Helen Bailey – dying for love



Best-selling author of teenage novels Helen Bailey died in tragic and horrific circumstances, calculatingly killed by her fiancé. She had already suffered an shattering loss when her previous husband was drowned in Barbados; wrote her way out of her grief with a book called When Bad Things Happen in Good Bikinis; and thought she’d found happiness again with IT expert Ian Stewart, a widower with two children. He secretly doped her for months with sleeping pills; then smothered her and dumped her body in a cess pit under the house they had bought together. She was reported as missing in April last year with her pet daschund, whose body was found beside her, and for three months Stewart ciphoned money out of her account. He’s now been found guilty of her murder.

Born 22 August 1964 she was a last degree Leo Sun square Jupiter in Taurus and opposition Saturn in Pisces so she would have problems with finding balance, being up and down, and low in self-esteem at times. She had an emotional and passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Cancer trine Neptune in Scorpio, sextile Uranus Pluto Mercury in Virgo – so creative, slightly chaotic, highly strung. Her Moon was in Aquarius, perhaps opposition her Sun, so never quite sure what she wanted.

Her Mars Venus were square her Neptune/Pluto and Uranus/Neptune midpoints – certainly good in fantasy-land and fiction, less so in reality. And with her Neptune square her Mars/Pluto and Venus/Pluto probably didn’t have a strong sense of danger or good judgement about romantic attachments.

Tr Pluto was opposition her Venus and Mars when she thought she’d found true love again. Around the time of her death tr Saturn was just finishing the square to her Virgo planets; and tr Uranus was opposition her Solar Arc Sun and conjunct her Solar Arc Saturn, so maybe she was starting to have an inkling that all wasn’t as rosy as she’d hoped.

The police are now re-investigating the death of Stewart’s first wife which was signed off as natural causes from an epileptic fit, when only he was present.

What a sad and brutal story; and all for greed since she changed her will in his favour leaving her £4 million estate to him.

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