-plans tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune on and off till later this year.

Gove and Boris are suggesting Brexit is all-systems-go and if the EU aren’t savvy enough to bend to UK terms then it’ll be a bungee jump off the Brexit cliff without any clear indication what elastic there’ll be to keep things afloat. Though it seems clear there will be broken promises about a Northern Ireland customs border which are being obfuscated by No 10 at the moment.

None of the charts are remotely illuminating about what comes next. This June’s Cancer Solar Eclipse will conjunct the Cancer Moon of the Boris Government chart and oppose the Jupiter which might suggest a shock which blows a hole in the laid-back, it-all-be-fine optimistic attitude. The December Sagittarius Eclipse will conjunct the Government Sun as well as oppose Boris’s Sun Venus – so it will be a game changing moment. Though in which direction isn’t clear.

From a previous post on Eclipses:

The 21st June 2020 Solar Eclipse at zero degrees Cancer is associated with difficulties, restrictions, inhibitions, separations and illusions. Bernadette Brady remarks in The Eagle and the Lark that this eclipse brings blocks and ’the individual is prone to misjudging his or her strength and is best advised to wait before taking any real action.’ It was around previously in 2002, 1984, 1966, 1948, 1930 and 1912.

The 14th December 2020 23 degree Sagittarius Solar Eclipse casting its shadow over the following months is strongly emotional about relationships or money, can involve lust and anger. There is a sense of fatedness and individuals feel they are caught up in situations or relationships beyond their control. This will bring acute frustrations and the advice is to avoid rash actions. It was around before in 2002, 1984, 1966, 1948, 1930, 1912.

The EU/UK composite chart isn’t too descriptive either except that the June Eclipse will conjunct the Midheaven suggesting a good going dilemma in terms of joint direction.

The June Eclipse will also be conjunct the Sun of the 24 June 2016 referendum vote, but whether that indicates progress or upset, I’ve no idea. Mind you that chart has a head-in-the-clouds Jupiter North Node in Virgo opposition Neptune square Saturn opposition Mercury in Gemini, which suggests instability, inability to focus and all the windmill-in-a-storm characteristics of a Mutable Grand Cross; in addition to an unpredictable and constantly changing Uranus square Pluto. For a definitive decision it’s a very wobbly chart.

31 December 2020 which is when the government stoutly insist the UK leaves come hell or high water there’s a high-tension, thoroughly bad-tempered Mars square Pluto; plus a volatile Moon opposition Saturn Jupiter square Uranus (Mars); and a mushy Venus opposition Node square Neptune.

I’m completely flummoxed so anyone else who’d like to pitch in do feel free.

None of the main players – Boris, Gove or Dominic Cummings look upbeat in 2021, quite the reverse – all bogged down in a disappointing swamp and paralysed. I reckon most people had become resigned to it happening whether they voted for it or not, but the timing couldn’t be worse, putting an additional strain on an already fractured economy.

Mary-Kate Olsen & Oliver Sarkozy – a dream that died


A panic court application for fashion designer and former child actress Mary-Kate Olsen to speed through her divorce  from banker Oliver Sarkozy has failed. He has evidently ended the lease on their Manhattan apartment without informing her and she can’t get her possessions out before the closing day because of the lockdown. Sounds just like a banker but difficult to rouse much sympathy for the problems of the one-percenters.

They are remarkably similar astro-types – both Sun Gemini, both Virgo Moon and both Leo Ascendant – so much of a muchness in temperament.

She was born 13 June 1986 9.45 am Van Nuys, California, started acting as a baby along with her twin sister Ashley, and ultimately moved into the fashion business. She’s been a billionairess since her twenties. She was close friends with Heath Ledger.

She’s a freedom-loving Gemini Sun opposition Uranus; with an enthusiastic Venus in Cancer opposition Mars in ambitious Capricorn trine/saxtile a lucky-with-money Jupiter in the 8th. Venus in Cancer is ideal for the creative fashion business and Venus trine Jupiter suits the frivolous, superficiality of it all.

Oliver Sarkozy was born 28 May 1969 10.05 am Boulogne Billancourt, France, brought up mainly abroad, the half brother of former French president Nicholas Sarkozy, has worked in top level finance in Europe and New York and been previously married for 14 years with two children.

He’s a Sun Gemini trine Uranus with a powerhouse collection of Pluto, Jupiter, Moon in Virgo in his financial 2nd house; with an executive-ability Saturn in Taurus in his 10th and a charming Venus in Aries on his Midheaven.

