Andrew Bailey & the Bank of England – treacherous times


Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, cheerfully remarked the UK had been teetering on the edge of going bust in March; and sent out a warning shot that the bank shouldn’t be seen as the government’s money-tree or cashpoint-in-the-sky ad infinitum. Though whether he’ll win that point is moot.

Jeremy Warner remarks in the Telegraph: “So-called “monetary financing” of government deficits has always been a taboo among central bankers, and with good reason. From Weimar to Zimbabwe and more latterly Venezuela, hyperinflations nearly all have their genesis in an overactive central bank printing press at the beck and call of populist politicians.”

There have already been murmurs of No 10 trying to shift some blame for the general mayhem onto Chancellor Rishi Sunak, which would open up the traditional rift between the Treasury and the Prime Minister.

But the allegedly independent Bank of England really is the backstop. Andrew Bailey, 30 March 1959, is a lively Sun Mercury in Aries trine Uranus in Leo and trine Jupiter in Sagittarius; with a steadier Saturn in Capricorn trine Pluto, sextile Neptune; and a pushily-confident Jupiter square Pluto. He was looking jammed-up in March with a seriously stuck tr Saturn opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint, which repeats late this July and late November/early December. Those phases also show up sharply on Bailey’s relationship chart with Sunak as key aggravation points.

Bailey looks to be sagging at the moment with tr Neptune square his Sun/Pluto midpoint with more career-loss influences in September, and another run of the same February 2021 on and off to January 2022. The economically-challenging tr Uranus in Taurus square tr Saturn in Aquarius from spring of 2021 on and off throughout the year will hit him badly as it impacts on his financial Venus. From June 2021 as well tr Neptune squares his Mars in Gemini bringing a sense of panicky failure running through till late 2022; and before then the December 2020 Sagittarius Eclipse will oppose his Mars for a major argument.

Not the easiest of times to take over the hot seat. And his relationships with both Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak are both inherently at cross purposes to start with. With Boris there’s an exasperated composite Mars trine Saturn square Pluto and a suspicious Neptune square Saturn. With Rishi there’s an argumentative, ego-clashing composite Sun Mercury square Mars.

On the UK chart, March just passed saw the start of transiting Uranus moving definitely forward through the 8th house of joint finances where it will stay until 2027, bouncing in a series of uncomfortable jolting hard aspects to the UK’s financial planets – Mars in the 8th, Venus in the speculative 5th, and Neptune in the 2nd.

Rishi Sunak, 12 May 1980, a stalwart Taurus, is also looking angst-ridden and fearing the worst with tr Neptune opposition his Saturn now and on and off till late 2021; with a peculiarly upsetting patch across the New Year through January. His relationship with Boris is understandably edgy; with differences of opinion now as the present two Lunar Eclipses and the Solar Eclipse catch several of the planets in their relationship chart; and if anything there’ll be more upsets from December on with the Solar Eclipse being opposition Sunak’s Venus in Gemini and Boris’s Sun Venus and their composite Venus.

Not sure any of them would have signed up for this had they known then what we know now.

New York New York – brand new start is a ways away


New York is doing comparatively well and opening up in stages with the virus death toll down to single digits in recent days, after a three-month long siege during which more than 22,000 New Yorkers died.

The city was incorporated on 1 January 1898 and the hit from the pandemic is clearly marked with the Solar Arc Saturn opposing the NY Jupiter this year and squaring the NY Capricorn Sun in 2021, dampening the normally rambunctious New Yorker approach to life. The Solar Arc Neptune is also square the NY Mercury in Capricorn this year for confusion and uncertainty with the additional pressure of tr Pluto hard aspects on both till late this year.

The December Sagittarius Eclipse will also conjunct the NY Venus Mars for a flurry of arguments and financial upsets. So the immediate economic damage is likely to drag on through at least next year – and almost certainly longer. What is worrisome is that transiting Neptune at present squaring the NY Neptune will move to hard aspect to the Mars and Venus/Neptune midpoints and then the NY Venus and Mars from 2022 to 2024 which will be disappointing financially and will tend to lower confidence. 2024 is also the year when tr Saturn in Pisces squares the NY Uranus Saturn and Pluto for an edgy and blocked year; in 2025 squaring the Neptune and Venus Mars for more of the same.

