Tamara Mellon – money and unhappiness

Tamara Mellon, co-founder of Jimmy Choo shoes and style queeen of New York always sounded like one of these women who had it all, at least in material terms. The shoe connection sold out for mega-millions and although her most recent fashion business filed for bankruptcy with board/court room battles, she hasn’t been left short … Read more

Albert Einstein – resting happy

The first direct detection of gravitational waves is being hailed as ‘one of the most remarkable scientific breakthroughs of our time’ and proof of a prediction made by Albert Einstein a century ago. My knowledge of cosmic physics amounts to zero but the science community is abuzz with talk of astronomy and other fields of … Read more

Benjamin Millepied – a pumped up Saturn in Leo

Benjamin Millepied, husband of actress and dancer Natalie Portman, and choreographer for the ballet film Black Swan, is leaving the prestigious Opera de Paris after only fifteen months as dance director. He recently criticised the company for being hierarchical and resistant to change, and said he wanted away from administration back to being more creative. Born … Read more

Ted Cruz – stamina for the long haul

Ted Cruz, the junior Republican senator for Texas, a former lawyer and Tea Party favourite, though not popular amongst mainstream party members, beat Trump and Rubio in the Iowa caucuses, the first Hispanic ever to win there. Born 22 December 1970 in Calgary, Canada, he has a zero degree Capricorn Sun square Pluto in last … Read more

Eiffel Tower – the heart of France

The Eiffel Tower, one of the world’s greatest iconic structures and instantly recognisable symbol for Paris, was set under way on 28 January 1887 when the foundations were dug. That gives a powerful Mars in Aquarius opposition a leadership Leo North Node square Neptune in Taurus and Pluto in early Gemini. That T square sits … Read more

Shackleton, Amundsen, Falcon Scott – Endurance

Ernest Shackleton, the polar explorer, who inspired Henry Worsley to make his nearly-successful walk across Antarctica (see post below), was born 15 February 1874 5am Kildare, Ireland. On his third polar expedition his ship Endurance became trapped in pack ice and was slowly crushed before the shore parties could be landed. Shackleton took four men … Read more

Donald Trump – making ladies mad

Donald Trump continues to soar in the polls, which might make one question the value of democracy. Nothing he says or does appears to dent his popularity. He’s been slating Hillary’s personal life saying he has no secrets. Cue a documentary out tonight in the UK – The Mad World of Donald – which, amongst … Read more