John Mulaney – his image takes a beating

Comedy fans have been outraged by nice-guy and devoted-husband John Mulaney falling off his pedestal, divorcing his wife, finishing his second stint in rehab for alcoholism, cocaine and prescription drug abuse and becoming a baby daddy in a celebrity romance.

   Aah the Hollywood gap – between the image and the reality.

  Mulaney, 26 August 1982 in Chicago, best known for Saturday Night Live has a Virgo Sun square a rebellious, quirky Uranus (Moon) in Sagittarius. His Mercury in communicative Virgo squares a creative Neptune; and he has a super-charged Jupiter Mars in Scorpio as well as a stubbornly determined Saturn Pluto which could tilt him at times towards depression.

  His life is certainly going through a fair upheaval with his Solar Arc Pluto just over the conjunction to his Uranus and heading to square his Sun. He won’t be on top form for a year or two with a couple of unhelpful Solar Arcs denting his enthusiasm and prospects.

He built a lot of his comedy out of his relationship with his now ex-wife Anna Marie Tendler who was often the hero of his stories, presented as smarter and more grounded than he is.  She is a make up artist, born 9 June 1985, and is a Sun Gemini opposition Uranus so quite rebellious in her own way. She has an emotionally intense Venus in Taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio which impacts his Jupiter – so she probably was a morale booster and motivator for him. And she also has Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Aquarius so will be more fixed and steadier than him.

  Their relationship chart is quite close, possessive, controlling with a composite Sun square Pluto, but there is also an illusory composite Venus opposition a head-in-the-clouds Jupiter Neptune conjunction. It has been under heavy and separating pressure in recent years from first tr Uranus square the Sun and opposition Pluto and then tr Pluto following on to do similar.

  He has hooked up with actress Olivia Munn, 3 July 1980 4.30am Oklahoma City. She had a fractured childhood with parents divorcing when she was two, followed by a verbally abusive Air Force stepfather stationed in Japan, when she spent most of her childhood. She has a Sun Cancer square Pluto; with a truly difficult Venus opposition Neptune in the 7th square Mars Saturn opposition a Pisces Moon. She’ll be emotionally on edge, defensive and over-reactive at times.

Mulaney’s Virgo Sun is conjunct her Jupiter which is good and supportive and his Mars Jupiter are trine her Sun, with his Venus in Leo sextile her Venus in Gemini, both of which are also OK. But that apart – both are very Mutable, she’s very highly-strung.

  Their relationship chart is not inspiring with a dominating Mars Pluto admittedly in a square to Venus which suggests their connection would be a hot and strong attraction initially but will prove to be a tug of war as it continues. She certainly won’t be as steady as his ex-wife and like him she looks deflated over the next two or three years with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint and her Mars.

The fans reaction is being described as parasocial, which wasn’t a word I had come across although the concept is familiar.  Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having no or limited interactions with them. Repeated exposure to the media persona causes the media user to develop illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification.

Charlotte Wahl Johnson – a class act

Charlotte Johnson Wahl, a gifted painter and mother of Boris Johnson, has died aged 79.  She is described as the moral authority in the family, warm and intelligent with a radical outlook and came from a distinguished family of ‘rich socialists.’ Her father was a legal academic who helped to draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and was president of the European Commission of Human Rights. Her maternal grandfather was an expert in Latin manuscripts and her maternal grandmother was the official translator of the works of Thomas Mann.

  When at Oxford she met Stanley Johnson who whisked her off to New York where Boris was born, followed by three other siblings. As the marriage disintegrated she showed signs of obsessive compulsive disorder and spent nine months in a psychiatric hospital. At 40 she developed Parkinson’s which she managed throughout the rest of her life.

  She was born 29 May 1942 and was a Sun, Saturn, Uranus in Gemini so had an edgy temperament veering between low-self-esteem from Saturn to rebellion from Uranus. She also had Jupiter Mercury in Gemini which would help restore her optimism at times. She shared an intense Scorpio Moon with Boris and also has his signature Jupiter Neptune aspect, in her case a square from Jupiter in Gemini to Neptune in Virgo – with an artistic, imaginative temperament it would be an asset.  

  Why she married Stanley Johnson is a mystery since it was a chalk-and-cheese affair. He has an obstinate and dominating Sun Mars in Leo square Uranus, as well as Mercury Pluto in Leo and Jupiter Saturn in Taurus. He insisted and went his own way and she had to adapt. Their relationship chart had a one-sided, over controlling composite Mars Pluto which is never good news.

  She was also an edgy fit with Boris having her Sun, Saturn, Uranus sitting on his afflicted Mars and keying up his Mutable T Square of Saturn, Uranus, Pluto. Her Mars fell in Boris’s 10th so she would stoke up his ambitions and competitive nature. Both his parents had their Pluto in his 10th so they would be experienced as controlling his choices. But his mother’s Jupiter Mercury were conjunct his Sun Venus which would promote good feelings between them.

