Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the leftwing Congresswoman has lashed out at the Democratic party for lacking “core competencies” to run campaigns. She denied that the Movement for Black Lives and the Green New Deal had been instrumental in the poor showing with loss of congressional seats. She endorsed Bernie Sanders early on.
Born 13 October 1989 11.50am Bronx, New York, she’s a fiery Sun Mars in Libra with an Aries Moon; and the innovative though can-be-chaotic triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn.
She’s not at her most successful at the moment with tr Saturn moving through her 2nd house and will be in a better position by 2023 when her Solar Arc Jupiter is square her Pluto. Though that won’t necessarily shoot her to the top of the tree since she’s got a good deal ahead for two decades thereafter.
She’s not the best fit with Biden since her Pluto is conjunct his Mars in Scorpio which hints at a degree of hostility and power-playing. Their relationship chart is aggravated and chilly now and into this December with tr Saturn square the composite Mercury Mars; and tense through next spring.
If anything her relationship with Kamala Harris is trickier still. Both are Sun Libras with Aries Moons which doesn’t make it easier. Alexandra’s Pluto is conjunct Kamala’s Neptune and square her Mars; and her Saturn, Uranus, Neptune fall in Kamala’s 7th. The relationship chart has friendly aspects; but also a slippery and ego-clashing composite Mars square Neptune and Jupiter, which tr Neptune is undermining till late January 2021; and will be pressured through to late 2022 with tr Pluto square the Sun and Venus.
It’ll be a tug of war.
I’m a Triple Capricorn 89er born just a day prior to AOC, so it gives me most of her Cardinal planets except Moon and Mercury, I got an Aqua Moon and last degree Virgo Merc. AOC is one of the pioneers who will be the changing the face of US and World Politics whether people like it or not. I am a big fan. Because AOC doesn’t take any shiz from what seem to be usually older,privileged,white men and women who always think they know better. Go on, girl. Let’s do this!
I think she needs to grow more and will do better in her forties. People push her down, but really she is still experiencing political life and has much too learn
It’s not just the young. I’m 58 (American) and love her fresh voice and feisty attitude, as well as her social democratic leanings. But then, too, my own chart makes connections with her Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Her North Node is also fairly close to the Sibly Aquarius moon conjunct Pallas, so “Warrior for the people” isn’t a big stretch IMO. A role that, with her nodes, looks like a karmic push. A south node Leo can be said to be “to the manor born” in past lives, so I view her as having a subtle understanding of the current condition of the U.S. Not to mention, many of us elders were frankly disturbed by Trump’s threat to eliminate Social Security.
While some do attempt to throw shade on her for being “just a bartender,” they typically leave out the part where she earned a bachelor’s degree, with honors, in international relations and economics. She’s educationally prepared for the world stage, earning experience in her field of study, and accurately representing the leanings of the district she serves. Nothing seems out of place to me here. DJT himself is also, like AOC, a brash, in-your-face New Yorker, and one who had *zero* governing experience prior to his election—in his case, to the highest office in the land. I reject criticizing the goose for what is deemed okay for the gander.
I am not a fan of AOC. She is a spotlight hog, and all the other freshmen Congressmen and Congresswomen have been under her shadow, it not a good way. The media loves her as she is glamorous and vocal, but she is the youngest member of congress, and besides bartending, this is her very first job. She gets a lot of undeserved attention. I think she is 32, she has not even lived yet. Look up Max Rose, Seth Moulton, and Abigail Spanberger. There is another congressman in Pennsylvannia who is great. Jim Clyburn who helped Biden win advised against going far left is awesome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Clyburn
I would love to see a profile on Stacey Abrams, who I think is going to be a big deal in the future.
I don’t know why AOC gets all this attention, but when things don’t go her way there will be a tantrum. Word on the street is that CNN handed Trump 2016, and they are doing this again with AOC. Eyeballs get advertising dollars, and controversy gets eyeballs.
AOC has a puppet master behind the scenes. It is all just too much for me. We are fighting for our Republic over here, and nothing is certain at this point. Today Pompeo announced that Trump will be serving a second term. Sorry if I sound negative – you were right that Pluto was going to be nasty. Trump has mob connections, and they are not going to go quietly.
The Exhausted Majority – it is worth spending some time on this research. https://hiddentribes.us/
Maybe 10% of the USA would identify as the AOC progressive left. Ramming the Medicare for All down our throats is a mistake. I got into a discussion with someone at a Boston University event at the Sam Rayburn Building about this, and that man was a true believer. BTW – AOC was the featured Guest and she stood BU up. Very embarassing. I went to Boston University, as did AOC.
