The 2021 Inauguration chart has an explosive and disruptive Moon Mars Uranus conjunction in the hidden 12th house square a Sun Saturn Jupiter conjunction (assuming 12 noon swearing in). The theme of these administration start charts can indicate internal political challenges or external events.
George W Bush’s First Term, 20 January 2001, which kicked off after a deeply flawed election result, and led into 9/11, the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars had a dirty-dealings behind-the-scenes 8th house Moon Pluto; with an explosive Mars opposition Saturn square Uranus Mercury – so reflecting internal and external events.
Abraham Lincoln’s Term chart, 4 March 1861 which led into the Civil War and then his assassination had a brutal Mars Pluto in Taurus trine Saturn; with a Saturn square Uranus reflecting the conflict between conservative and progressive.
Franklin D Roosevelt’s 3rd Term, 20 January 1941, leading into Pearl Harbour and World War 11, had a stark Sun opposition Pluto square Jupiter Saturn in Taurus; with Mars trine Pluto, which is warlike enough.
George H Bush, 20 January 1989, oversaw the first Gulf War, and that inauguration chart had an argumentative Sun square Mars, with a volatile and disruptive Mars trine Uranus Saturn.
John F Kennedy, 20 January 1961 12.45pm was another Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn with a stressed Yod of Mars sextile Pluto inconjunct Midheaven. Though was a good deal less challenging than any of the above.
Ronald Reagan’s First Term, 20 January 1981, which was followed by an assassination attempt from which he nearly died, has yet another Jupiter Saturn conjunction this time in Libra – with a potent Mars Mercury trine Pluto as well as trine Saturn Jupiter.
Jupiter Saturn conjunctions have a bad reputation for US Presidents. Every American president in the past 200 years who has been inaugurated on a Jupiter–Saturn conjunction has either been assassinated or survived an assassination attempt or died in office with only two exceptions, Thomas Jefferson and James Munroe. See post 3 January 2019, Tecsumeh’s Curse.
Richard Nixon’s Presidency, 20 January 1969, which ended in his resignation after Watergate is curiously free of aggravating aspects; with a lucky Sun trine Uranus Jupiter and Pluto and an unengaged Mars and little aspected Saturn. Though the Sun is conjunct the Mars/Saturn and Neptune/Node midpoints suggesting setbacks and deception; with Saturn opposition the Mars/Pluto midpoint which is catastrophe-prone.
Add On: In fact his 2nd Term chart (above) 20 January 1973 is more illuminating with an 8th house Mars opposition Saturn, always a sure sign of a setback and ill-luck – which also figures in Trump’s Term chart from 8th to 11th houses. In Nixon’s case there is also an unstable Uranus square Midheaven (assuming 12 noon))
From the above I’d kind of assume that not all of the stressed aspects of the 2021 Inauguration chart will come from internal political strains. There could well be global events involved as well. The 2021 Uranus square Saturn is redolent of the 1861 Civil War in the conflict between conservative and radical, and although angry and potentially violent nowhere near as destructive as 1861. Also if the swearing in time is not noon for any reason then the Mars Uranus may not be 12th house.
Some of the above charts have 12 noon start times since there was no information to suggest otherwise.
From Lincoln Inaugural Speech 1861: “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”
“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”