Following on from the Germany post below – seismic changes ahead.
Tapping into ‘archaic energy’, rooted in the far distant past always involves a perilous journey into the depths of the 8th house, going way beyond the boundaries of the conscious mind. What the Germany country chart and Hitler’s shared was Pluto in the 8th. Amongst its many meanings is an interest in the occult and a temptation to use magic forces selfishly to dominate others. Pluto is about power and in the 8th uses unseen methods (magic amongst others) to gain control and to manipulate, sometimes over financial matters. It need not be as overt as it was with Hitler, since it can operate unconsciously.
In Hitler’s case it was especially strong since his Pluto was conjunct Neptune which added a megalomaniac strand to his ambitions and doubled up his leaning towards the supernatural. He is known to have been fascinated by magic and occult practices (even stripping out the fabricated nonsense written about him). A favourite book of his on magic by Ernst Schertel was underlined by him – “He who does not have the demonic seed within himself will never give birth to a magical world”. And his mentor Dietrich Eckhart claims to have been the one calling the tune. “We have given him the ‘means of communication’ with Them. I shall have influenced history more than any other German.”
Hitler was empowering himself through the 1930s as tr Uranus moved across the conjunction to the Germany Pluto stirring up deeply buried archetypal energies (see previous post 5 October 2020) which repeats in 2022. In an individual chart, 8th house planets connect directly into the ancestral line in a way that others who don’t share this placing lack. It’s a blessing and a curse. Being deeply unconscious, 8th house planets can attract circumstances seemingly out of the native’s control and lead to a life filled with more drama than most.
What makes Germany perhaps more susceptible than other countries to being caught up in fantastical or mythic beliefs is Uranus square Neptune in the 10th/7th houses. This tends to bring emotional and psychic confusion, a highly-strung temperament and fixed opinions which are impervious to rational argument. So extremism, fanaticism, rigid and unreasonable attitudes. When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 tr Uranus in Aries was conjunct the Germany Neptune and moving to square the Uranus.
Carl Jung believed that the mythic figure of Wotan or Odin was personified in Hitler who carried/lived out unconscious “psychic forces” that moved through the German people. Hitler’s 7th house Venus Mars in Taurus was conjunct the Germany Uranus so he was tied into the German psyche at a subterranean level.
Of Wotan Jung said: “He is the god of storm and frenzy, the unleasher of passions and the lust of battle; moreover he is a superlative magician and artist in illusion who is versed in all secrets of an occult nature.” The storm, passion, frenzy and lust are redolent of Dionysius the nature god of death and rebirth and sexuality – which equates well with Pluto. Though the magician/artist in illusion has overtones of Hermes, Mercury and Uranus, the trickster gods.
The Magician has a gift for miracle and deception and is a “maze of contradictions”, an incorporation of many disparate elements (as portrayed in the Tarot figure). He has the magic sun power as well as Medusa’s snaky locks – an ability to remain ambiguous and carry the polar opposites. To be and not be at the same time.
Fascism lives out the death and rebirth myth, centred on the ego of the god-like leader, who destroys the past (Mao?) to create a new order entirely to his command and credit. So is destructive and creative. Inherent in fascism is absolute obedience amongst the followers – “He who does not think as the group does is excluded, harassed, killed or declared insane.” (Chasseguet-Smirgel.) And London analyst Christopher Bollas says of the fascist state of mind that it “entertains no doubt or uncertainty”. The modus operandi is a process of denigration, character assassination, caricaturing, all of which distorts the views of opponents to render them less intelligible and credible. They have to be discredited because no separation of view is possible from the accepted one. Sound familiar?
All of the above sound very Plutonic.
Sakoian & Acker connect the Saturn Pluto conjunction to the magician, with its ability to channel occult powers through structured systems. The power urge of Pluto plus the status urge of Saturn.
The other facet of the magician is revelation which links back to Uranus and Mercury.
There will be no one astrological signature for an archetype as complex as the magician.
Winston Churchill also had Pluto in the 8th opposition Mercury and square Uranus; with Neptune on the cusp of the 8th – so he also had the power to wield unseen power and sway the masses. Not that there’s any suggestion he practised occult powers – often 8th house abilities are unconscious. Movie superstars who fairly often have Pluto or Neptune in the 8th are unaware of why they have an uncanny ability to project an aura that rings a chord with millions of fans.
It remains to be seen what will stir in the German psyche – and part of the tr Uranus effect will be financial. As it will be for the UK and EU since it is moving through their financial 8th houses respectively at the same time. When the UK 8th house Mars is triggered as it will be in 2021 it often coincides with destructive accidents – ferry sinkings, train crashes etc if past experience is anything to go by. What will uncoil from deep within the national psyche remains to be seen. But worth watching out for.