Her chart has Pluto conjunct her IC and Saturn in the 4th square her Moon; and his has Neptune in the 4th opposition his Sun with his Moon conjunct Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto so neither had ideal childhoods or settled emotional lives.

Money would be a factor in their relationship with his Pluto Jupiter Moon and Uranus falling in her 2nd and her Jupiter falling in his 8th.  And according to reports what split them was her insistence on keeping up a heavy business schedule.

Their relationship chart is ambitious and soused with Neptunian illusions with a composite Sun Venus opposition Neptune trine Pluto square Moon; with a heavy-duty Grand Trine of Pluto trine Saturn trine Sun, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Neptune – so it was always built on shifting sands and a mirage.

Their wedding chart, 27 November 2015 in New York, was hardly an auspicious start with Uranus in Aries opposition both Mars and Venus square Pluto; with Neptune square Sun, Saturn, Mercury – some passion, a ton of frustration and irritation and disappointments to follow.

At the moment the two major oppositions in her birth chart have collided as the Solar Arc Sun opposition Uranus sits squarely on her Mars opposition Venus, which would provoke a life-changing moment running on for several years. Her Sun/Moon midpoint at 26 degrees Cancer is catching the tr Saturn opposition this year and the tr Pluto opposition in 2021/22. So the divorce may drag on acrimoniously. Tr Neptune is also square her Uranus now and moving to conjunct her 8th house Jupiter and square her Sun in 2021 as her business almost certainly takes a hit from the downturn. Not a happy time for her.

His Solar Arc Saturn is moving to square his 2nd house powerhouse planets with tr Neptune moving through his 8th in opposition over coming years – so he won’t be on a high either till after mid decade.

Not a realistic match.

Al Capone – America’s dark lord


Yet another Al Capone movie, this one about his post-Alcatraz descent into syphilitic dementia, hasn’t impressed the reviews. The Wall Street Journal says: “If watching a shuffling, scrofulous, incontinent and delusional gangster in terminal decline is your idea of entertainment, “Capone” is what you’ve been waiting for. The Chicago Sun Times described it as “a noxious film about a noxious man”.

America’s most famous criminal ran a Chicago empire during Prohibition, built on illegal alcohol, gambling dens, bordellos, loan shark operations, protection and extortion rackets. He had judges, politicians, journalists and policemen on his payroll. His ‘Outfit’ brought in $1.5 billion in today’s money and left hundreds of corpses in its wake. He was ultimately convicted for tax fraud and once inside was diagnosed with late stage syphilis contracted from his early days working as ‘the muscle’ for numerous brothels.

Capone, born 17 January 1899 New York 9.30am (unverified) had a see-saw chart with three oppositions – an ambitious, can-be-dictatorial Capricorn Sun in a combative opposition to Mars in final degree Cancer; an innovative, unpredictable, emotionally changeable Pluto opposition Uranus Venus in Sagittarius; and a neurotic, paranoid, creative Saturn in dogmatic Sagittarius opposition Neptune. See-saw charts are continually looking for balance and rarely finding it. It’s not (on this birth time) that brutal a chart for a man who ran an ultra-violent crime outfit, profiting from human misery and depravity.

His serial killer 18th Harmonic was strong, as was his in-the-history-books 17H; and oddly enough the victim/sacrifice 12H, which joined together a fearsome combination of Pluto Moon, Mars and Uranus, much more descriptive of his murderous lifestyle – so 12H must have an additional meaning.

His reign of terror didn’t last long – in mob-boss terms – since he was sentenced at 33 by which time his mental decline was marked. At that point his Solar Arc Neptune opposition Solar Arc Saturn was starting to oppose/conjunct his natal Sun opposition Mars. When two major chart configurations come together by Solar Arc it almost always creates a life-changing crisis – and it would be in place for the few years following when he evidently failed to make much impact in Alcatraz as his deterioration increased. Tr Neptune was starting several years of squaring his Uranus. Venus, Pluto and Saturn. With tr Pluto in Cancer aiming also to oppose his Sun and conjunct his Mars in the final phase of his 8 year incarceration which would be devastating. He died at home of a stroke just after his 48th birthday.

For a man who became such an iconic figure for the USA, it’s a puzzling chart with less substance than might be expected. Though his Capricorn Sun was exactly conjunct the USA 1776 Pluto, tying him into the country’s seamier underworld.

Tom Hardy, always attracted to violent weirdo roles, stars. Josh Trank directed, continuing on his roller coaster career path, starting with an epic high in 2012 in Chronicle, followed by the disastrous Fantastic Four which Vulture called a “confused, joyless mess”, an abysmal box office fail.  This may not be much better.