Two Capricorns with diametrically different backgrounds got hitched in Vegas on Friday. Rachel Riley, an Oxford maths whizz with an interest in popularising the sciences, 11 January 1986, who’s also a television personality who co-presents the daytime puzzle show Countdown married Pasha Kovalev, 19 January 1980, a professional Russian dancer born in Siberia. They met when she competed on Strictly Come Dancing in 2014.
She’s a Sun Venus in Capricorn with (probably) an Aquarius Moon; while he’s a determined and controlling Sun Capricorn sextile Uranus and square Pluto with an Aquarius Moon and Venus in Pisces. His Pluto is trine her Jupiter for high enthusiasm; and square her Venus for passion; but his indulgent Venus opposition Jupiter squares her Saturn so she may criticise his extravagant habits. His Saturn in Virgo is trine her Sun which is good for practicalities but square her Uranus which will bring some rough edges.
Their relationship chart has possessive composite Sun square Pluto and an argumentative Sun Mercury square Mars, so it will get noisy at times. The composite Venus may be conjunct the Moon and is certainly sextile Uranus for fun. It won’t all be sweetness and light with Sun Pluto Mars but that will bring an intense closeness initially though I suspect problems later when it turns into a power struggle.
She is expecting a baby in December which may put a strain on them since tr Pluto will conjunct the composite Sun from early 2020 for two years.