Along the way tr Pluto in Aquarius from 2024 will sextile the NY Uranus for the start of more radical changes with a ‘lucky break’ Solar Arc Uranus opposition the NY Jupiter in 2025. But it’s going to be a long haul.

A similar timeline is reflected in the New York State, 26 July 1788 chart – with this year high uncertainty and worry from Solar Arc Neptune square the Saturn; and a jolting Solar Arc Saturn square Uranus; and a panicky and undermining tr Neptune opposition the Mars this year and next. 2022 to 2024 will be years of jolting change with tr Uranus square the Pluto, Mercury and then Venus; with a blocked and frustrated Solar Arc Mars square Pluto and Mercury in 2025.

This follows a pattern of country charts where the economic pain is likely to extent on to the middle of the decade.

There are charts for Manhattan, May 16, 1626, 8:56 AM

Manhattan, New York (NY); and Brooklyn, June 22, 1636, 2:15 PM

Brooklyn  – but I don’t know whether they are OS or NS calendar and being astrotheme it doesn’t say.

From previous post: AUGUST 1318

New York could be creeping towards a mood redolent in some respects of 1929/30 as transiting Saturn conjuncts the New York Inc Capricorn Sun and squares the NY Jupiter; and Solar Arc Saturn squares the Sun and opposes the NY Jupiter.  Saturn tends to have a discouraging effect and hitting on Jupiter usually has negative effects on finances and enthusiasm.

The Saturn transits come exact this December; and the Solar Arc Saturn hard aspects pick up from late 2019 through to 2020.

In 1929 for the Wall Street Crash Solar Arc Saturn was square the NY Jupiter and conjunct the NY Sun in 1930. With the additional jolt of Solar Arc Uranus hitting on both the Sun and Jupiter in 1930; and the devastation of tr Pluto conjunct the Solar Arc Neptune – neither of which are around this time. So not quite as bad.

The NY Inc chart, 1 January 1898 has, in addition to four Cardinal planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and perhaps Moon) providing a wealth of initiative and ambition, also six highly-strung, changeable Mutable planets. The generational Neptune Pluto in Gemini with Pluto in a tough-minded opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius (conjunct Uranus) and Neptune widely opposition Mars Venus in last degree Sagittarius/

At 9/11 the war-like transiting Saturn in Gemini opposition tr Pluto in Sagittarius hit the NY Pluto, so pulling out its formidable resilience. When the Lehman Brothers collapse of 15 September 2008 occurred tr Pluto was conjunct the NY Mars Venus; with the economically-unstable tr Uranus in Pisces opposition tr Saturn in Virgo hitting on the NY Neptune and Pluto – a considerable whammy. Plus the Solar Arc Saturn was square the NY Mars Venus in the aftermath.

Whatever is coming up is a natural progression from the Lehman collapse and aftermath as the Solar Arc Saturn has moved off the NY Mars Venus and is near the exact square to the NY Sun.

Stock Exchange charts are not always reliable but for what it’s worth – NY SE 17 May 1792 11.30am. This has slightly similar influences to 1929 with tr Pluto in aspect to the Mars, exact this September/October and the Solar Arc Sun in both 1929 and late this year has outer planet hard aspects. Though 1929 has additional negative influences as well.

Doesn’t mean there will be exactly the same but it does look downbeat that’s for sure.

Add on: The Wall Street crash occurred with Pluto at 19 degrees Cancer with tr Uranus in first decan Aries and tr Saturn in late Sagittarius. That would pull together into a Pluto opposition Saturn square Uranus for the start of the Great Depression which followed. Saturn Pluto is bleak, accompanies hardship and deprivation. Saturn square Uranus is usually economically unstable. Uranus Pluto is disruptive.

There are some similarities in so far as the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn drawing close from spring 2019 running till early 2020 will most likely accompany a recession and perhaps a more significant war globally. But the Saturn Uranus is missing as is the Uranus Pluto (which we’ve had 2012 to 2016.)

There is a repeat of the 3 South Eclipse in late 2019 which was around late 1929 and late 2001 as well. That cycle also occurred in late 1947 when the Cold War was hotting up and the House Un-American Activities Committee (commies under the bed) got under way. In late 1965 when the Vietnam War and anti-demos were escalating. And in late 1983. On all of those times there were contributory pressures from e.g. Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo in the mid 1980s; and the Saturn Pluto in Leo conjunction in 1947; and Saturn Pluto in Scorpio in 1983.

