Boris in full-Trumpian spate is, according to reports, attempting to shoehorn two right-wingers into key broadcasting jobs, which should be put out to tender and a selection process. The prospect of Charles Moore, ex-Telegraph editor, as possible BBC chairman will invoke shudders of horror amongst the inmates. As will Paul Dacre, former Daily Mail editor, in as head of Ofcom (the government regulatory body for broadcasting) – which latter has been described like putting Genghis Khan in charge of social care in the community.
Both men are oddly enough Sun Scorpios as is the BBC, Dacre born on the same day as Prince Charles.
Charles Moore, who once employed Boris Johnson as a journalist and described him as a nightmare to work with, was born 31 October 1956 and is a Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio in an innovative and can-be fanatical square to Uranus and trine Mars in Pisces. If he is confirmed, he’ll upset the applecart at the BBC and it’ll be a noisy term. His ambitious Mars in Pisces falls in the BBC’s 10th conjunct its rebellious Uranus and his Uranus opposes the BBC’s stubbornly opinionated 9th house Mars. His self-righteous Saturn in Sagittarius is square the BBC Uranus for sharply differing agendas; and his Pluto sits in the BBC’s 4th which will prompt him to put an iron hand on internal matters.
He is looking more satisfied than usual come late November into December with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter after an acutely frustrating October/November as the civil service mandarins dig in their heels about due process. Across the New Year and January he’s into disaster territory, with more later in the year; and there’s nothing that looks either easy or too successful over the next three years.
Paul Dacre, 14 November 1948, has the same blip upwards late November to late December; but will have an exceedingly messy, discontented three years after that. If he does get it, he won’t enjoy it. Though he’d have more than just the BBC to contend with since the rest of the TV network and social media would also come under his remit.
His crossover with the BBC if anything is worse than Moore’s with his Pluto conjunct the BBC Neptune and opposition the BBC Mars with his Venus Neptune conjunct the BBC Saturn and his Mars square the BBC Moon etc.
The BBC chart is hitting its roughest patch in 2022 with tr Saturn square the Midheaven; a shocking collision Solar Arc Mars opposition the Sun and tr Neptune opposition the Moon. And that’s the juncture when Moore is having his greatest impact in turning the place upside down.
It’s not that the BBC shouldn’t be reined in – the bloated and obscenely expensive, top-heavy bureaucracy needs a slash-and-burn, scorched-earth policy; and the left-wing, London-centric approach needs rebalanced. But a Boris vengeance spree handing on the baton to Moore could be a step too far.