Trump and Bannon – a pact with the devil

      “The most dangerous political operative in America” is how the author of the recently published book The Devil’s Bargain describes Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist. “Trump wouldn’t be president if it weren’t for Bannon”. “As far as political reality goes, it’s Bannon’s movie we’re now in.” Bannon’s philosophy is apocalyptic, a world dominated … Read more

Trump administration – marooned on an island of its own creating

        Donald Trump’s admin is making slow-to-no progress on major campaign promises – repeal Obamacare to allow for tax cuts and substantial infrastructure investment to name but three – as it gets increasingly snarled up in the Russia imbroglio. Some politicians are now murmuring about Don Jnr’s Russia meeting, that cooperating with … Read more

Robert Mercer – the wealthy computer wizard behind Trump & Brexit

  Dark conspiracy theories (which may well be true) are swirling around the involvement of US hedge-funder and computer scientist, Robert Mercer, in funding and strategising Trump’s win and Brexit – the two great astonishments of 2016 – by, amongst other things, targeting voters via social media analytics. One commentator said: “Artificial Intelligence won it … Read more