19 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hello Marjorie – Jan Morris has just died, aged 94. An incredibly productive writer, historian, and trans pioneer. I have loved her writing. 2nd October 1926, but as far as I can tell, no birth time anywhere.

  2. Splashed across the newspapers today is Princess Haya’s (3 May 1984) High Court tussle with her ex Sheikh Mohammed over ownership of multi-million pound racehorses & other assets. Her (and his) chart could be of interest.

  3. Boris backs another of his team caught breaking the rules. I can’t stand bullies in powerful positions! Any chance Boris and Priti Patel will run into trouble over this? Many thanks.

  4. Hi.
    Reading this:

    I found out that king Richard II might have died of starvation:
    “He is thought to have been starved to death in captivity in Pontefract Castle on or around 14 February 1400, “.

    Here’s his chart:


    Is it possible to see in it the manner in which he died?
    Meaning: could one make a case to death by starvation looking at his chart?

    Thank you.

    • Hm not sure what death by starvation would look like and the circumstances and indeed date of his death are unclear. He did have Saturn in Scorpio in his 8th which might suggest a lingering exit but it wouldn’t be definitive and there wasn’t showing much pressure in 1400.

  5. Hi Marjorie
    Because I think JB is a short term fix ( or one term fix) I was wondering about significant others and I know you have looked at Elizabeth Warren previously, but things don’t seem to be working out as I suspected. I had assumed she had close ties with JB and would be more prominent, if she frozen out I wonder can you see her acting as a different voice holding JB to account and I was mindful of AndyB comments, you mentioned 2024 when her Pluto will conjunct her Jupiter can you see any synergies in 2021?

    • i think it is far to early to start looking at 2024 candidates, IMHO. We don’t even have the “pres-elect” installed yet. why not enjoy the ride for a while…?

  6. Marie Stopes has been in the news regarding her association with the dubious theories of eugenics and her name removed from the clinics she founded. It would be interesting to see her astrology. Thank you Marjorie.

  7. Hello Marjorie
    Is it possible to look at Marcus Rashford’s chart when you have time (!)……he was rubbished in the Mail on Sunday in such a contemptible, unsubtle, middle class rage of envy, but looking at the chart he IS his own man. More power to him, he has more class than the rest of them put together. Many thanks.

  8. Marjorie,

    It appears Joe Biden is considering Hillary Clinton for the UN Ambassador position. This was reported in The Advocate (a progressive leaning news source).

    I know that Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris have been good friends for many years and many news sources believe Harris was Hillary’s preferred presidential candidate during the early stages of the Democratic primaries (even though Hillary didn’t issue any official endorsement for any candidate until after the primaries).

    It does make me wonder if Kamala Harris had a hand in suggesting Hillary for the UN Ambassador…based on their years of friendship.

    Frankly, if all of this is true, I would be ecstatic if Hillary Clinton were to become UN Ambassador since I can’t imagine anyone more qualified or more knowledgeable on global affairs and international relations than her. Hillary was my candidate for President in 2008 and in 2016….seeing her in public service again would be great

    Astrologically speaking, are there any indications of any new career prospects for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming year? Would she enjoy a role as UN Ambassador?

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.

    • @ Chris Romero
      Why can’t Hillary just fade into history and enjoy spending time with her grandchildren.
      Oh I forgot she’s a Scorpio and she just can’t let go. She needs the right wing attacking her as much as the right-wing needs to attack her to live.

      • Wait and see would be my thought. She might be rattled by whatever crawls out of the woodwork vis a vis Epstein/Maxwell court cases and maybe implicating Bill in the swamp.

        • @ Marjorie,

          Most sensible people in this country do not hold Hillary Clinton accountable for any wrongdoings her husband might be responsible for.

        • I am a Taurus sun whose mother is a Halloween Scorpio who manifests all of the negative traits of Scorpio and manages to turn even the positive traits into negatives so no my experience with Scorpio suns has not been positive.

  9. Hola Marjorie.
    In light of Lewis Hamilton’s record equalling success this year, how’s he looking for the next 2 years; record breaking perhaps?

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