Scotland independence – try again, same result

Nicola Sturgeon has cranked up the rhetoric about a second Scottish independence referendum being inevitable despite the SNP not having won an outright majority in the recent elections.  They did well but could not manage the final hurdle. Her estimation was for it to be held in late 2023 though it will require a Westminster sign off which is unlikely to happen, setting the scene for a potential court battle.

   Sturgeon, 19 July 1970 3.15 pm Irvine, Scotland, is in for the fight of her life with tr Pluto continuing to oppose her Cancer Sun this year and next and picking up the pushily confident tr Pluto square her Jupiter from early 2022 to late 2023. But given that her Sun is close to her flamboyant Mars in Leo she’s also picking up the frustrated, enraged and trapped tr Pluto opposition her Sun/Mars midpoint from early 2022 to late 2023; and worse a total road-block of tr Pluto opposition her Mars from early 2023 till late 2024.

  In addition she has a cluster of less helpful influences on her chart: tr Neptune undermining her power/influence in opposition to her Pluto in 2022/23; a jolting, high-tension tr Uranus conjunct her Saturn in 2023 and a sharp change of direction from tr Uranus square her Midheaven also in 2023.

   The SNP was formed in 1933/34 when the Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Cancer was in place, mirroring the influences in place over the 2014 independence referendum which the nationalist lost on a 45/55% vote. There was also a rise in SNP successes in the 1970s when the Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo was in place. But there is nothing similar in the near future, indeed before the 2040s.

  What is coming up is tr Uranus conjunct the England Scotland Act of Union 1707 Sun and square the Pluto Jupiter in 2023/24 which may lead to further devolution rather than a split. Though these influences have been round before over four centuries so may only cause a ripple. That does, however, coincide with tr Uranus square the UK 11th house Saturn which could suggest changes in the national legislature (parliament).

   I can’t see independence happening – not on Sturgeon’s astrology or the other charts – and the economic arguments are even less appealing than they were in 2014.

Labour – sent back to the drawing board for a rethink ++

Labour are licking their wounds after a humiliating defeat at Hartlepool and losing control of seven councils to the Tories, who gained 12, though Labour candidates did retain two major Mayoralties in London and Greater Manchester.

  Capricorn Research tracked back on Labour’s history and indicated the 27 February 1900 chart was the most accurate.  It certainly showed up the defeat to Maggie Thatcher in 1979 with tr Saturn opposition the Sun; and the 2020 Brown defeat with tr Neptune conjunct the Mars; and the 1997 win for Tony Blair as Solar Arc Jupiter squared the Pluto. But the 12 February 1906 chart has also has its indicators – tr Neptune opposition the Pluto when Maggie won; and tr Pluto square the Mars when Brown lost. Though not much when Blair won. So the 1900 definitely produces more information though the 1906 isn’t completely useless with tr Neptune square the Pluto for this year’s slump.

  The 1900 LP chart is rattled by the Eclipses hitting on its Jupiter Uranus in Sagittarius opposition Pluto – and Neptune – in Gemini – so a slipping and slithering year with setbacks in 2022 from tr Saturn conjunct the Mars and then in 2023 conjunct the Sun and square Pluto Jupiter Uranus – none of which looks upbeat.

  It will benefit from tr Pluto moving into Aquarius though not instantly and really won’t get its mojo back until 2028 on this reckoning as tr Pluto is sextile the Jupiter and Solar Arc Jupiter is sextile the Pluto.

  Keir Starmer’s leadership chart, 4 April 2020 10.45am London, always did look disastrous with an 8th house Saturn Mars square Uranus which will move to exact in an explosive phase in late 2022.  Before then it does look more upbeat mid this August to late November, but overall it has the feel of a dead-end so he may not last the race at the helm.

  Starmer’s personal chart, 2 September 1962, is very tied together with a healing Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Neptune trine Mars, formed into a talented Kite by Jupiter opposition Sun Pluto Uranus in Virgo. He’s undoubtedly got ability and does have a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo but may just be in the wrong job.  His Neptune is on the focal point of a T Square to Saturn opposition his Node so he will be idealistic but will possibly lack the ambitious killer-edge needed for politics. And he has a tricky Yod of Mars sextile Pluto inconjunct Saturn which will throw major stumbling blocks in his way through life though it isn’t highlighted at the moment.

