Comey firing – Trump now falling out with Justice chiefs

    Just as the Trump Admin thought it had one semi-success under its belt with step one of the repeal of Obamacare, the commander-in-chief throws a grenade in to destabilise everything by summarily ousting the FBI Director on television. Conspiracy theories are rife though the Independent this morning takes a more measured view. ‘Sheer … Read more

FBI in Trump’s firing line – Nixon, McCarthy, fascist coup d’état parallels

    Is the almost unprecedented firing of the FBI Director James Comey an act of Nixonian sabotage by Trump to halt the FBI investigation into links between his campaign and Russia? The reason given was Comey’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails, which Trump had previously praised, so it seems a feeble excuse. Especially since … Read more

Sally Yates – into the Trump Twit firing line

      Sally Yates, the former deputy attorney general, is reportedly being labelled by Donald Trump as a ‘Democratic operative’ and a possible leaker of classified info as she steps up to give evidence before a Senate subcommittee on his presidential campaign’s ties to Russia. She will give evidence about alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential … Read more

Sebastian Gorka – another Trump appointment looking precarious

    Failure of security clearance will likely see Sebastian Gorka moved from his position in the White House, where he has been serving as a deputy assistant to the President and counter-terrorism adviser to the National Security Council. Gorka, born 22 Oct 1970 in London to Hungarian parents, now a naturalised American, has raised controversy with … Read more