The Queen & Meghan – chalk and cheese + 1936 Abdication

The never-ending tragi-soap opera of Meg-Haz versus the Royals lumbers on with tit for tats growing increasingly hostile. Claims are now being made, if you believe the Daily Mail, that Kate and Camilla are being blamed from the California side for leaking tales of bullied aides.   The reality is – slashing through the undergrowth … Read more

Mariah Carey – songbird under attack

Mariah Carey, best-selling singer and actress, has come off the high that her recent successful memoir produced with the New Yorker describing it as “incisive, entertaining, and impressively well-written”, and Rolling Stone calling it an “instant classic of pop diva lit”. Then her sister and now her brother have stepped in to dispute her tales … Read more

Australia – pulling away from its macho past

Australia is catching up belatedly to cases of sexual harassment in the workplace with the political arena in the spotlight after several serious allegations, including a historical one against a cabinet minister (denied). PM Scott Morrison said: “I think we’ve got a problem in the parliament and the workplace culture that we have to work … Read more

Gina Carano – punching out on social media backfires

Gina Carano, lead actress in the sci-fi series “The Mandalorian” has been fired for her ‘abhorrent and unacceptable’ social media posts. She suggested that hating people for their political views is as bad as the persecution of the Jews by Nazis and is similar to the start of the Holocaust. Previously she mocked the wearing … Read more

Oprah – spill your soul on the sofa

America’s confessional tour-de force Oprah Winfrey, having retired in 2011 from her top-ranking (for 24 years) talk show, has recently jumped back into the arena. She’s partnered with Apple TV for The Oprah Conversation which launched in 2020 as tr Uranus squared her Aquarius Sun Venus.  To date she’s interviewed Barack Obama, Stevie Wonder, Matthew … Read more

Poland – totalitarians tightening their grip

Poland is heading towards another battle over EU values with a proposed tax on media advertising being seen as the latest in a series of steps by the ruling conservative party with strong ties to the influential Catholic Church, to curb independent journalism. Since the Law and Order Party (PiS) took office in 2015, Poland … Read more