9 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. vs. Conor McGregor fight Saturday, August 26, 2017.

    All the animosity between them for show, and money? Milking racial tension? Traditional boxing vs. UFC?

    Thanks, Marjorie

    • Like beans and toast, tee hee.

      Steve Bannon has declared war against the Republican party. Bannon’s cohorts at Breitbart are thrilled to follow the Captain into battle. Now the leading Republicans like McC have both the President and Bannon’s troops to deal with.

  2. Hi Marjorie

    You predicted that the August lunar eclipse would weigh hard on Mitch McConnell and it seems a New York Times article today has confirmed that Trump had a screaming match with McConnell on 9 August about losing the healthcare bill and the Russia probe. McConnell is now the enemy!

    Did you do a relationship chart between these two? I put it in search but didn’t see anything come up. If not, what is your take on that and won’t that affect his standing with the Rep party?

    Thanks as always

  3. Marjorie: Louise Linton, Scottish “actress” and wife of U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, has sparked ire over her Instagram photos boasting about her over-the-top, designer-label wardrobe. Can you provide insights re her persona…..and marriage?

    • Julie, I’d like to know that too, but I wonder if her birth info is even available.

      For those who haven’t seen it, here’s a bit more detail. Louise Linton tagged the designer names to her clothing and accessories in a picture of her leaving a private jet. Evidently a whole lot of her buttons were pushed when someone posted how tacky that was. Linton wrote a huge retort that displayed anger, snottiness, snobbiness, and disdain for a mere mortal calling her out.

      • Birth times are included in Scottish records, so I suppose it will emerge eventually. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of her before, but
        I did laugh when I saw someone change the hashtags to #kleptocracytrousers and #thirdwifescarf

  4. Hi Marjorie, could you take a peek at the actress, Jessica Chastain’s recent marriage chart, and career, please? She’s brilliant at her craft but relatively private and keeps that side of her away from the public, but well liked in the industry and to fans, so it would be interesting to know what makes her tick.
    She was born 24 Mar 1977, 10.44pm, Carmichael, USA.
    Husband: Gian Luca’s birth date is believed to be 13 Nov 1982, possibly Treviso, Italy, unknown time.
    Marriage: 10 June 2017, Treviso (the family estate near Venice; don’t know what time), Italy

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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