  He’s floundering around this year into 2022, is discouraged late 2022; and hits a wall in the middle of the decade.  

Add On: There aren’t the same stresses on the Labour Party 1900 chart that there were running into the split from the Gang of Four which led to the creation of the Social Democrat Party in 1981. At that point tr Uranus was opposition the Solar Arc Sun and square the LP Mars for an almighty disruption. Plus tr Neptune was undermining the LP Mercury square Neptune.

  At the moment tr Neptune is quarter of a cycle further on and again muddying the waters as it is conjunct the LP Mercury and square the Neptune next year. Tr Saturn will conjunct the Mars in 2022 and tr Uranus will square the Mars in 2025 – all of which will cause unrest though nothing that suggests another breakaway party.   

Prince Michael of Kent – another Royal mess

The Queen’s first cousin Prince Michael of Kent has been accused by a Sunday Times/Channel 4 Dispatches investigation of peddling his royal connection for access to Putin.  It sounds an extraordinary tie-up but Prince Michael is a fluent Russian speaker and is related on both sides of his family to the last Tsar, Nicholas 11, assassinated in 1917 by the Bolsheviks, to whom he bears a strong resemblance. The prince is one of a small number of Britons awarded the Kremlin’s highest honours, the Order of Friendship, for his work on Anglo-Russian relations. Others include George Blake, the British double agent.

   He does not receive taxpayer-funded income from the sovereign grant, though the Queen personally pays his substantial rent at Kensington Palace and he retains his honorary military titles. His lifestyle is financed by acting as a consultant for business clients and his personal company, Cantium Services, has made more than £2.2 million, over the past five years without paying corporation tax because it has been operating at a loss.

 His father, Prince George, Duke of Kent, who was killed in a plane crash weeks after his birth, had a louche reputation with tales of multiple affairs and a cocaine and morphine addiction.

  Prince Michael, 4 July 1942 7.35pm Iver, England, has a secretive, deeply buried Sun Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th square an Aries Moon in his IC – so he is strongly linked to his family forbears and their largesse. His Moon is also trine a tricky, can-be-ruthless Mars Pluto in Leo which may have given him an inclination to mix with powerful and less savoury characters. His social butterfly Venus in Gemini is conjunct Saturn Uranus on his Descendant making for changeable close relationships.

  Relocating his chart to Moscow puts his Sun Jupiter in his 7th for a sociable connection and wilful Mars Pluto in the secretive, financial 8th.

   His relationships with the senior Royals – Prince Charles, Prince William and the Queen – are under stress this year into early 2022. The Queen is fond of him but will not be pleased at yet another Royal sleaze scandal landing on her doorstep.

  Prince Michael’s Mars in Leo is being buffeted around this year by tr Uranus square and tr Saturn in opposition for major setbacks and high insecurity; tr Neptune is in an undermining square to his Solar Arc Midheaven and his Solar Arc Sun is conjunct his Neptune for much the same slump effect. Plus his Descendant and Gemini planets are being rattled by the Eclipses late this month and in June.

  His haughty wife, Princess Michael, 15 January 1945, Sydney, AU, isn’t looking too chipper either with tr Pluto conjunct her Capricorn Sun till this December and tr Neptune eroding her steely Solar Arc Mars opposition Saturn. Her relationship to her husband looks less than rapturous through this year with aggravations from this August onwards for a few months. The consequences may well impact on their lifestyle in ways she finds irksome.

Pic: Allen Warren

Tories on a triumphant roll – for now

Boris the boundless is here for an eternity, according to a media over-excited by the admittedly resounding win for the Tories in Hartlepool. They forget, as ever, that a week is a long time in politics and ten years which they are confidently predicting is millions of light years hence.

  This success showed up clearly on the Conservative Party 10 May 1912 chart with Solar Arc Jupiter square the Pluto now – which may make me revise my jaundiced opinion of political party charts, though it is clearly dependent on nailing down the right one. Where this chart goes into a seismic convulsion and loses influence is in 2023 when tr Neptune squares the Pluto and tr Uranus is conjunct the Sun Saturn in Taurus plus Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the Sun as well in 2023. That will throw everything up in the air.

