Mueller Investigation – Trump & AG Barr less than happy ahead

         The Mueller Investigation looks to be coming to an end though according to those in the know is unlikely to bring closure but it may provide pointers – “a road map” – to further investigations by Congress and additional criminal proceedings by other prosecutors. Thus the end of the beginning, not the beginning … Read more

Alec Baldwin – not one to hold back

        Actor and comedian Alec Baldwin has spoken of his fear that Donald Trump is stirring up some supporters to exact “retribution” against him for his satirical performance of the president on Saturday Night Live, saying the president “signals people” to become angry and bitter “and then the actions flow from there”. Baldwin born … Read more

Katy Perry & Orlando Bloom – an intense match

          Another glitz and glitter moment as Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom announce their engagement after an on-off romance since 2016. She’s a singer/songwriter, one of the best-selling music artists of all time and he’s a mega successful actor – Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Pirates of the Caribbean. Her previous short-lived … Read more