Merrick Garland – Supreme Court choice a political football

Merrick Garland, a centrist judge with an impeccable legal reputation and known as bi-partisan has been nominated by Barack Obama as his Supreme Court choice to replace the recently deceased Antonin Scalia. The Republicans are threatening political mayhem in a bid to stall any choice until after the election. And confirmations can in any event … Read more

Todd Palin – a speed-freak Virgo

Todd Palin, husband of Sarah is in intensive care after extensive surgery for injuries sustained during a snowmobile crash. According to reports he has multiple broken and fractured ribs, a broken shoulder blade and clavicle, a collapsed lung and knee and leg injuries. Some years ago he was thrown 70 feet from his snowmobile, got … Read more

Anita Brookner – fulfilment through writing

Anita Brookner, the Booker-winning novelist of Hotel du Lac amongst many others has died. She wrote stories about women who lived lives of excruciating loneliness which clearly mirrored her own. Born 16 July 1928 in England into a family of Polish Jewish emigres, she describes growing up with parents ‘who should never had children’ and … Read more

Pat Conroy – exorcising his demons in fiction

Novelist Pat Conroy, who turned a traumatic childhood into a series of critically acclaimed books, has died. The Prince of Tides and The Great Santini were turned into films. His father was a Marine Corps fighter pilot, whose hobby, as Conroy said, was hitting his kids. ‘I grew up thinking my dad might kill me.” … Read more

RayTomlinson – a game changer

Ray Tomlinson, who invented email and put the @ symbol on the map, has died. Born 23 May 1941, he was ‘fooling around’ when he first sent an email to a neighbouring computer forty five years ago and changed the way the world communicates. He had a lucky, inspired Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus which … Read more

Madonna – not for letting go

Madonna isn’t giving in over the custody fight for her son Rocco, son of Guy Ritchie. He’s now 15 and has opted to live with his father, having been previously with her in New York and on tour. Born 16 August 1958 either 7.05 am or pm, Bay City, Michigan, she has a Leo Sun … Read more

Charles de Gaulle – war leaders’ Neptune Pluto and Mars Jupiter

Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French resistance in World War 11 and a dominant President in the years following, dialogues with Philippe Petain, Nazi-collaborator and head of the Vichy Government, later tried for treason, in a new London play. The Patriotic Traitor. What is fascinating is De Gaulle’s chart, 22 Nov 1890 4am … Read more