Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell – snakes and ladders ++ McCarthy

New brooms in Washington will bring changes though with only a slender majority in the Senate perhaps not as many as the progressives would like.   Chuck Schumer, 23 November 1950 11 am (from memory) New York, is the Senate Majority leader. He’s a charming Sun Venus in Sagittarius with a few obstacles and disappointments … Read more

Boris – plagued by Brexit and now breakaways ++

Last week had definite signs of Boris’s government losing the plot altogether as it descended into panic over the new virus strain, scaremongering the electorate on the basis of unsubstantiated research. And Matt Hancock’s idiotic idea about paying people who had positive Covid reactions money that would have cost the Exchequer a sum equivalent to … Read more

Boris government – chums in the cookie jar

However much Boris Johnson distances himself from a now-disgraced but once favoured Trump, there has been an eerie syncronicity in both their fortunes since 2016.   Both are Sun Geminis, with Boris having Venus Mercury close by; both have slippery Neptune in their 2nd house of finances; and Trump has his acquisitive Jupiter in the … Read more

USA supremacists planning to ignore the vote

Behind the shocking scenes at Capitol Hill this week were several supremacist militia groups, all given the green light by Trump and treated with kid gloves by the security staff. The largest of them, the Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation with 30,000 law enforcement officers, soldiers and military veterans as members, say they will … Read more

Brexit deal – into limbo land

 “Welcome to the future, negotiations without end.” That’s one acerbic view of the Brexit deal with the text containing no fewer than 244 references to “arbitration tribunals” and a further 170 to a “partnership council” – the bodies that will decide the details and settle future disputes, hinting at further negotiations. There will be 19 … Read more

Russia, Iran and Middle East – Biden’s hotspots + UK

Russia is being fingered for the widespread cyberattack on agencies across the U.S. government, the most significant hack in years. Mike Pompeo is openly saying it was Russians while Trump, sticking to his playbook, flatly denies it and insists the culprit is China.   Joe Biden will be faced with the problem from day one, … Read more