2020s decade – a few astro-pointers


The heavyweight Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn marks the start of the coming decade. It brings to a climax the slow grind of Pluto through Capricorn since 2008, collapsing old financial and governmental systems. Where the 2010s was a decade of turmoil with the disruptive Uranus square Pluto causing havoc and throwing everything up in the air, now comes the serious business of trying to put new pieces together. Uranus Pluto clears the decks of what no longer works but can be chaotically destructive since it often neglects to think about what comes next. Saturn, the builder, comes along to instil more order and structure, not necessarily with compassion or sentiment, but it will attempt to lay more solid foundations for the future.

Saturn Pluto is never a fun experience but it will only linger for a few months in effect in 2020 since Saturn moves smartly into Aquarius from March. The Saturn Pluto sombre effect will also be mitigated by Jupiter belatedly catching up to conjunct Pluto through the year which should bring rewards after the pain.

Aquarius is a coming theme for the decade ahead with a Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius in early 2021, followed in 2023 by Pluto moving into Aquarius to stay until 2043. This airy, inventive, technologically-oriented, scientific, allegedly humanitarian sign does have a lighter feel than Capricorn, but it can produce ideologues and fanatics, often right-wing.

2021/22 will also be marked by Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, which aspect is often seen as an indicator of a financial downturn. There’s a key Lunar Eclipse in late 2022 with the Full Moon tied into Uranus and square Saturn fairly closely; with a financial bubble-bursting Jupiter Neptune conjunction as well.

2025 will be the year of the decade and not necessarily for positive reasons. Following Pluto’s change of residency in 2023, the other three outer planets all move on a sign which will be a considerable gear shift. Neptune moves into Aries till 2038, having been lingering in Pisces since 2012 and promptly conjuncts Saturn (in Pisces since 2023); and Uranus moves into Gemini for seven years. The Neptune Saturn conjunction is often associated with widespread epidemics, as well as neurosis, creativity and hope for a better society.

The September 2025 Solar Eclipse indicates clearly the forces in play – a Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius trine New Moon which is opposition Saturn Neptune. It’s a powerful mix of outer planets all interconnected, so it will be accompanied by significant events. And that innovative and unsettled Uranus trine Pluto sextile Neptune runs on in orb for several years. The energy is Air and Fire, so it will be a time of fertile ideas, intellectual and scientific exploration – inspired but not always realistic.

Marlon Brando – genius and madness


Marlon Brando still casts a considerable shadow even fifteen years after his death. On top form as an actor in ‘The Godfather’ and ‘On the Waterfront’ he was matchless and he lived his life as a full-on drama. When he died at 80 in 2004 he had fathered at least 11 children from a run of spectacularly disastrous marriages. He was often presented as a wasted talent for the stacks of forgettable films he made for the paycheques. But he did good with his social activism, first in support of a post-war Jewish state, then with Martin Luther King and his support of American Indians. A recent biography by William J Mann charts his life in sympathetic detail cutting through the often self-created lies and fantasies he wove round his mythology.

He was born 3 April 1924 11pm Omaha, Nebraska, with two alcoholics as parents, which fuelled a rage and sense of victimhood he never lost despite years of therapy. He had an Aries New Moon in the performing 5th house square Mars in Capricorn in his financial 2nd house opposition Pluto in the 8th – which is an extraordinarily tough burden to carry of compacted anger and overwhelming frustration. He must have felt as a child that the universe and his parents were trying to destroy him and in later life he tried to self-destruct through obesity. He had lifelong mood swings, dark depressions and was a compulsive womanizer as well as an over-eater.

The Times reviewer of the biography remarks: “He was – utterly egocentric and therefore crushingly obtuse about other people’s feelings. His rages, sulks and destructiveness were monstrous.” His Sun on the point of a T Square would make him narcissistic and attention seeking; the focal point Moon would make his emotional sensitivities more acute. Mars Pluto would ramp all that up to def con levels.

He also had an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter in Sagittarius trine Neptune trine His Sun Moon – so would be confident, inspired and self-involved.

His Pluto in the 8th, a placing often found with superstars who have an ability to project an aura, was trine Uranus on his IC, a relic of an unpredictable childhood where his parents often ended up in jail. He had Venus in Capricorn in the 6th – perhaps a pointer to his eating indulgences.

His strongest Harmonic is his creative 7H, which can be psychologically on the edge as well as being a seeking soul – and shows the cruelty of his life both done to and doing clearly. His breakthrough-genius is also notable.

It’s a miracle he made it to 80.