All of the 2019 Eclipses in Capricorn (beginning and end of the year) and Cancer midway will hit on the USA chart with its Sun, Jupiter and Venus in Cancer. Ditto the UK and the EU and Germany all with Capricorn Suns.

All looks like a bumpy ride though nothing like as poleaxing as 1929 and beyond.



Lady Colin Campbell – telling tales about the Royals


Lady Colin Campbell, the Jamaican-born aristo-wannabe, has another Royal book out this week – Meghan and Harry, the Real Story. She has previously cornered the market in marginally salacious Royal books, spilling the beans about Diana’s affairs, casting aspersions about the Queen Mother’s parentage and the Queen’s marriage amongst other titbits. None of which has made her popular in the inner circle of courtiers and Royals.

She came to public prominence on Celebrity Jungle a few years back, where she fell out with two of the other contestants and claimed she was bullied. She was born on 17 August 1949 to a wealthy department store father in Jamaica, with a birth defect which labelled her as a boy until she went for corrective surgery in her late teens. Her father was moody with a turbulent temper and her mother was narcissistic and cruel.  A brief early marriage to a younger son of the Duke of Argyll gave her a title and she has never remarried.

She is a Sun Pluto in Leo with Sun inconjunct Jupiter in socially and materially ambitious Capricorn. Her Moon either Taurus or Gemini probably squares Saturn in Virgo; with communicative Mercury and Venus also in Virgo.  She also has an excitable, assertive, focal point Mars in Cancer in a showbiz square to Neptune opposition North Node in Aries.

Her chart does not sit easily with Meghan’s despite both having Mars in Cancer, Venus in Virgo and Suns in Leo. CC’s controlling (and contemptuous) Pluto is conjunct Meg’s Sun – and both being Leo both will want all the attention. CC’s Uranus is also square Meg’s Moon Saturn which will be tension-inducing and fractious. The relationship chart has a disappointing and slippery composite Sun square Neptune; as well as an aggravated composite Mars trine Neptune sextile Uranus, Venus, Pluto, Saturn – so not mutually supportive as well as being hostile and blocked. Their connection isn’t under happy stars this year with a dip when publicity started to surface recently and continuing on into 2021 which in an odd way looks worse.

If anything she is more of a problem for Harry since her Pluto, Sun, Saturn, Mercury all fall in his intense 8th house and her Sun Pluto squares his Midheaven and Saturn in Scorpio. Their relationship chart is edgy and panicky at the moment, worsening through 2021/22.

Lady Colin’s own chart looks chipper and upbeat this year with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter – good for money and success; and in particular now over the launch and all the publicity with tr Uranus opposition her Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though with the Solar Eclipse conjunct her Uranus and July’s Lunar Eclipse hitting her Mars – it won’t go without flare ups, dramas and unexpected twists. 2021 looks much less enthusiastic for her.

Steve Bing – couldn’t bear to be corralled

The weirdly dystopian dramas of the one percenters have thrown up a sad ending with the apparent suicide of Steve Bing, Hollywood playboy, multimillionaire real estate heir, filmmaker and philanthropist. Left a mega fortune when he was 18 he became a Vegas high-roller and strip-club aficionado who used his wealth in part to involve himself in the movie business, producing Get Carter and Polar Express amongst others. He was buddies with Bill Clinton, Warren Beatty, Mick Jagger and did give generously to charity.

He came to public prominence via his bitterly disputed paternity suits over Liz Hurley’s son Damian and former pro-tennis player Lisa Bonder’s daughter Kira and eventually had to concede they were both his children though he had little contact with them in later years aside from financial settlements. Lisa Bonder at the time of conception had been in a 28-day marriage to multi-millionaire Kirk Kerkorian and it was his aggravation over child support claims that led him to find the truth about the parentage of Kira, using the services of the infamous investigator Anthony Pellicano, who ended up in jail for wire-tapping and other offences.

Liz Hurley and Steve joined forces recently to fight Steve Bing’s father Peter who was trying to cut out-of-wedlock children out of his will – and they won.

