Stephen Bannon – the Trump pressure-cooker beginning to leak steam

  Stephen Bannon, Trump’s senior strategist, is off the National Security Council which appointment had caused a furore with fears that US intelligence was being politicised. A specious excuse about baby-sitting Flynn, the former head,  was offered, though the New York Times suggested that Trump was getting unsettled by too much limelight on Bannon, seen … Read more

Preet Bahara – the ultimate enemy of the swamp ditched by Trump

  The swamp will marinade more happily now that Trump has gone against an earlier decision and fired crusading New York US Attorney Preet Bahara. Over seven years Bahara earned a reputation as one of “the nation’s most aggressive and outspoken prosecutors” of public corruption and Wall Street crime, being even-handed about Republican and Democratic … Read more

Trump’s puppet master – the Algol ploy

  Trump may be incapable of controlling his temper or curbing his pathological vengeful streak but there is some method in his madness. As one commentator remarked he is practising a pinball version of government – ‘multiple metal balls ricocheting in all directions, unleashed by an intemperate and gleeful player-in-chief, all accompanied by a non-stop … Read more

North Korea – Trump has more to worry about than domestic spats

      North Korea will be the urgent headache were President Obama’s words to Donald Trump as he exited the White House. With Kim Jong-Un now proudly proclaiming that their nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles are almost ready and fears in the USA that their defences against such an attack isn’t robust enough, tensions are … Read more