  Where Boris’s Term chart runs into more obvious problems is in 2022. Though this year it does have an undermining tr Neptune square the Sun in September/October and again early in 2022 – as well as this month’s Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse rattling up the Term Mercury and the June Gemini Solar Eclipse opposing the Term Sun brewing up a crisis or two in the months thereafter. What will make 2022 sticky is the Term 12th house Saturn Venus Pluto conjunction moving to exact in spring 2022 for a logjam; with tr Saturn in late January/early February and then tr Uranus from May rattling up the Term Mars for setbacks, shocks and insecurity.

  David Frost, the EU liaison is looking downcast and a failure through 2022 with his relationship to Boris extremely aggravated and logjammed. The Brexit damage at present is less than expected except for the poor fishermen and other business snafus, but once the pandemic recedes and the full extent of the over-spending becomes obvious – and has to be paid for – there may be more focus turned on the economy. Boris’s relationship with the Tory Party will be souring from May 2022 onwards. Ditto his relationship with both co-chairpersons of the Tory Party who are looking less and less enamoured ahead.

  Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, isn’t as sanguine or optimistic as his jovial appearance suggests with an uncertain tr Neptune opposition his Saturn this year; panicky failed-plans this year and the next two from Neptune midpoints; and considerable upheavals in 2023/24 with tr Uranus conjunct his Taurus Sun and opposition Uranus. His Term chart is running into road blocks late 2022 and sagging badly in 2023.

Liz Cheney – howling into the wind

Liz Cheney is ploughing a lonely furrow in Washington continuing her public criticism of Trump, denouncing his lies about a stolen election and demanding the G.O.P. tell the truth about how his supporters assaulted democracy during the January 6 riot at the Capitol. Her refusal to compromise on principle and truth may well sacrifice her career ambitions within her party.

  Born 28 July 1966, she’s a Sun Leo with a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Cancer and her Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune and sextile Uranus Pluto in Virgo. Although she has the bullishly determined – and often successful – tr Pluto opposition her Sun/Jupiter midpoint this year and next, she has undermining Neptune influences from late this month on and off into early 2023; calamitous Mars midpoints triggering from this July, on and off into 2022 and a panicky mid August to late November.

  Her relationship chart with Kevin McCarthy, the Minority House leader, is embroiled in bitter discussions in 2021/22 and worse in 2023.

  Her relationship charts with the two Republican charts – 22 February 1956 and 28 February 1954 – don’t look to be settling anytime soon, indeed tensions will stretch through till 2024.

  Mind you so are Trump’s relationship charts with the GOP which are not doing as well as the PR would suggest this year and will be on a sharp downward spiral from April 2022 onwards.

 Kevin McCarthy will be under acute pressure in 2022/23 and flat out failing through 2024/25 – though that may be personal, not necessarily a reflection of the GOP’s fortunes.

 One wonders quite when the penny will drop with the GOP about who they’ve been supporting – or maybe they already know and don’t care.

The Napoleonic warrior spirit lives on

Old enmities are uncoiling from hibernation as the French threaten to cut electricity cables to the Channel island of Jersey in the midst of an escalating post-Brexit dispute over fishing rights. It ironically coincides with the 200th anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte who finished his days exiled and imprisoned on St Helena after losing the Battle of Waterloo to the English.

  Napoleon is a contradictory figure, shunned by previous French presidents but not by Macron. On the one hand Napoleon is revered as a brilliant military general, who saved the French Revolution and laid the foundations of the modern French state – equality before the law, property rights, religious toleration, modern secular education, sound finances, a rational and efficient local administration, an end to rural banditry, the encouragement of science and the arts, the abolition of feudalism and the greatest codification of laws since the fall of the Roman Empire.

  On the downside he was an authoritarian strongman, who reinstated slavery after it had been abolished since he saw a massive slave empire in the Caribbean as good for the greater glory of France and the French economy.

 Born 15 August 1769 11am (birth time unverified) Ajaccio, France, he had a Sun Leo in an expansive square to Jupiter in Scorpio. But what dominates his chart is an Earth Grand Trine of a revolutionary Pluto trine Uranus trine Neptune Mars in Virgo which would give him practical skills, a good business head and a ruthless edge. It was formed into two Kites (and a three-quarter Grand Sextile) with Uranus opposition Jupiter and Pluto opposition Venus so he had undoubted talents and would be exceptionally resourceful with organizational skills.