Iraq – in the eye of the Middle Eastern storm

Iraq, fifteen years on from the aftermath of the catastrophic Bush/Blair invasion, appears to have gone backwards. The initial ‘shock and awe’ attack of 2003 was followed in 2004 by what was ironically described as sovereignty. Since then there have been a series of unstable governments. Recent public protests against political corruption and Iran’s influence over Iraqi politics coupled with the government’s violent response in which 400 have been killed led to the recent resignation of the prime minister.

The defeat of ISIS has left a vacuum in the country and in Syria, which has been filled by forces linked to Iran, Turkey, the United States, and Russia. New intelligence points to Iran stockpiling of missiles in Iraq, which pose a threat to American troops as well as Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Trump administration has sent roughly 14,000 additional troops to the region, primarily to staff Navy ships and missile defence systems.

What’s interesting about the Iraq Sovereignty chart, 28 June 2004 10.28am Baghdad, is that it is a Uranus Return on from the Iraq mandate chart of 23 August 1921 6am when the country was carved out of a Middle Eastern map after World War One. Both have Uranus in early Pisces; and coincidentally both have Jupiter in Virgo and the 1921 Pluto is conjunct the 2004 Cancer Sun Saturn. So both charts do appear to hold good. And they are being rattled by the Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses this year and next which usually points to crises.

Both charts have 2021 as an especially tricky year with a blocked Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Sun on the 2004 chart; and a severely jolted Solar Arc Sun square the Uranus on the 1921 Iraq chart in addition to tr Uranus in an explosive and highly-strung square to the Mars Neptune in 2021/22.

Tr Neptune is square the 4th house Pluto on the 2004 chart in 2020 for a discontented population and Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct the Mars in 2022 which will bring more violence/war; and tr Neptune opposes the Jupiter Saturn in the 1921 chart in 2021/22 for lowered hopes and uncertainty.

So it looks as if it’ll rumble on in the same state for some years ahead. The Iraq Attack of 20 March 2003 had the transiting Saturn opposition Pluto and this conjunction of the moment is the half-cycle further on.

Map: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/complete-map-of-syrian-war-november-update/

France – up in arms, encore


Emmanuel Macron’s landmark pension reforms have been met with the largest strikes of his presidency, as French rail workers, air-traffic controllers, teachers and public sector staff took to the streets in resistance to the changes. France has one of the lowest retirement ages and highest public sector costs in Europe; and Macron was voted in on what everyone knows needs done. As per usual pitchforks came out at any hint of a disruption to the ancien regime of generous benefits. 82% of rail drivers are out leading to the cancellation of 90% of regional trains cancelled, half of Paris’s metros are out, with fears it could continue for days.

The bullish, bolshie T Square in the France chart of a revolutionary Uranus opposition Pluto square a never-say-die (and vengeful) Mars in Scorpio has moved by Solar Arc to catch the prevailing Cancer/Capricorn eclipses. And tr Neptune is in an enthusiasm-denting and uncertain square to the Solar Arc Saturn opposition Jupiter in 2020; and in opposition to the 8th house Mercury – so muddle and mayhem may run on.

Macron’s Presidency chart 14 May 2017 11.25 am Paris is sagging badly till mid this December with tr Neptune square the Mars which usually suggests failing plans; with a setback tr Saturn square the Midheaven exactly now and a blocked tr Saturn conjunct the Pluto in mid this December.

Macron’s personal chart 21 December 1977 10.40am Amiens, France, has his Solar Arc Pluto now conjunct his Midheaven (birth time being exactly accurate) which can lead to power struggles, sometimes loss of reputation or an inability to stand up to stronger forces. With tr Saturn moving through his 12th house till this coming March and then hovering across his Ascendant backwards and forwards until December 2020, he’s at the end of a successful, responsible phase and heading downwards thereafter. Saturn on his Ascendant which repeats through the coming year will take the shine off his image.

Ellen Degeneres – smiling through gritted teeth

Comedian and television show host Ellen Degeneres who had been a byword for niceness for years appears to be losing her sheen, after several recent missteps. She has admitted her television persona is an act rather than the real her.

Born 26 January 1958 3.30 am Metairie, Louisiana, she has a charming Sun Venus in Aquarius opposition an 8th house Uranus so she will like to walk her own road and won’t always be good at compromise. Though since that opposition squares onto Neptune, North Node and Jupiter in Scorpio, she will cover over her stubborn streak with a bubbly Pollyanna-ish veneer. She also more markedly has a gritty conjunction of Saturn Mars on her Ascendant which can be short tempered. It trines her upfront Aries Moon so she will be a firecracker in her emotional life; and her Mars (Saturn) is also trine Pluto which is uber-determined.