I am sorry, we are just very distressed over here.
Several Career DOJ Attorneys quit today.
As far as AOC and her upset? She will learn she is not the center of anything when she gets to know Kamala Harris, who has real lived experience as an AG of California, and Joe Biden. I would argue that is Transiting nodes and eclipse in action on her Ascendent Pluto in Sagittarius. The south node eclipses and transiting nodes in anything on my chart have produced endings.
Astrology for me today in the thick of this upset? Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, expanding all of this. What I hope to see is more information about Trump coming out of the shadows.
While I like her passion and support for BLM and championing the Green Deal, what the elections have shown is that most Americans, unfortunately, aren’t yet ready for total change. I am progressive but also pragmatic, in acknowledging that change, esp in domains that require major attitude reversals (racial justice, overconsumption) take time. It’s true that the DNC, like many large orgs, esp political ones, can be slow to change; or to walk the talk, as I personally know only too well (Liberals who claim to fight discrimination but won’t invite you into their homes).
But we can’t afford to scare off voters and lose in 2024, or the mid-terms… It may go too slowly for sure, but changes have begun. Sometimes it takes a whole new generation as younger Americans, generally more progressive, come to power. Biden & Co. have to somehow find a way to promote jobs (always people’s #1 concern, no matter what else they believe) while also supporting progressive changes. Just hope AOC is wise enough to be patient and not destroy the party from within even before the inauguration.
ps. my sis in law is a Libra Sun Aries Moon and she assumes she knows what’s best for everyone. Patient with boundless energy, but not good at understanding that others may have diff points of view, diff priorities. Tends to be selfish even when claiming to be ‘fair’
I agree with most of what you said. Thank you.
She totally reflects the dominant views of those around ~ 30. She does not plan to stay in politics. She was drafted and recommended to run for Congress, against a Democratic incumbent, because of her stands as an activist and associations with Bernie Sanders. But it is probably not what she expected for her life.
AOC has a chart with Sun, Mars and Mercury in Libra just like Margaret Thatcher. Another similarity is the presence of Venus the ruler of Libra in early Sagittarius. Both have major planets opposing each other on the Capricorn/Cancer axis. The big difference is that Thatcher had that Pluto/Jupiter opposition so often associated with power in government while AOC has Neptune/Saturn opposite Jupiter which is a much more difficult energy to focus politically with a danger of illusion conflicting with logic, impractical expectations and potential disappointments.
Thanks, Hugh. Your point about Neptune / Saturn opposite Jupiter in AOC’s chart is enlightening.
The similarities with Margaret Thatchers chart struck me as odd given the fact they are on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Weirdly I was just looking at the photograph of AOC and as a Brit I got a strange feeling of recognition which made me check Thatchers’s chart. Both politicians have Mars rising as the leading or oriental planet before the Sun which may explain their combative nature. AOC Pluto in the 11th House of the legislature or Parliament trine Jupiter in the 7th associated with Libra and the planet Venus which suggests she will have a big influence politically even if she does not wield direct power in government. It is important to remember that in her day Thatcher was seen as a radical and a disrupter of the then U.K. political status quo so the comparison is not as ludicrous as it may at first seem.
Just to add that Vogue have pointed out that both Margaret Thatcher and AOC have a trademark bright red lipstick in common (how Martian is that symbol).
I like her, I even like her chart, but she probably need some further character building experiences to become a real political force. Other than Solar Arch movements and.Saturn cycle on houses Marjorie mentioned, I think tr. Saturn conjunct Moon could be important. She last had this as a child, and will have again in her late 30’s.
Also, another notion concerning AOC/Harris: I don’t think sharing Sun/Moon is necessarily bad in professional synastry. I tend to get things done with men who share my Sun sign and women who share my Moon sign. Harris has a niece, Meena, who shares her birthday, and the girls seen on stage in Wilmington were Meena’s children.
Good to hear. She needs to be tempered. She is not Speaker of thd House and never will be. She’s not even the chair of any committee, yet appears to think she runs the party. She scared off potential crossover voters so she has no one to blame but herself for House losses. Now she’s criticizing the Republican-led Lincoln Project who spent millions to get Republicans to vote for Biden.
It’s hard for someone with 8 planets in cardinals to see themselves as anything but a leader initiating change. This is why many of her generation with the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn stellium were always bemoaning how they’re depressed because they’ve failed to change the world at age 22 or some equally tender age.
