Melania Trump – uneasy head for a crown

Melania Trump, the Slovenian third wife of Donald, a jewellery designer and former model, is being pulled out of obscurity to platform as a possible First Lady. Born 26 April 1970, she’s a downbeat, tightly controlled Sun Saturn in Taurus trine a Capricorn Moon with her Sun opposition Jupiter; with Venus in late Taurus conjunct … Read more

Jeffrey Archer – lucky in money and love

Yet another Jeffrey Archer pot-boiler (= extremely successful) thriller has appeared – Cometh the Hour. To date he’s sold 330 million worldwide during a life which has been jampacked with more incident and scandal than many novels – bankruptcy, a libel trial involving a prostitute, a perjury trial resulting in four years imprisonment. Throughout, his … Read more

Harper Lee – a success she never wanted

Harper Lee, author of Kill the Mockingbird, has died just a few months after her only other novel, a prequel – Go Set A Watchman – was discovered and published. Mockingbird brought her a Pulitzer and stratospheric success to which she responded by retiring into obscurity and never writing another. Almost as if the success … Read more

Upcoming Eclipses in Pisces and Libra

This will go into its own section at some point for future reference. TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE: March 9 2016 at 19 degrees Pisces IN Saros Cycle 18 South. LUNAR ECLIPSE: March 23 2016 at 3 degrees Libra. This Solar Eclipse (New Moon) is opposition Jupiter North Node in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn square … Read more

Richard Dawkins – tough astrology

Richard Dawkins, the scientist, pro-atheist and anti-astrology pontificator, has suffered a minor stroke, causing cancellation of a speaking tour. Born 25 March 1941, he’s a Sun Aries trine Pluto; with a heavyweight Jupiter Saturn in Taurus. His Uranus also in Taurus is in an Earth Grand Trine to Neptune and Mars in Capricorn, formed into … Read more