 The Anglo-Franco squabbles have been ongoing for centuries through a rolling series of continental wars, starting with the 1066 Norman invasion of England. Taking the present-day France 1792 and UK 1801 charts it’s easy to see why there is such aggravation between the two countries. France has a Fixed T Square of Uranus opposition Pluto square Mars in Scorpio which clashes mightily with the UK’s Fixed planets. In the relationship chart  there is a composite fight-to-the-death, implacably-hostile Mars Pluto conjunction square the Sun; and an evasive Mercury Neptune.

   If anything tensions are likely to rise through 2022/23/24 with tr Saturn conjunct the Mars Pluto and square Sun in 2022; and tr Uranus square the Mars, Pluto and opposition Sun between 2022 and 2024. With a disconcerting tr Neptune square Saturn to add to the confusion.

  Even the old England 973 and France 843 charts in relation have much the same vibe with a composite Mars Pluto tied into Neptune, Uranus and Saturn.

  The UK looks marginally less aggravated but still agitated with the EU through 2022/2023 as well. The post-Brexit divorce rancour will run on.

Bill and Miranda Gates – calling it quits

Bill and Melinda Gates, one of the world’s richest couples with a fortune of $130billion, are getting divorced after 27 years of marriage and three children.

  He was born 28 October 1955 at 10pm in Seattle, WA and has an intense and private 4th house Scorpio Sun and a cool though obsessive Venus Saturn in Scorpio; with his pro-active Aries Moon on his Midheaven opposition a 4th house Mars which wouldn’t make for an altogether peaceful home life. He has an inventive, innovative, not-always-cooperative Uranus in his 1st square his Sun Neptune; and a super-confident and successful 2nd house financial Jupiter Pluto in Leo square a determined and obsessive Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Venus.

  She was born 15 August 1964, no time unfortunately, and has a Leo Sun conjunct his Jupiter Pluto; her enthusiastic Venus Mars in Cancer squaring his Moon opposition Mars; and her Moon may be conjunct his Saturn if she was an early morning birth. She has said he finds the work/home balance difficult to manage – which is partly to do with his 4th house Saturn.

  Their relationship chart has major pluses and minuses – a half Grand Sextile of composite Jupiter opposition Saturn sextile/trine Pluto Venus and Neptune. It would have highs and lows and be built to last though clearly not for ever. There is also a volatile, no-compromise composite Uranus Mars conjunction so they would go through heated patches.

   Divorce announcements always come at the end of sometimes years of stress or hidden separations. Bill Gates’ Sun/Moon midpoint, his marriage significator, at 21 degrees Capricorn has had the tr Uranus square tr Pluto hammering at it since 2016 and more so since 2018 so it’s been a long period of inner turmoil. At the moment he has tr Saturn moving through his 7th house since late last year which is often a separation marker and more so tr Pluto now on his Descendant about to move through his 7th.

  Melinda’s Sun/Moon and houses aren’t known without a birth time but she may have been going through an equally stressed phase through the last few years. At the moment she looks both energised with tr Pluto trine her Jupiter this year and undermined with a panicky Solar Arc Neptune opposition her Mars and her Progressed Mars square her Neptune; plus an anxious Neptune transit to her Mars/Pluto midpoint.

  Although the court papers evidently claim the marriage is ‘irretrievably broken’ that may just be a divorce lawyer phrase to indicate that the decision has been taken.

Joe Biden Admin – the calm before the storm ++ Kamala Harris

  An unusual silence hangs over the White House despite the monumentally ambitious stimulus plans. Compared to what went before, the hush is almost unnerving.

  Joe Biden does have tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter on and off this year and tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint extending through next year as well. So he will have good luck on his side. Though he won’t miss tr Saturn square tr Uranus crashing into his Mars in Scorpio – this month and in particular next month in June, repeating on and off into early 2022 which will produce jolts and insecurity. This May the Lunar Eclipse and in December the Solar Eclipse will also rattle up his Uranus Saturn in Gemini for more jangles and tension.

  Where he looks more panicked and facing major crises or catastrophes is April 2022 on and off till late 2023, when tr Neptune opposes his Mars/Pluto midpoint. That is also when tr Neptune opposes the Mars in Virgo on his Chief of Staff Ron Klain’s chart. Evidently Klain is doing a good deal of the heavy lifting at the moment. Born 8 August 1961, four days after Barack Obama, he has the same Sun Uranus in Leo and tough, disciplined Mars trine Saturn. But he’s running into trouble through 2022/23.