What will be taking the gloss off her success is tr Saturn moving below her horizon through her lower profile First Quadrant, since 2017 and now at the nadir of that seven year phase moving through her 2nd house until 2022. It’s a time when individuals no longer feel like pushing ahead as ambitiously as before; and at a deeper level it’s when the old ego starts to be unpicked leading to a withdrawn few years until a new identity with different aims starts to emerge. Those who can’t give up the glitter and glory of their previous existence and push on as before start to slide on banana skins and make misjudgements.

In 2020 tr Uranus will be shaking up her natal Sun and Uranus for a definite rethink about priorities and direction. She also has tr Neptune moving to square her Saturn and then Mars in 2021/22/23 which will be unnerving and uncertain. And as if all that wasn’t enough she’s got her Progressed Moon moving through her 8th for another two years which is a conflicted time of searching for new values. So a tricky transition patch for a fairly Fixed individual.

Stanley Baxter – a talent for laughter


Comedian, impressionist, mimic and dancer Stanley Baxter, one of Scotland’s great talents, is still sparkling at 93. He’s been reprised in a TV collage for Christmas with segments from his best-known shows which in their day would get audiences of an unheard of (nowadays) 22 million. They featured pastiches of the musicals he had loved from boyhood and spoofs of Hollywood classics such as Gone with the Wind (Rhett Butler: “I’m going to tear off that fancy dress and smother you with custard, sponge and sherry.” Scarlett O’Hara: “No, I won’t be trifled with.”)

He was born 24 May 1926 2.15am Glasgow, the same year as the Queen (and David Attenborough) so blessed with their longevity. Though according to his biographer his impersonation of HMQ pushed the boundaries a touch and provoked letters from brigadiers in Surrey threatening to have him horsewhipped.

He has a chatty, sharp-witted 3rd house Gemini Sun and an exuberant Jupiter in Aquarius on his Ascendant opposition Neptune square Saturn opposition Mercury – so a Fixed and enduring Grand Cross. He also has a talented and healing Water Grand Trine of North Node Pluto in Cancer trine Saturn in conscientious Scorpio trine Mars in Pisces; and a Cardinal T Square of a Libra Moon opposition Venus square Pluto in the performing 5th. For all his bubbly persona on stage and on television he was a private man and very emotional.

He started as a child actor, performed during his national service and later in the Citizens’ Theatre, and for many Glaswegians for years he was the face of Christmas pantomimes, sparking off Scots comedian Jimmy Logan, 4 April 1929 12.10am Glasgow.

They were a good fit since Jimmy Logan’s enthusiastic Sun Jupiter in Aries was resonated with Stanley’s Venus and Moon; and Jimmy’s Mars in Aquarius was conjunct Stanley’s Jupiter for a boisterous chemistry.

NATO – internal fractures and ructions


NATO is having a low-key and uncomfortable 70th birthday non-celebration this year. There are concerns over the USA’s continued support given Trump’s legitimate concerns over other countries not pulling their weight financially. And deeper concerns over Turkey leaning towards Russia. Emmanuel Macron uptight about both of these then let fly about a ‘brain dead’ organisation. In response Trump over for the UK meeting slammed back at Macron for being disrespectful. So relations there not great and won’t have been improved by Trump threatening to slap 100% tariff on French goods in revenge for a new French digital tax targeting google, apple, facebook and amazon.

The world has gone mad. Or at least the tectonic plates are shifting around so much nothing feels stable any more.

NATO, 24 August 1949 11.42 am Washington, DC, is feeling the strain with tr Pluto square the Mars in Cancer exactly now (and through 2018/earlier in 2019 as well) – that brings frustrations and deadlocks. There’ll be a setback over the New Year and through January 2020 as tr Saturn opposes the Mars and then along with tr Pluto is conjunct the Jupiter in January as well. Quite what effect tr Saturn Pluto has in sitting on Jupiter is difficult to say. Tr Pluto conjunct Jupiter (late Jan 2020 to late 2021) is successful and upbeat though it can also go well over the score and be so pushily confident it backfires.

There will be changes of direction in 2020 as well with tr Uranus square the midheaven (time being accurate) from mid year onwards into 2021; along with tr Uranus trine the NATO Moon Saturn. Plus very intense discussions over future direction as tr Pluto trines the Mercury in 2020/21. Though there’s nothing terminal in that.

