Given his hate-figure status as the man who kickstarted the unholy Brexit mess, David Cameron’s 752-page memoir, published today, is unlikely to be selling like Michelle Obama’s. And the car-crash timing won’t help with Brexit-fatigue levels at screeching point. Recent Amazon pre-orders had it ranked as low as 335 and some bookshops are refusing to stock it. HarperCollins who purchased the rights for a reported £800,000 must be wincing; though that was a snip compared to Tony Blair’s £4.6 million advance.
Cameron, 9 October 1966 5.30am (from memory) London looks as if he’d much rather hide away in a quiet corner with tr Jupiter moving through his 4th house until next year. His Libra Sun is catching the downbeat tr Saturn square late this October/early November; with a frustrated, blocked tr Pluto square his Solar Arc Mars at the same time running from late this August to mid this November. He doesn’t look any happier thereafter with two nerve-jangled Pluto transits to Neptune midpoints through into 2020; and Neptune continues to dog his steps, or rather undermine his confidence in 2021/22 with debilitating Solar Arcs as well. The only mite of cheer will come from tr Pluto trine his Solar Arc Jupiter, moving closer to his Ascendant, in 2020/21.
His trenchant criticism of former friend and ally Michael Gove whom he saw as betraying him – “behaved appallingly”; “left the truth at home” – won’t have improved relations though he appears to regret the rift.
Gove, 26 August 1967, has his Virgo Sun conjunct Cameron’s Mars in late Leo – so it would always have been an argumentative connection; and Gove’s Saturn in Aries opposes Cameron’s socially charming Sun Venus in Libra. I’d suspect there was a good deal of jealousy on Gove’s part, especially of Cameron’s privileged upbringing.
Their relationship chart has a ratchety, bad-tempered composite Mars Mercury opposition Saturn which suggests a one-sided relationship of all give and not much take. Plus a friendly composite Sun Venus but tied into a disruptive Uranus Pluto which was probably also square the composite Moon – so undercurrents of resentment would constantly be bubbling.
Cameron was equally scathing about Boris but he probably didn’t ever expect much of him, knowing his flaky temperament of old. That relationship chart has a gritty, rough-edged Mars trine Saturn trine a slippery Neptune, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto Moon – it is remarkably tied together as well as difficult – and tied into the Node. Quite a fated connection.
Add on: Cameron has received an unprecedented “astonishingly blunt” rebuke from Buckingham Palace making clear the Queen’s “displeasure and annoyance” at him revealing that he asked her to intervene in the Scottish referendum – as well as tittle tattling other titbits from their meetings during his time as PM. Not protocol at all.
Their relationship chart is horrendous with a composite Sun in a cold opposition to Saturn and an argumentative trine to Mars; with a strained Yod of irritable-dislike Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct a rebellious Uranus and Uranus in a not-in-the-same-space opposition to Venus.
Young arrogant thruster that he was, he probably regarded Royal courtesies as a relic of a bygone era. Much as Boris does.