What an unholy mess. A Tory MP acted as a paid advocate for private interests while serving as an MP, was censured, whereupon Boris Johnson decides to retrospectively upend the decision, fire the official finger-pointer and shift the goalposts for the future. The opposition finally woke up, shrieking blue murder and even Tory backbenchers hung their heads in shame. Twas said part of the reason behind this bullrun by the prime minister was to subvert future investigations of who paid his interior decoration bill for No 10.
Sleaze has been piling up into towering mounds through the pandemic with dodgy deals for health-related contracts, all eliciting grumbles but not gaining much traction. But this one appears to be a step too far.
The Boris Government chart 13 December 2019 11 am, was always extremely questionable with a hidden 12th house Pluto Venus Saturn – which points to dirty dealings behind the scenes. With the Solar Arc Saturn closing the aspect to exact over the next six months it is finally meeting its comeuppance. The Sagittarius Midheaven is also in line for a conjunction from this December’s Solar Eclipse, rattling up a significant crisis. The economic think tanks are also ominously totting up and exposing what the Brexit damage is likely to be.
Worth keeping an eye on.
Owen Paterson, the MP found to have broken lobbying rules has now resigned saying he wanted a life “outside the cruel world of politics”. He had blamed his wife’s suicide in 2020 on the standards investigation. Born 24 June 1956, he is a Sun Cancer conjunct Venus in Gemini trine Neptune, sextile a pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto in Leo which in turn square Saturn. Quite a go-getter. He also has Mars in Pisces square Mercury in Gemini opposition North Node in Sagittarius – some hints of Boris in there.
It is good to see the astrology working out with the (surprising) about turn occurring as the sun opposed uranus. More fun ahead in around a week or so when Mars opposes uranus followed by the eclipses.
Boris and his government has had a fair deal of goodish fortune (Jupiter trine uranus) amongst the chaos but seem incapable of learning from it, save recognising the hole they’re in and getting out as soon as possible. However the chaos is always increasing and there will be some payback but it may take time as Boris has some Jovian protection for a while but in the end he will explode with all the expansion. Uranus here playing the joker.