A mass grave containing the remains of 215 children found at a former residential school set up to forcibly assimilate indigenous people in Canada has shone a spotlight on the ‘cultural genocide’ policies of the early government.
The Indian Act of 12 April 1876 aimed amongst other things to eliminate First Nations culture in favour of assimilation into Euro-Canadian society. Further amendments led to the establishment of compulsory boarding schools run by the government and RC Church whose aim was to separate the children of indigenous parents from their families. The children were often not allowed to speak their language or to practise their culture, and many were mistreated and abused.
The first such school was opened in 1 December 1883 at the behest of the first prime minister of Canada, John A Macdonald, who had tasked an Irish lawyer, journalist, politician Nicholas Flood Davin to make recommendations. His Report on Industrial Schools for Indians and Half-Breeds led to the creation of a network of such schools which over a hundred years incarcerated around 150,000 children. By the 1930s about 30 percent of Indigenous children were attending residential schools.
The Indian Act, 12 April 1876 Ottawa, has an innovative Aries Sun trine Uranus but is also ruthless and cruel with a Pluto Mars conjunction and Mars Venus opposition Jupiter Moon square Saturn. Mars in aspect to both Pluto and Saturn does suggest brutality.
The first Industrial school, 1 December 1883, has hardship and deprivation written all over it – with a Saturn Pluto conjunction in Gemini opposition Sun.
Nicholas Flood Davin, 13 January 1840, the architect of the scheme, was a Sun Capricorn with an unpleasantly hard-hearted Pluto trine Saturn, sextile Mars – so in tune with the Indian Act.
John A Macdonald, 10 January 1885, Glasgow, was another Sun Capricorn conjunct Mars trine Neptune and Pluto respectively with a pushily confident Jupiter square Pluto. He is credited for his key role in the formation of Canada though heavily criticised for his indigenous peoples’ policies.
My non-astro thoughts:
Outraged disbelief at the Roman Catholic Church for their reprehensible behaviour here and in Ireland and elsewhere and wishing plague and pestilence on them for their hypocrisy.
The early Canadian whites’ attitude isn’t much different from the colonialists in Africa and Australia; and in modern day with the Chinese in Tibet or with indoctrinating the Uighurs, and North Korea. It’s a fascist one-note policy – you’re one of us or you don’t exist. But that has probably been true of most, though not all, civilizations at all times. The invading force wants to put its mark on the territory it has taken over.
Colonial attitudes are coming under attack, quite rightly for their brutality in some areas. But it is too blinkered to see it all as a ‘privileged white’ issue. Superpowers have good and bad sides – Genghis Khan created his great Mongol Empire on the back of appalling genocides but practised religious tolerance when he was established. Mali in west Africa which became a centre for Islamic learning at its height in the 13th century ran on widescale slavery.
It’s too easy to beat ourselves up about historical sins from the recent past but taking a wider perspective indicates it’s as much about the human condition over millenia as anything else.
Add On: The Canada chart describes a tough-minded and adventurous national temperament. The Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto in Taurus gives grit, perseverance and endurance though isn’t awash with sentiment. Mars opposing Jupiter hints at a risk-taking mentality; and the Sun Uranus in Cancer in the 4th give a strong but rebellious sense of identity. The Sun Uranus squares Neptune on the Aries Ascendant softening the national image, wreathing it in a smokescreen of niceness.
This First Nation atrocity may turn out – as ever – to be a short-lived outrage that gets swept under the carpet after a few judicious words of apology – but two things seem pertinent in the near future. The Lunar and Solar Eclipses are rattling up the Canada Solar Arc Midheaven, Solar Arc Sun Uranus and the natal Venus in Gemini this year and the Eclipses will also impact the Saturn opposition Pluto in 2022 so there is a sense of change in the air, or at least change that will be precipitated by crisis.
At the same time tr Uranus will conjunct the Canada Pluto opposition Saturn, as indeed will tr Saturn in Aquarius, throughout 2022 which suggests a radical upheaval internally, against a fair amount of resistance and with some deprivation and hardship. Eclipses hitting the Canada Saturn in 2022 can bring chickens home to roost and exact a price for past mistakes.