US Midterm Elections 2018 – stressed and unpleasant

Looking ahead to the US Midterm elections on 6 Nov 2018 which would be the Democratic hope for a shift in the balance of power, it looks more hopeful for the senior Republicans. What follows is mainly without birth times and some like Nancy Pelosi, now 76, may bow out.

There is certainly a shift in the planetary signs with tr Uranus just into Taurus, Saturn in early Capricorn and Jupiter poised to enter Sagittarius. That could suggest change but Saturn heading to conjunct Pluto in the highly conservative sign of Capricorn would suggest otherwise.  Around the election it’ll be high tension, fanatical, perhaps even violent with an ugly mood around according to the midpoints.

Mitch McConnell, Majority Senate leader (R-KY), 20 Feb 1942, hasn’t much over the election itself but is in a gung ho, revitalised mood from mid Jan 2019 onwards with tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter for two years

Paul Ryan, the Speaker, 29 Jan 1970 2.37 am Janesville, WI, has a brilliantly successful tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint in Nov 2018, plus a couple of more minor tr Saturn downers, so not everything he hoped for, but he’ll be on a high. With tr Jupiter about to cross his Ascendant.

Chuck Schumer, 23 Nov 1950, Senate Minority leader, looks seriously jangled with tr Uranus opposition his discouraged Sun/Saturn midpoint; feeling restricted also from tr Pluto trine his Sun/Uranus.

Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of House of Representatives, 26 March 1940, has an agitated, unsettling tr Uranus conjunct her Sun/Mars; a depressed tr Pluto square Sun/Saturn immediately before; and a tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Node – so really down, with one up.

Barack Obama, no doubt watching anxiously from the sidelines, does have a lucky/relief tr Uranus square his Jupiter at the election; but also a devastating and catastrophic feeling through Jan 2019.

Given the present state of play a good deal of water will have flowed under the bridge by that time and the situation out in the world, never mind in the White House, could be radically different. If there are major economic pressures or a war-situation, then voters tend to opt for continuity.

9 thoughts on “US Midterm Elections 2018 – stressed and unpleasant

  1. When the Trump/Ryan repeal/replace bill eventually goes belly up, it will fall on Ryan who may have a revolt by the Freedom Caucus. If Ryan leaves, he’ll land on his feet at K Street. I think that’s part of the “not everything he hoped for but being on a high” thing.

  2. Solaia’s point about gerrymandering is spot on, especially in the Southern states, where (Republican) line-drawers have created districts that are virtually all white-majority and conservative-dominant; it would be virtually impossible for Democrats to take the House in 2018. The best hope may be a close result, as the House Republicans are not always in lock-step. Am wondering what impact the health plan debacle will play in the 2018 race, and whether the timing of yesterday’s public introduction of the bill might yield any insights.

  3. And oh, Paul Ryan. He is the 3rd in line for Presidency in case Trump and Pence are impeached or have to resign. And he has one of the luckiest Natal Charts I’ve seen for a politician, for a while. Somehow, Bill Clinton comes in mind. The chart isn’t without tension, but Sun conjunct Venus and 12th house Jupiter alone are blessings for any person. 0′ Sadgittarius Rising, also a happy-go-lucky thing to have, with that Neptune conjunct making him capable of projecting any image he likes – Bill Clinton, another “lucky” politician, has this too, in Libra joined by that Mars that puts him in trouble, but not for long time (Ryan’s Mars is in Aries, trining that, so even better).

    So, if he is having some truly spectacular transits in 2018/19, I wouldn’t put it past him getting even a more prominant role in politics.

  4. There are also those 11th house / 8 th house squares on Trump’s Administration Chart, especially 11th house Venus square 8th Saturn that I have hard time explaining if the Congress stays in hands of Republicans for the whole term.

    Regarding Obama, his chosen platform seems to be fighting “gerrymandering”, which is the practise of elected representatives changing electoral district lines in a way to keep them in office when socioeconomic factors change especially in more urban areas. Interestingly, that’s also Arnold Schwartzenegger’s platform, besides green energy. Could this mean Democrats win enough Districts in enough States to push his plan in motion, but they still run into trouble in January?

  5. “A devastating and catastrophic feeling for Obama”? Could you elaborate on this or possibly see what might come from Trump’s latest accusations that Obama wiretapped him? Reports from those close to Obama allegedly say that Obama is irked by these accusations, and law-savvy people say that these accusations could be ground for a libel lawsuit since Trump directly mentioned Obama rather than his administration.

  6. Just wait until the 2020 elections, when Mars will be spending a good portion of the year retrograding in Aries. It will be square tr. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn at various points in the year. These planets will be also putting pressure on the USA’s cardinal planets. Expect an extra difficult, tumultuous campaign.

    • Also, since we already can assume 2021 Inauguration takes place Midday, we can draw a pretty accurate event chart for that. It isn’t pretty, with a 29′ Aries Moon and 6′ Mars/Uranus in 12nd house of hidden enemies, obstacles, selfundoing, squaring 26′ (conjunct US 27′ Natal) MC in Capricorn and obviously 0′ Aquarius Sun. Much more serious chart than the current current one, which, at least, has offered priceless material for comedians.

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