Bill Paxton – Mars Pluto loss



Actor Bill Paxton, best known for his role in the sci-fi classic Aliens, The Terminator, Apollo 13, True Lies, Titanic and the TV mini-series Hatfields and McCoys, has died aged 61 of a post-surgical stroke after a heart operation.

Born 17 May 1955 in Fort Worth Texas, he was a Sun Taurus square Pluto in Leo with Pluto square Saturn in Scorpio, so quite a heavy-duty, bleak chart. To balance up the difficulties, he had Venus in upfront Aries opposition Neptune square a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Cancer. His Moon possibly in Pisces may have been on the focal point of a Mutable T Square to Mars in Gemini opposition his North Node – an accentuated Moon often appears in the charts of those who appreciate a wide audience.

Tr Saturn had been opposition his Mars just before his operation, with three undermining Neptune transits to midpoints; and tr Saturn was exactly conjunct his North Node when he died; and may at some point been square his Moon – so discouraging and energy-lowering. Plus more significantly he had his Solar Arc Mars within a degree of a conjunction to his Pluto, which suggests a major blockage. Oddly enough his Solar Arc Sun was conjunct his Jupiter which should have given him a confidence boost. But clearly not enough.

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