The ‘spirit and the soul, the conscious and the unconscious, husband and wife’ is how Ebertin describes the Sun/Moon midpoint in a chart – the degree halfway between Sun and Moon. It’s the meeting point of the yin and the yang, the masculine and feminine sides of the individual personality, and to some degree involves the early role models in the father/mother relationship in childhood.
It’s a useful point to keep in mind if the birth time is known – for predictions about relationship strains/splits or periods of emotional challenge when the outer planets are in hard aspect to the Sun/Moon. For example, tr Pluto opposition the Sun/Moon midpoint can lead not only to an extended two year phase of considerable pressure on close relationships, but also an internal ‘dark night of the soul’.
Close relationships undergo major changes during outer planet transits to the Sun/Moon midpoint, and because it shifts the internal balance in the individual affected, the kind of relationship they want on the far side isn’t the same as before. Such transits can also sometimes point to upheavals in the parental marriage.
It’s worth looking at the individual natal chart to see how the Sun/Moon midpoint aspects other planetary positions. For example: Sun/Moon = Uranus will have the same effect as Uranus in the 7th, so the kind of partner needed will be unconventional and probably constantly changing with multiple partners. Jupiter or Venus in aspect to the Sun/Moon suggests the ability or luck to attract an affectionate and supportive partner. Saturn = Sun/Moon, relationships will be hard work, probably delayed till later in life and cool. Neptune = Sun/Moon, as Kirk Douglas has (see earlier post), indicates a lack of commitment to marital vows. Pluto = Sun/Moon, intense close relationships with jealousy causing problems.
Sometimes, though not always, it can be involved in cross-overs with a partner’s chart especially one person’s Sun/Moon conjunct the other’s Moon, or in their 7th. Queen Elizabeth’s Sun/Moon is conjunct Prince Philip’s Gemini Sun Mars; and his Sun/Moon is conjunct her Descendant. Catherine Zeta Jones’ Sun/Moon is conjunct Michael Douglas’s Moon. Joanne Woodward’s Sun/Moon was conjunct Paul Newman’s Moon. Princess Diana’s Sun/Moon was conjunct Prince Charles’ Moon; and Camilla’s Sun/Moon falls in Charles’ 7th. Jackie Kennedy’s Sun/Moon was conjunct JFK’s Venus. Zara Tindall’s Sun/Moon is conjunct her husband Mike’s Jupiter. Jennifer Aniston’s Sun/Moon is conjunct Brad Pitt’s Moon Venus; while his Sun/Moon collides with Angelina Jolie’s Mars opposition Pluto.
But never fear, just because your Sun/Moon midpoint doesn’t aspect any of your planets or partner’s planets it doesn’t mean you won’t be happily settled in a long term commitment. It’s only one point in a chart; there will be other indicators.
What is undoubtedly true is that transits from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the Sun/Moon midpoint will bring chills, disruptions, disappointments and challenges respectively. It doesn’t mean the relationship will inevitably split, though it can do.