The gloves are coming off with the UK government being accused of ‘fantasy, illusion and living in a parallel universe’ as Theresa May’s negotiating demands for Brexit are laid out. And the EU coming back, with a rapidity rarely seen, to indicate flatly that a divorce bill must be paid, EU citizens’ rights secured and the Ireland question settled, before any trade deals are discussed.
Right on cue to dispel any illusions about the EU’s murky tactics, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has published his book: ‘Adults In The Room, My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment’. [URLs below] The dirty deals that pushed Greece into a decade of depression with unemployment running now at 45%, but saved the German and French banks, appears to have been firmly controlled by Merkel. The Telegraph reviews says: ‘What happened in Greece over those strange days in July 2015 raises disturbing questions about the character of Europe’s monetary union. One might conclude that when push comes to shove, the euro system is held together by fear rather than democratic consent.’
The EU chart is not only relentlessly Fixed and stubborn; but has Mars square a 12th house Pluto, which would certainly point to secret, ruthlessly coercive power brokers.
The UK is a different beast to Greece and not at risk of manufactured coups to topple governments, or oligarchic string-pulling behind the scenes, but it does raise huge questions about how power is wielded in the EU.
The relationship between Merkel and May is very Plutonic with a composite Sun Venus Pluto with Pluto conjunct Mercury; and perhaps square the composite Moon – so together they could change the world, but when their agendas differ there will be a bitter, protracted tug of war with neither giving an inch. Tr Uranus will be trine the composite Pluto from May 11th onwards and opposing the composite Neptune at the same time, for an upheaval with fanatical overtones; and thence through the next three years with multiple bumps and jolts.
May’s relationship with the EU is surprisingly amiable and constructive at core, with a friendly composite Sun Venus, and a positive-change Uranus trine Saturn, sextile Jupiter. There will be upsets and outbursts in December 2017/January 2018 as tr Uranus squares the composite Mars; but the worst of the aggravation will be in 2020/21 when tr Pluto is conjunct the composite Mars for a total and infuriating stalemate. (That’s without May’s birth time, so there may be earlier influences from chart angles).
The EU/UK relationship chart is sagging and disappointing under tr Neptune square the composite Moon this year and next; and opposition the composite Jupiter in 2018/19, which will erode good feelings. Tr Pluto opposes the composite Saturn in 2018/19 which will bring very very slow progress in meeting agreements. The separating tr Saturn conjunct the composite Sun hits exact in December 2018.
The EU chart itself is in a tense and trapped phase in 2017/18 with tr Pluto square the Mars/Pluto midpoint; and waylaid by disasters to which they have no solution in Sept/Oct 2017, Jan/Feb 2018. They’ll have some luck in 2018 with tr Uranus opposition their Jupiter; but their real problems come in 2019 with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the 2nd house financial Neptune and Solar Arc MC conjunct Pluto; and into an exceptionally bumpy ride from 2021 as tr Uranus starts to hard aspect their Fixed (and financial) Grand Cross.
The European Central Bank will run into a shock and collision in late 2018 with Solar Arc MC conjunct their Mars; and in 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus opposition their Moon; and before then in 2017 has multiple discouraging Saturn transits to Solar Arc planets.
The economic hole that Brexit will leave will raise fear levels in the EU, and therefore hackles, and bring out punitive-protectionist tactics. Which as Varoufakis points out was the driving priority which saved the German and French banks at the expense of the bankrupted Greeks.