Steve Bing, 31 March 1965 in Los Angeles, no time sadly, was a charming Sun Venus in pro-active Aries with a volatile collection of Mars Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn square North Node in Gemini – he would have a depressive and acutely frustrated streak which he channelled into his free-spirited, can-be-wild Gemini North Node. His Node would make him unwilling to shoulder responsibility. He also had an indulgent Jupiter in Taurus in a head-in-the-clouds opposition to Neptune.

Damian Hurley, 4 April 2002 12.22pm London, is also an Aries with Sun, Mercury there, in an expansive square to Jupiter in Cancer. He was born with the unyielding Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto in place, which collided with Bing’s Gemini North Node and squared his father’s Virgo planets as well.  Damian also has his Node in Gemini as does Liz Hurley (and indeed Donald Trump). Liz Hurley’s Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini all connected with his North Node, 10 June 1965. And she also has Mars, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn – so it would also have been a passing flare that couldn’t last.

Lisa Bonder, 15 October 1965, a Sun Libra also has a Gemini North Node opposition a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn which opposes Uranus Pluto – so another combustible mix.

Her daughter Kira, March 1998 is a Sun Pisces with Mercury, Mars and Saturn spread out through Aries; and a confident Jupiter opposition a Virgo North Node square Pluto. All of them have their Nodes tied into their charts fairly tightly – so central to the zeitgeist of their time.

Bill Clinton also has a Gemini North Node and Warren Beatty has a Sagittarius Node, which latter also has a dislike of commitment in early adult life and tends to swing around in the breeze.

When Steve Bing was originally fighting Liz Hurley over paternity support he said they had not been in an exclusive relationship and that it was ‘her choice to be a single mother.’ It would have to be said I have some sympathy for him. I’m not sure why in these days of feminist equality a few errant sperm should come with a hefty price tag attached.

All the money in the world and it didn’t do much for him at the end of it all.

Seattle – a protest and innovation hotspot

Seattle is the target of Trump and the far-right’s ire with claims the “radical left” has “taken over” the city when a police-free autonomous zone was set up by protesters after demonstrations over police brutality and systemic racism. The president said he had offered to come in and settle the matter within an hour or so. In response the Seattle mayor told him to “go back to your bunker.”

Seattle, incorporated 2 December 1869, has a long history of radical action stretching back to the Seattle General Strike of 1919 which brought the city to a halt as well as later historic protests.

The city chart itself has a stellium in outspoken Sagittarius with Mercury, probably Moon, Sun, Saturn there with Sun Saturn trine Neptune. Saturn Neptune is concerned with betterment of society and Sun Neptune will tend to the idealistic as well as the creative. Not surprisingly it has a long musical tradition, being the birthplace of Jimi Hendrix, and its vibrant jazz scene nurtured the early careers of Ray Charles, Quincy Jones, Ernestine Anderson, and others.

There’s also a super/pushily-confident Jupiter Pluto in materialistic Taurus in an innovative sextile to Uranus – fitting for a city renowned for being the gateway to the Klondike Gold Rush, and hosting a thriving shipbuilding, then aircraft industry and finally, courtesy of local Bill Gates, an even more prosperous technology sector.

The General Strike of 6 February 1919 happened with a tr Pluto Jupiter conjunction in Cancer which was in an explosive opposition to the Seattle Mars in Capricorn; and the tr North Node exactly conjunct the Seattle Sagittarius Sun.

Even more massive protests followed the Kent State University shooting when national guard shot 13 unarmed students, killing four, on 4 May 1970 during a peace rally against the expansion of the Vietnam War into Cambodia. The massacre led to a mass walkout of 4 million students in colleges across the USA. Tr Saturn was conjunct the Seattle Jupiter, moving to conjunct the Seattle Pluto in the aftermath, for a massive dip in local confidence. Tr Uranus was retrograding back to form an explosive square to the Seattle Mars; and the tr Node was square the Seattle Sun, with tr Mars in opposition to the Sun.

More recently on 30 November 1999, anti-globalisation protests against the World Trade Organisation Conference became known as the Battle of Seattle as 40,000 protesters gathered. At that point the economically unstable tr Saturn in Taurus square tr Uranus was in hard aspect to the Seattle Jupiter Pluto; and tr Pluto was conjunct the Seattle Sun. The cost to the city was considerable with the police chief resigning in the aftermath.