Trump certainly dislikes NATO with a composite Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Mercury in the relationship chart. There’ll be flashes of aggravation from mid 2020 onwards into 2021. Where it would really start to get seriously disruptive is IF (sigh) there’s a second Trump term – since in 2021/22 tr Uranus squares the composite Pluto, Saturn, Mercury and tr Pluto opposes the composite Sun.

Trump’s initial bro-romance with Macron was never destined to last for long. On Trump’s astrocartography Paris has his ‘I’m in charge’ Pluto on the midheaven and bossy Mars in the 10th. Not a good fit with Macron or indeed the French.

Prince Andrew and David Rowland, the money man


More damning information about Prince Andrew’s financial affairs have surfaced in the Mail, exposing his association with property developer and half-billionaire David Rowland. The allegations are that the prince crossed the line and exploited his trade envoy job to further his and the Rowlands’ private financial interests.

David Rowland, 16 June 1945, is the son of a scrap-metal dealer, who made his first million by 23, moved up in the world and nearly became treasurer of the Tory Party after giving a massive donation but retreated in a hurry when the Mail started asking questions about his background. It is also claimed he paid off chunks of Sarah Ferguson’s debts.

He’s a flexible Sun Mercury and Uranus in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo – a multi-tasker, overly confident. He has that signature Venus Mars conjunction that runs right through Epstein’s main connections including Prince Andrew. Rowland’s Venus Mars is in Taurus square Pluto and sextile Saturn so staggeringly determined and fairly ruthless when it comes to getting his own way.

His Venus Mars falls in Andrew’s 10th house of career with his Jupiter in Andrew’s 2nd house of personal finances; and his Gemini Sun opposes Andrew’s Jupiter in the speculative 5th. A match designed with money in mind.

Their relationship chart has a slippery composite Sun opposition Neptune and Sun in a controlling trine to Pluto; with an over-hopeful Mercury opposition Jupiter; and an excitable Venus Mars trine Uranus. It is labouring mightily in a swamp of confusion at the moment with tr Pluto square the composite Neptune which can feel devastating; and is under a dark and separating cloud in 2020 with tr Saturn square the Neptune and Sun.

Rowlands’ chart doesn’t indicate a great time for several years ahead with a high-insecurity tr Uranus conjunct the Mars exactly now, repeating in February. His Progressed Mars is also in a car-crash conjunction to his Sun now and then Mercury next year. Plus a confidence-undermining tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter from April for a year; a setback Solar Arc Saturn square his Sun in 2020/21 and Neptune trailing on for another couple of years squaring his Sun.

Don Johnson – zenning into his seventies


Don Johnson, the Miami Vice heartthrob and wild-partying bad- boy, has found inner peace through Buddhism, stopped drink and drugs, settled into a fifth marriage and is experiencing a career resurgence. With notable mentions in Django Unchained and the Book Club, he’s now surfing higher with the Watchmen and Knives Out.

He was born 15 December 1949 10.30pm Cassville, Missouri (astrotheme), into a poor family with teenage parents; and dated Melanie Griffiths, daughter of Tippi Hedren, when she was 14 and he was in his early 20s and just starting to act. He married her twice, producing daughter Dakota; and had two other brief marriages, plus his last in 1999 which has produced three children. As well as multiple liaisons with other starry ladies including Barbra Streisand in the early days.

Birth time being accurate, he has a 4th house Sagittarius Sun trine a 12th house Pluto and square a hard-edged and irritable Mars Saturn in Virgo which would bring frustrations and setbacks. His intensely emotional Scorpio Moon is square a frivolous Venus Jupiter in Aquarius and in a restless trine to Uranus.

Melanie Griffiths, 9 August 1957 11.49pm New York, was a reasonable match from his point of view since her Aquarius Moon is conjunct his Venus Jupiter and her Sun conjunct his Pluto, with her Venus conjunct his Mars Saturn – so she would calm his rougher edges and be under his control but it wouldn’t be a long term runner with her Uranus square his Moon. Their relationship chart is half passionate with a composite Pluto square Venus Jupiter, trine Moon and half a mess with composite Sun, Neptune Saturn square Uranus. Not designed to last. His daughter Dakota, 4 October 1989 2.49pm Austin, Texas, has a Libra Sun Mars on the point of a T Square to the triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn opposition Jupiter – reflecting a father who was a mish mash of positive and scattergun.

He’s in for a run of Neptune transits in opposition to his Saturn first in 2020 and then hitting on his Sun and Mars – so a swampy patch ahead. Though being in the film business may soak up some of it. It’ll be emotionally changeable with tr Uranus square his Venus and Moon this in 2020 as well.


Pic: Peter Kudlacz