Jacinda Ardern – a cliff-climbing test of nerves ahead

Jacinda Ardern, the New Zealand PM has won a landslide victory in the general election and is projected to win a rare outright parliamentary majority. Her charisma carried her through her first term with a terrorist attack, a natural disaster and the pandemic, although she’s been criticised for not having a clear Covid-19 recovery plan. NZ is also, like elsewhere, in recession and the economy will be an uphill struggle ahead. 

  A while back the result looked as if it might be close but with her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto now she was on a winning streak. Plus tr Uranus is trine her Jupiter last month on and off throughout 2021 and into early 2022. So luck is on her side.

  Her Leo Sun sits in the NZ 10th so she’s well-designed to boost the country’s ambitions and steer its direction; with her innovative Uranus changing NZ’s image as it sits in the NZ 1st. There is a slight hint of finances being a foggy area for her with her Neptune opposition Venus falling across the NZ 2/8th houses.

 Her relationship chart with NZ is powerful with a composite lucky, progressive Sun Jupiter conjunction square Pluto and Neptune – pushily confident together, with a hint of a slightly over-done aura of compassion.

 New Zealand is in for a tough time ahead there’s no doubt with tr Uranus in 2021 conjunct the Saturn and the Descendant – jolts, jangles, economic recession not letting up and trouble with neighbours. Plus the megaton tr Pluto conjunct the Capricorn Sun picking up from late February 2021 onwards, starting three to four years of colossal challenges as tr Pluto moves on to conjunct the NZ Mars and then square the Pluto. It’ll be one of the more testing phases in NZ’s history. With some downbeat patches later this year with tr Saturn conjunct Sun, Mars and square Pluto now till the end of the year.

4 thoughts on “Jacinda Ardern – a cliff-climbing test of nerves ahead

  1. New Zealand has one of the lowest death rates 0.5 per 100,000 for the pandemic, along with the East Asia democracies. Brazil, Spain, Mexico, USA UK, Italy, Sweden have death rates of 78 to 58 per 100,000. France is 49, Canada 26, with Germany and Denmark under 12. I was surprised how bad that UK and Italy are almost as bad as Trump and Spain worse. Apparently Manchester is a hotspot due to obstinate bad behavior. Stats are from John’s Hopkins.

  2. It may have its own problems (and no one can completely escape global economics), but compared to most other countries, NZ feels like a dream, an oasis in a sea of right-wing racism and xenophobia and violence …It’s a gorgeous country as well for nature lovers.
    If it weren’t so far from family and friends I would have tried to emigrate there years ago. If Trump manages to get re-elected, maybe I should have…

  3. Considering NZ/Aotearoa’s propensity for earthquakes, maybe (in Marjorie’s words) the “tough time ahead … with tr Uranus in 2021 conjunct the Saturn and the Descendant – jolts, jangles…” and “tr Pluto conjunct the Capricorn Sun picking up from late February 2021 onwards, starting three to four years of colossal challenges as tr Pluto moves on to conjunct the NZ Mars and then square the Pluto” could mean some significant earthquakes? I’m also wondering whether, “trouble with neighbours” could mean economic bullying from China, akin to what Australia and Canada are facing?

  4. Thanks for this Marjorie – I have been wondering what things look like going forward. I suspect NZ economic recovery will be tied closely to the financial health of our global trading partners – gloomy for many.

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