A rushed through vote in Congress to repeal/replace Obamacare was done without waiting for the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office to submit its official estimate, which could take several more weeks to complete. That is likely to say how many millions will be left without insurance and medical support. It then has to make its way through the closely divided Senate, who are talking about tearing it up and writing another bill. If left as it is, which seems unlikely, it’ll hit Republicans in the midterms in 2018 as ordinary Americans won’t remotely appreciate being left high and dry – against all Trump campaign promises.
Obamacare was signed in on 23 March 2010 at 11.56am, Washington. Tr Neptune is trailing across the MC till January 2018 which is lacklustre and directionless, dissolving its forward trajectory. Into 2018/19 tr Neptune is conjunct the 10th house Jupiter which is again not supportive. With a tremendous upheaval and disruption in 16 to 18 months from now as the Solar Arc Uranus squares the Pluto and then Moon. But it will get a lucky break come 2020 as Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct Uranus.
Trumpcare Mark 1 was gavelled at 2.18pm 4 May 2017 in Washington. This puts a Virgo Moon (North Node) conjunct the Ascendant opposition a 7th house Neptune square Mars; with Uranus Mercury opposition Jupiter square a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th; with a sombre Saturn in the 4th in an innovative trine to Mercury Uranus; and a Yod Of Sun sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter.
Taking the last first. A Jupiterian yod can be disorganized and impractical; and although it has the potential to have a strong impact out in society, it can also have fateful consequences because Jupiter’s tendency to narrow-minded self-righteousness and grandiosity.
In terms of the impact on the American public represented by the Moon tied into Mars and Neptune, there’s anger, disappointment, with a sense that commitments are not being lived up to. The Moon is also opposition the Sun/Saturn midpoint which brings emotional depression; and women especially will feel it is hard and uncaring. The Sun also aspects the Mars/Pluto midpoint, a hint of the ruthless pressure exerted to get it pushed through. Neptune is conjunct the Saturn/MC which is lacking in clarity and causing suffering.
It’s not a devastatingly bad chart, just lacking empathy. In any event the Act as it stands won’t make it through the Senate so will be considerably altered.