  2022/23 is also when the Biden Term chart runs into serious headaches with that explosive and problematic Saturn Sun square Mars Uranus moving to exact by Solar Arc; and tr Pluto will also by then be starting the challenging and pressured conjunction to the Term Aquarius Sun.

Add On:  Kamala Harris has the same uplift as Joe Biden with tr Pluto trine her Jupiter in Taurus until late this November and tr Jupiter is moving through her 10th till March 2023 which is generally successful. But also like him she runs into more obvious problems from next year onwards when she picks up the challenging tr Pluto square her Libra Sun and her Aries Moon and conjunct her Sun/Moon midpoint, on and off till late 2023. The latter could suggest marital tensions but in a politician it can also point to a popularity dent. But one way and another she’ll be under huge pressure. Plus tr Neptune will square her Ascendant and oppose her Sun/Mars midpoint from April 2022 onwards till late 2023 – which suggests an undermining of her image, low vitality and failed-plans. During this period tr Uranus will make a high-anxiety opposition to her Neptune.

  Late 2023 sees a discouraging Solar Arc Saturn opposition her Sun and from April 2024 onwards for two years she picks up another Neptunian sinker to her Sun/Saturn midpoint.

  Her Progressed Moon will move through her 12th house from the middle of this year to mid 2023 which is usually a time of endings, inward looking and not too upbeat. Then she’ll experience some uplift as it moves across her Ascendant and that coincides with tr Saturn being conjunct her Midheaven in March 2023 and starting her career peak of eight years thereafter with heavier responsibilities.

  To be remember no one occupies these positions of staggering responsibility and prominence without running into problem after problem so some of the above is to be expected.  But she will be getting ground down hard with those Pluto transits to her Sun and Moon.  

UK elections – the political fog rolls on

Polls are indicating a lessening in support for Boris Johnson and the Conservatives days before a raft of council and mayoral elections, a key parliamentary byelection in Hartlepool and elections to the Welsh Senedd and the Scottish parliament. The sleaze and dishonesty allegations are beginning to bite though Johnson is still seen as a more effective leader than Keir Starmer because of the vaccine roll out.

   Caveat – polls almost invariably get it wrong. But Starmer’s dull persona and no visible-policy strategy is doing Labour no favours even in the face of gross impropriety in No 10.

  Born 2 September 1962 Starmer has a self-protective Water Grand Trine of Mars trine Neptune trine Jupiter in Pisces, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition an influential and innovative Sun Pluto Uranus in Virgo – so he doesn’t lack talent. But his Neptune is on the focal point of a Fixed T Square to a Saturn opposition North Node. He will have a vision for a better society but too much Neptune can blunt the edge of decisiveness needed to push ambitions ahead.

  His Neptune is catching the highly-strung opposition from tr Uranus over this election and will be jittered and jangled all year with tr Saturn in square as well. Over this week he has tr Neptune opposition his Mercury/Pluto midpoint as well which will be undermining, leaving him lost for effective arguments.

  Where his leadership chart bucks up will be from mid this August to late November with tr Pluto conjunct the Jupiter but he was elected at a rotten time with a restrictive Mars Saturn conjunction in the 8th which comes to exact across mid 2022 which doesn’t sound encouraging. 2022 looks an exceptionally tough year for his leadership with one upbeat Jupiter probably not making enough headway against a raft of negative influences.

  I’m never that convinced by political party charts but for what its worth the Labour Party 27 February 1900 chart looks upbeat at the same time as Starmer’s leadership chart – mid August to late November, though that’s only one ray of sunshine amidst a run of pressured and swampy transits for the next two years.

  The Labour Party 12 February 1906 chart does have an upbeat tr Pluto trine the Jupiter from February 2022 on and off to late 2023 which will bring a modicum of success in the midst of considerable setbacks.

  Boris Johnson’s relationship chart with the Conservative Party, 10 May 1912 chart, is running out of enthusiasm from 2022 onwards so he may not deliver what they expect.

  2023/24 look highly disruptive years for both the LP and the Tory Party charts with hard tr Uranus aspects to the Sun Venus and Sun Saturn respectively. So both parties may be sent back to the drawing board for a redesign as the next election approaches in May 2024 if it sticks to schedule.  

  Now that I think about it, that’s when tr Uranus will square the UK’s 11th house Saturn which rules the legislature for even more upheavals, tensions and forced change.