The Netherlands election on March 15th has the EU on edge since there is a possibility of populist, anti-immigration, far-right Geert Wilders winning. He’s riding high in the polls and his party will certainly make substantial gains. Though the likelihood is that it will end in a coalition government. There is also unease about the Dutch parliament discussing in a few weeks’ time the feasibility of pulling out of the euro because it is hurting domestic savers. Since Dutch politics are seen as a bellwether for Europe, leading the way with developments which tend to be followed by other countries later, there is a palpable sense of an existential crisis looming for the EU. With the French elections following in April/May and Germany in September. Angela Merkel is moving into a series of tr Uranus squares from March 20th onwards, so she’s feeling a blast of change coming.
The Netherlands chart, 26 July 1581 JC The Hague, looks panicked at the election with tr Neptune opposing Mars which runs on in the aftermath till early April. That could arguably be a ‘what have we done?’ – a la Trump in the US. Overall it’s an uncertain and confused year for the Netherlands with tr Pluto returning to oppose Neptune in September; and tr Neptune continuing to oppose Mars till early 2018; and tr Uranus opposing the Solar Arc Venus and conjunct the Solar Arc Uranus as well – so all jangled and jolted.
The Netherlands/EU relationship chart is certainly at a splitting-asunder moment this year; with tr Uranus square the composite Saturn over the election and then moving on to oppose the composite Mars in April and the composite Sun in May – and those influences repeat into 2018. So the electoral result will be a serious knock to the EU.
Geert Wilders, 6 September 1963, has the usual mixter maxter influences over the election. One day a candidate will have all good influences and it’ll be easy to predict (sigh). He does have tr Uranus square his Mars/Jupiter which is elation and success; and his Solar Arc Jupiter is within a degree of being square his Pluto, which is high confidence; and his Solar Arc Node is conjunct his Pluto for a moment in destiny – so a fair amount of positives. But he also has tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Pluto and into April opposition his Sun, so he’s not entirely ecstatic. Though he’s got tr Pluto square his Jupiter this month and later on and off till late 2018, so he’ll be on a roll of confidence. He could well do it and then find he can’t cobble together a coalition since no one wants to ally themselves to him.