Trouble is with her planets forming a Grand Cross, it’s difficult for anyone to tell her otherwise.
@Lisa, see Majorie’s post on Lincoln Project. AOC is hardly the only critic, and they seem to be set to dissolve. They’ve been extremely dismissive of Stacey Abram’s work in Georgia, not “boosting” Fair Fight, which has an actual ground operation is Georgia, and they got censored on Twitter today for doxing two Trump lawyers.
Agreed 100% Lisa. You are correct.
@ Lisa, you’ve been drinking the right-wing Koolaid. The only ones who have elevated AOC to leadership status has been Republicans.
No one else is threatened by a woman who will be beginning her third year in Congress.
But yeah some yahoo from Florida called her an effing b earlier this year and had a difficult time apologizing.
Also I have no idea what you’re talking about. The only voters who know who AOC were already going to vote Republican so chill.
Cool it, Roderick. Your posts veer towards the offensive.
What exactly did I say that was offensive?
I think you misread what I said.
I was repeating what AOC was called by a Republican. I wasn’t calling Lisa the b-word.
The tenor of your post came across as mildly aggressive. All I was suggesting is you lower the excitement levels.
@ Marjorie
I was just pointing out that Lisa was repeating all of the right-wing talking points about AOC.
That’s all nothing more.
I am sorry but I get excited when people blatenly lie.
I really like this woman and her principles and I’m not even American! I wish more politicians were like her. Does she have any good aspects to indicate a possible future as a President? I can’t see Biden making any great changes as he is a typical, bland, middle-of-the-road politician. However, he is like Santa Claus compared to the odious Trump and I’m glad he won considering there were only two options.
I don;t view her as being presidential material – too many rough edges in her personality. There’s nothing wrong with a career in Congress. She may learn maturity with time. I also feel she’s a real spark plug but there is a time and place for being outspoken.
@larryc, I agree, she needs to mature. She is smart and feisty, but not the time or place, when Trump Administration is digging their heels to stay at WH.
Yes, Solaia let’s be like Gore, Obama and Biden and get chewed up by the right wing smear machine.
Even Biden’s old Senate buddy McConnell has gotten on board with Trump’s refusal to concede the election to Biden.
BTW Republicans just claimed another seat-this time in North Carolina because Cal ‘caught sexting my mistress’ Cunningham conceded to the Republican incumbent Thom Tillis who was allegedly trailing Cunningham by TEN points in the polls.
Whoever picked the Senatorial candidates for the Democrats this election cycle needs to resign his/her Senate seat because that person did a pathetic job.
“Whoever picked the Senatorial candidates for the Democrats this election cycle needs to resign his/her Senate seat because that person did a pathetic job.”
The paranoid in me asks: did they? Or was it intended?
I don;t view her as being presidential material – too many rough edges in her personality.
Actually the Democrats need a leader with ‘rough edges’ a fighter because there are members of the Democratic base who want someone who acts as the issues they are battling for are a matter of life or death because some of them actually are.
But hey let’s be nice to Trump and let him cry it out while he is planning WWIII with his Pentagon purge.
Roderick, this is actually why I like her, to be honest. We are beyond the 11th hour and both sides of the political spectrum are constantly dilly-dallying and listening to the oligarchs who are the money behind the government in many ways. AOC is right to be concerned because it could pave way for disaster somewhere down the line even worse than Trump or some environmental/health problem we can’t come back from.
I’m just hoping the Biden government is a transitional period to get its bearings together after Trump knocked the country wildly off-course.
I read a piece today from the Guardian journalist, George Monbiot, ‘The US was lucky to get Trump – Biden may pave the way for a more competent autocrat’ – who has voiced concerns about many world leaders compromising themselves from oligarch money which is sowing anger in the public. There is no time for US politics, in particular, to rest on its laurels, which is why it needs somebody like AOC to take the reins because it’s the ‘same old’ kind of behaviour which has lead the country where it is. Same here in the UK too.
I’m hoping, as someone said either here or somewhere else, that Biden might be the end of the old cycle of dinosaurs and a new way is paved in 2024 with many planets moving into Aquarius. We’ll see. But Trump did have to go.
Who said that she wanted to be president?
She is an agent of change just like Stacey Abrams.
AOC is a grassroots organizer and that is why she scares the heck out of the Democratic Establishment.
The Democrats seem to want to lose by being afraid of telling the truth about Republicans and having no way to establish and keep a line of communication with their constituents.