France along with everywhere else is struggling with the social and economic travails of the pandemic with the financial hangover likely to cast a pall over the next few years.
The country has an exceptionally messy time ahead with a devastating and confused tr Pluto square their Neptune in 2022/23 leading into a perfect storm of difficulties in 2023 with a financially-blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the France Venus; tr Pluto in a deprived/tough-conditions square to the Saturn. In 2023/24 as well tr Uranus will shake up the rebellious, disruptive Fixed T Square of Uranus opposition Pluto square Mars in Scorpio.
That last influence was around for the German Invasion in 1940 but also around in 1856/57 for the reign of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1852 to 1870) the last monarch of France who modernised the French economy, rebuilt the centre of Paris, with similar projects in other cities, modernized the banking system, expanded and consolidated the railway system, and made the French merchant marine the second largest in the world. He promoted the building of the Suez Canal and established modern agriculture, which ended famines in France and made France an agricultural exporter. His social reforms included giving the right to strike. The first female students were admitted at the Sorbonne and educational opportunities for women were increased. He less helpfully over involved himself in wars overseas. In general he did a good deal to make France more progressive. So tr Uranus upending the Fixed T Square isn’t necessarily a disaster. Though clearly from the example of 1940 it can be.
This time round it will be a wobbly road forward initially with a lacklustre tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun in 2024; though there’ll be an upbeat tr Pluto square the Jupiter at the same time.
What is interesting are the relationship charts between France and the EU/Germany/Italy – and the UK in coming years. There’ll be tensions and outburst from this March onwards, building through 2022, with the worst of the aggravation and potential for splits coming in 2023. That’s when tr Uranus will oppose the composite Suns in the EU and Germany and UK relationship charts. Italy and France are in a state of disruption as well picking up in 2022. It won’t necessarily mean a collapse of the EU but it will be hugely disruptive with rolling upheavals, high tensions and significant differences.
The ‘living in interesting times’ theme is going to roll on uncomfortably for a few years yet.
Add ON: The next election is April/May 2022 with Marine Le Pen, the far-right, anti-immigration, anti-EU populist, returning to the fray and polling just below Macron.
Macron has tr Saturn moving through his lower profile, less successful First Quadrant (since December 2020) for several years ahead so not at his luckiest or most motivated. Tr Pluto will be sitting on his Ascendant for the election which comes in two parts, with a run off if there is no outright first round winner. This tends to go against the far right since the country is then faced with concerns about the national image and reverses towards the safer candidate. Macron does have tr Jupiter trine his Midheaven and tr Pluto sextile his Midheaven, both of which are supportive. But he’s also got the sudden change of tr Uranus exactly conjunct his Moon and opposition his Uranus. And Solar Arc Saturn within less than a degree to the conjunction with his Pluto, which is usually stuck.
Le Pen has tr Saturn conjunct her Solar Arc Moon for a discouraging mood; and later in May a catastrophic tr Saturn opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint. And thereafter she’s heading for a totally trapped and scary tr Pluto opposition her 10th house Mars from early 2023 for two years.
There may well be a more palatable third option nearer the time.