Tennis world No. 1 Novak Djokovic is locked up in an Australian refugee detention hotel over the weekend in deportation limbo after his visa was rejected. He claimed medical exemption for entry though it is not known on what grounds, apart from speculation that he used the excuse of a bout of Covid six months ago. In the past he has said he was anti-vaccination and his wife appears to support 5G-Covid conspiracy theories.
The Serbian star flew to Melbourne to defend his Grand Slam title and his initial exemption raised sharp criticism in Australia, where more than 90 per cent of over-16s are doubled jabbed. Fellow player Rafael Nadal said he wouldn’t be in the predicament he’s in right now if he was vaccinated, and had to live with the ‘consequences’ of his choices.
Born 22 May 1987 11.25pm Belgrade, Serbia, he has a Gemini Sun in his attention-seeking, game-playing 5th house. His pro-active, excitable Aries Moon is conjunct his North Node squaring onto a 12th house Neptune in a publicity-attracting opposition to Mars in the 6th. He evidently has mild asthma and gluten intolerance, is mainly vegan and adheres strictly to alternative medicine. Which fits with a highly-strung and hyper-emotional Moon tied into Mars in the 6th.
He also has two other oppositions of a charming, though manipulative Pluto in Scorpio in the opinionated 9th opposition Venus in Taurus; and Mercury opposition Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius – Saturn Uranus does tend to kick against limitations on freedom and can be dictatorial.
At the moment he has tr Saturn moving below his Ascendant into his lower profile, less successful quadrant since late 2019. This can take time to have an impact for those whose careers run on ego and determination but he will find it increasingly hard to keep up the level of energy or results he had prior to 2020.
His finances look sound for this year with tr Jupiter moving through his financial 2nd house until May this year. But Saturn hovering on the cusp of his 2nd and staying there till 2025 will cut his income back. Not that he’ll be looking for breakfast any time soon since he has multiple commercial interests.
At the moment his Progressed Moon is exactly opposition his 12th house Neptune, tugging on his health-related Mars. Tr Uranus is about to move across his IC into his 4th from April this year onwards staying there for several years ahead, which may see him uprooting and moving house – but given that he appears to have several spread around the world, it may be more a change of direction career-wise that soaks up the influence.
His 2022
is a mix of highs and lows with a few lucky breaks through this month. He’ll be in a mood of bullish confidence bringing successful results and money from March onwards on and off till late 2023 as tr Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint – though it can also bring clashes with authorities for assuming rules don’t apply to him. He also has the disaster-prone tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint from late May 2022, on and off into 2023, which can accompany ill health. Tr Neptune is also in a worrisome, highly-strung square to his Neptune at the same time.
His chart does not sit comfortably with the Australia chart. The AU rigid and rule-oriented Sun Saturn in Capricorn is conjunct Djokovic’s 12th house ditzy Neptune and the AU North Node opposes Djokovic’s Sun; with the AU’s Sagittarius planets and late Gemini planets clashing with Djokovic’s Mercury opposition Saturn Uranus.
The relationship chart has a tussle-for-the-upper-hand composite Jupiter opposition Pluto; and a differing-agenda composite Sun square Uranus and Saturn. Not a comfortable mix.
Well, he has now been allowed to remain in Australia and play.
Shows rules do not apply to the rich and powerful. He can “claim” to be infected, but still can be around other people in public without consequence.
Poor mere mortals have to follow the rules, loosing money during self-isolation and unable to visit family.
So glad.
I hope he wins.
Now we learn that he believes he should play because he got COVID recently (an infection being a vaccine exemption for the tournament) – so he tries to turn being unvaccinated into a free pass, instead of dealing with the actual issue that he became ill as a result. Another Gemini trying to have his cake and eat it too?
I’d never warmed up to him (compared to, say, Nadal) and now I know why…
There are now photos of him at award ceremonies both the day as well as the day after his positive test result. No mask or social distancing. If he hadn’t produced a positive test on 16th December he wouldn’t have had time by then to get the double vaccine in time for the tournament anyway.
This thinking is a lot like “god-given immunity” nonsense, common in GOP covid hotspots. There are many ordinary citizens who comply with the rules yet a multi-millionaire male tennis player is allowed to run free? Same thing in the National Hockey League and AFL/NFL leagues. I don’t get it.
When is Mercury out of shadow? Apple is showing Trumps media app launches in Feb?
Post-retrograde shadow ends on February 23.
Did they allow him in just to humiliate him by kicking him out of the country to make an example of him?
One wonders.
The Guardian have a good explanation of it all. It seems Tennis Australia and the State of Victoria didn’t have the power to exempt him from a federal law, but the federal government only came down on it when there was public backlash (and also to score political points). But it all begins with Djokovic’s arrogance in expecting the rules not to apply to him. Not being vaccinated is his choice, but he has to face the consequences of that choice and not compete.
Marjorie – I’d be interested to know if anything in Djokovic’s chart indicate his clear anger issues on court? I find his outbursts quite frightening to watch.
You just admitted that Novak was sent mixed messages and that he was detained to score political points so I don’t know what his supposed arrogance has to do with anything.
Perhaps his ‘arrogance’ made him believe he could circumvent the rules!
He made plans by what he was being told.
That has nothing to do with arrogance.
From today’s hearings in Oz, “The 2021 Australian Open champion “had a compelling need to travel” and would “likely be inconvenienced” by deportation”
Likely be inconvenienced. There’s a whopper.
Australia requires vaccinations like all countries. He should be responsible enough to contact immigration to be clear on what was required. They have their rules and he should follow them. This is not debatable. He should be responsible enough to get vaccinated. He is a narcissistic personality.
Thank you Marjorie for having a look at Novak Djokovic. More than anything he likes breaking Federer and Nadal’s records. If he continues in this vein be will find he’s excluding himself from the tournaments that keep his ranking high and which allow him into grand slams without the hassle of qualifying. I can’t see the French tolerating his stance. It will be interesting to see how Wimbledon and the US Open, and their respective border rules, will address this issue. I for one, believe the Australians have set an important standard. Bravo!
Ive always felt that beyond tennis, Novak likes power and it wouldn’t surprise me if he went into politics or became some kind of major influencer.
Happy new year Marjorie and all.
This is an interesting Venus retrograde period and it’s interesting to read your posts on Djokovic and Blair, who have both had backlashes from the public to honours/visa’s granted despite their questionable judgement and values. They both have angles in Capricorn, so I suppose this Venus Rx adds to the timing of what you say. That Australia Sun is conjunct the Venus Dx station point as well, so they were going to make some sort of notable U-turn I suppose.
Also notable are the convictions of powerful women, Ghislaine Maxwell and Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes. While in UK politics, many “big name” women in the Labour party were returned to the front bench by Keir Starmer and deputy leader Angela Rayner returned to the dispatch box for PMQ’s this week. The Queen has a capricorn ascendant (I think?), I wonder what made her change her mind about Tony Blair after all this time and whether she now regrets it?