The weird and macabre tale of multimillionaire real estate heir Robert Durst has come to a fitting end with a murder conviction for the killing of a long-time friend Susan Berman twenty years ago, who was about to tell police she helped him cover up the killing of his wife Kathy. He is suspected of doing away with three people over forty years but managed to evade justice until giving an ill-considered interview to a documentary The Jinx, which produced enough evidence to nail him. He has never been charged in the disappearance of his wife and was acquitted of violent death of a roommate in Texas, where he was living under cover. He admitted dismembering the victim’s body and tossing it out to sea.
During the trial, prosecutors painted a portrait of a rich narcissist who didn’t think the laws applied to him and ruthlessly disposed of people who stood in his way.
He was born 12 April 1943 in New York and said he witnessed his mother falling off a roof when he was seven though the family dispute this. A psychiatrist diagnosed him as possibly schizophrenic. Over the years he travelled under dozens of aliases and at one point owned seven Alaskan Malamute dogs all of which disappeared in mysterious circumstances which a relative suggested was him practising killing his wife.
He is a Sun Aries in an expansive square to Jupiter, perhaps Moon in Cancer. What is striking is his Mars in obstinate, contrary Aquarius opposition North Node square Venus in Taurus closely conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol. Venus square Mars tends to be insensitive to the needs of others. He also had Pluto on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Neptune trine Uranus Saturn in Gemini – controlling, inventive, autocratic.
A birth time would be illuminating. But on his harmonics – the serial killer 18H is not especially marked. But the 7H is which can be mentally unstable. Also significant are his ‘gaining immortality’ 17H; ‘destructive’ 16H; and rise-and-fall 10H.
What is also pertinent is that his long time friend Susan Berman, a mobster’s daughter, born 18 May 1945, had her Taurus Sun conjunct Algol and conjunct his Venus – so she attracted the full brunt of his dangerous affection. And his second wife Kathy, 15 June 1952, had her North Node exactly conjunct his South Node and her Pluto was conjunct his North Node.