This year tr Neptune is squaring the Seattle Sun in a lacklustre run till late January 2021. The Solar Arc Sun will conjunct the Jupiter late in 2021 for a surge of confidence and success. Though before then the Solar Arc Neptune will square the Seattle Saturn for a period of uncertainty.

Not Donald Trump’s ideal location – especially with the Seattle Jupiter Pluto square his Pluto for a tussle of Pluto’s jostling for the upper hand; Seattle’s can-be-self-righteous Saturn conjunct Trump’s Moon and opposition his Sun and in a high-tension opposition to his Uranus; and Seattle’s rebellious, reforming Uranus conjunct Trump’s conservative Saturn. He won’t be retiring there for sure.

Solar Eclipse – delayed effect to watch for ** Add On

The Cancer Solar Eclipse has come and gone without too much out of the ordinary in terms of dramatic events. Trepidation and excitement precede eclipses which often turn out to be damp squibs on the day or even week itself.

But there can be a curious delayed effect. The 11 August 1999 total solar eclipse was starkly aspected with the Leo New Moon opposition Uranus square Saturn in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio and caused much alarm amongst astrologers in advance. The path rose in the Eastern seaboard of the USA, crossed the UK, down across Afghanistan, Pakistan to southern India. There was a Turkish earthquake on the path of the eclipse which killed 17.000, but nothing in the other locations on the path.

Almost two years later in January 2001 tr Mars returned for the first time to the 1999 eclipse position in Scorpio and tr Uranus was just one degree passed the opposition to the 1999 Eclipse New Moon when the devastating Gujarat India earthquake occurred, killing many tens of thousands. Gujarat was directly on the path of the 1999 eclipse. In the UK the catastrophic national foot & mouth epidemic in the UK, also started around this time. And the 9/11 terrorists were arriving in the USA at this point to train and plan.

The Tangshan Earthquake in China on 28 July 1976 in which a quarter of a million people died occurred with tr Saturn in Leo at exactly the degree of the Mars in the Solar Eclipse two years before in June 1974, arguably triggering the eclipse chart.

The Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, which killed around 250,000 people, occurred when tr Mars had moved to conjunct the New Moon of the November 2003 Solar Eclipse. Which sounds minor enough.  But just in these few examples Mars turns up as a trigger.  It’s not (I think) much researched and you drown in charts if you’re continually tracking each eclipse on for several years. But it’s intriguing enough for anyone with time to follow up.

So worth keeping an eye on this Eclipse chart ahead. My recollection from doing an eclipse survey at one point was that the New Moon following was often a trigger as well as much further ahead  On individual charts it’s generally reckoned the eclipse effect runs until the next one – so six months.

Tulsa – a weekend of celebration, mourning and outrage


Tone deaf or deliberate provocation? Trump’s deluded insistence on holding his first campaign rally in the midst of rising CV-19 figures in Tulsa, Oklahoma has drawn outrage from black Tulsans, who say it will stoke tensions never mind act as a super-spreader of infection. In late May 1921 the city was the site of one of the worst massacres on the black community; and this is the weekend that celebrates freedom for enslaved black people, never mind the nationwide protests over racism in policing.

Juneteenth celebrates the Texas emancipation of slaves on 19th June 1865 and was followed in December 1865 by a nationwide abolition. The Texas Liberation Day fell on a reforming, all-systems-change Sun Uranus conjunction in Gemini opposition Jupiter and trine Saturn in Libra; with an emotionally intense Venus Pluto Moon in Taurus square Mars in Leo – so it would not meet with universal approval.

It took till 1964 to enact a landmark civil rights and labour law that outlaws discrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin. It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations.

The US Civil Rights Act 2 July 1964 chart has a Sun Mercury and North Node in Cancer and is on a Nodal Return this year with this weekend’s Solar Eclipse being conjunct the Node and the July Lunar Eclipse being opposition the Sun Mercury – very much in the centre of the zeitgeist now.  It was passed in the febrile 1960s after JFK’s assassination when the turbulent and reforming Uranus Pluto in Virgo was in place and squaring the USA 1776 Uranus. The 1964 Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn was square Mars in Gemini when the act was passed – again a hard struggle and arousing bitter opposition.

