Prince – Mars Yod meets Uranus T Square

Another day, another celebrity dies. Quite a year with the illness-prone Saturn square Neptune around. In the past it has accompanied epidemics but it also leads to heightened worries, paranoid thoughts, an undermining of certainties as Neptune dissolves Saturn’s grip on reality. Prince, the eccentric and talented singer, who sold 100 million records, has died … Read more

Canada – First Nation suicides undermining reputation

An epidemic of suicides has swept through a small  sub-arctic Indian reserve in Canada recently, bringing calls for First Nation deprivations to be addressed. Canada’s record is no better than Australia or the USA where indigenous peoples are concerned. Indeed no country is without a guilty past where mistreatment by invading/ruling powers are concerned. According … Read more

David Cameron – grappling with a family legacy

David Cameron’s bad week will run on right through till the beginning of June with tr Neptune square his Mars/Saturn midpoint. Ebertin describes it as: “Insufficient power to tackle obstacles, weakening power, self-torment, a grievous loss.” His embarrassment at the publicity surrounding his father’s involvement in an off-shore fund couldn’t have come at a worse … Read more