The Tulsa Massacre, 31 May 1921, called “the single worst incident of racial violence in American history,” involved mobs of white residents attacking black residents and businesses on the ground and from private aircraft. It destroyed a district, then the wealthiest black community in the USA, known as “Black Wall Street”. A 2001 state commission estimated deaths well into the three figures. It happened when there was a high-tension, autocratic and opportunistic Uranus in Pisces opposition Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo square an angry Sun Mars in Gemini – all of which triggered the Uranus and Mars in Gemini of the USA 1776 chart – I’ve always though that US Mars Uranus in Gemini had a lot to answer for and was very key to American attitudes and behaviour.

The city of Tulsa itself, incorporated on 18 January 1898, was seriously rattled as well with its Pluto Neptune in Gemini opposition Saturn Moon (Uranus) in Sagittarius catching the violent whirlwind of influences in 1921.

William Barr – a Geminian ploy too far


The Nixonisation of the present US Administration continues with the attempted removal of Geoffrey Berman, the Manhattan US attorney, who has overseen key investigations of Trump allies including Michael Cohen and Rudi Giuliani. William Barr, the attorney general announced the resignation but Berman kicked back saying “I have not resigned, and have no intention of resigning. I will step down when a presidentially appointed nominee is confirmed by the Senate.”

Congressional Democrats have already accused Barr of politicizing the Justice Department and acting more like Trump’s personal attorney than the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.  Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said: “This late Friday night dismissal reeks of potential corruption of the legal process.”

Barr’s astrology indicates that his near future, far from being a triumph, is one long banana skin. He has tr Neptune conjunct his Jupiter/Node midpoint exactly now which suggests ‘false happiness’ and over-confidence which leads to disappointment and failure. That is echoed on his Swearing-In chart from February 14 2019 which has Jupiter at the same degree. Where his downhill slide picks up speed will be from late this August to late November; and even more so from early October to late January 2021 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint, which will bring a long series of disasters and calamities. Late October to mid-November across the election he has tr Uranus square his Sun/Neptune described by Ebertin as ‘sudden emotional crisis, mourning, weakness.”

There are similar aspects in his relationship chart with Trump – not happy campers together, for sure and worse into 2021. Both Barr and the Trump relationship chart are being triggered by the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse now and Solar Eclipse late year.

Geoffrey Berman, 12 September 1959, a Sun Mercury in Virgo, is being rattled by this month’s Solar Eclipse and will have a panicky dip in September and again early in 2021, but on the whole looks fairly upbeat and confident late August to late November and through 2021/22.

Judicial overreach may boomerang back uncomfortably.


Ian Holm – a surprisingly high-octane Virgo

Actor Ian Holm, best known to younger fans as Bilbo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, has died aged 88 of a Parkinsons-related illness. In fact he had an illustrious career on stage and screen over decades with multiple awards for Chariots of Fire, Alien, King Lear on stage and others. Described by Peter Bradshaw as “ a virtuoso actor of steel, sinew – and charm. He was a character actor with star quality.”

He was born 12 September 1931 2am Ilford, England with a psychiatrist father, who pioneered electric shock therapy; and he started initially, aged 18, studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and after National Service joined the Royal Shakespeare Company. He was married four times, divorced three, with five children from various mothers.

He had a communicative and restless third house New Moon in Virgo in a charming conjunction with Venus. His Mercury Neptune were also in Virgo. Dominating his chart was an extremely restless Cardinal Grand Square giving him initiative aplenty and the ability to pick up and start again, well-designed for a career of constantly changing projects. The signature tough-minded Saturn in Capricorn opposition Pluto of the Depression in his case squared onto a heated 4th house Mars in Libra opposition a 10th house Uranus in Aries. An unpredictable lifestyle would suit him and he’d rebel against restrictions or compromise, both domestic and career.

He suffered from stage fright after 1976 when tr Saturn was moving through his 1st house pushing him into a lower-profile phase; with a panicky tr Neptune conjunct his Solar Arc Mars; tr Uranus conjunct his Solar Arc Sun, Moon, Venus – and I suspect more significantly his Solar Arc Moon Neptune square his 12th house Pluto. He returned with Lear in the late 1980s to a resounding success.

His chart wasn’t quite what I’d expected since he always looked restrained and slightly demure.  His personal life clearly didn’t run too smoothly which would be partly down to an argumentative Mars in the 4th, plus Uranus plus Pluto giving him a degree of obstinacy and anger. And the male-of-the- species Virgo can be a player, more so than the female.