  Their relationship chart is complicated, indicating some of the strain caused by her disappearance with mental problems, though it is also exceptionally tied together. There’s an anxious composite Saturn opposition Neptune formed into a Half Grand Sextile by Pluto and Mars; and a possessive and affectionate composite Venus square Pluto.  

  Two things are striking about Boris’s background – one is the multi-culturalism. His mother was brought up Roman Catholic as was Boris, despite her maternal grandparents being American Jewish. Boris’s paternal great-grandfather was Turkish. A real pot pourri of cultures and belief systems. The other is the largely left-leaning inclinations of both his parents and maternal grandfather.

China – commerce running into a bubble

China’s micro-managing and communist government still oversees an astonishingly capitalist economy. Regulators have pledged to clean up the corporate sector by letting “debt bombs” like the sprawling Evergrande Group collapse. It grew lush on the epic property boom of the late 1990s, over-diversified into multiple businesses and ran into trouble. It is now a rickety threat to China’s biggest banks and even risks damaging the broader economy if it were to fail. It has the distinction of being the world’s most debt-saddled property developer and has been on life support for months.

  It launched in 1996 (no date) when Pluto was just putting a toe into Sagittarius and there was the financial-bubble-prone Jupiter and Neptune in materialistic Capricorn. By 2018 it was reckoned the most valuable property empire in the world. It’s fitting that two Pluto cycles later it faces collapse.

  It raised three quarters of a billion on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 5 November 2009 which gives it a Scorpio Sun square Mars in Leo which is being buffeted by the economically-challenging tr Uranus square tr Saturn this year, into early 2022. That chart also has the over-hopeful, dreams-of-wealth-with-no-effort Jupiter Neptune conjunction.

Add On: It was incorporated on 26 June 2006 in Shenzhen, China with a New Moon in Cancer and a hard-edged see-saw Mars Saturn in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio which is catching the full might of the tr Saturn square tr Uranus this year into early 2022. And its Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the North Node for a defining moment in its destiny.

   Taking a brief look at leading prosperous Chinese companies mainly in the internet, technology, e-commerce areas what is striking is the consternation and confusion writ large around the transition 2023 to 2026 years when tr Pluto makes its presence felt in Aquarius.

 Alibaba which specialises in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology was founded on 28 June 1999. It owns and operates a diverse portfolio of companies around the world in numerous business sectors. Like Baidu, another multinational technology company, one of the largest AI and Internet companies in the world, 1 January 2000, it was founded with Neptune in the early degrees of Aquarius which will catch the transiting Pluto conjunction in 2024/25. Baidu will be under pressure even before then with a muddled 2022 and panicky, undermined 2023.

 Pinduoduo, founded September 2015, is one of the fastest-growing tech companies in the world, that connects farmers and distributors with consumers directly. It was launched on Nasdaq on 26 July 2018. The founding chart has, surprise surprise, Jupiter (in Virgo) opposition Neptune and Mars Venus in Leo with Saturn in Scorpio square Mars. It is facing a bumpy ride through the next few years with the foundation planets getting a buffeting from tr Uranus square the Venus Mars and then opposition Saturn by 2025 with along the way tr Saturn in Pisces in 2023/24 giving the Jupiter Neptune a sharp reality check.  The Pinduoduo Nasdaq chart is also facing  a hair-raising 2024/2026 as the Sun, Mars and Uranus catch the full force of tr Pluto in Aquarius.

 There can always be individual reasons why companies hit troubled times but the timeline does fit in with the Bank of China being swamped in 2024 to 2026. See previous post 10 September 2021 below.

Britney Spears – looking for a fresh start + Frances Farmer

Britney Spears appears to be celebrating the prospective conservatorship split from her father by getting engaged to her five-year boyfriend Sam Asghari, an actor and fitness trainer.

  She clearly dislikes her father and while he has filed to ratify the split it won’t be an easy matter for a complete break to be accomplished. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Pluto Uranus – and Sun Pluto relationships always have long drawn out and usually bitter parting of the ways, viz Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. It’s not only a controlling relationship but also an unkind and very one-sided one with a composite Mars Saturn.

  Her now fiancée appears to have found a new birth date of 4 March 1994 which sits marginally more comfortably with her chart than the previous birth date – though not totally. His Sagittarius Moon will be conjunct her Sun which is good. But his highly-strung Uranus Neptune is still conjunct her Venus and South Node which is hardly ideal at a domestic level. And his Jupiter falling in her 2nd along with his Pluto could suggest money will be an issue. He is a charming Sun Venus in Pisces with his Venus connecting with her Mars for a spark of passion; but his ultra-determined Saturn Mars square Pluto hits her Mercury and Uranus which will be disruptive.

  Their relationship chart has a power-couple composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction which will be good for a while but can ultimately turn into a tussle for the upper hand.

  She’s not looking at her most confident over the next eighteen months with tr Neptune opposition her 12th house Mars as her relationship with her father declines as well.

  See previous post though with different birth date for Sam Asghari – June 24 2021

Add On: Her situation has been compared to that of Frances Farmer, an American actress who was committed involuntarily to psychiatric hospitals, mainly at the request of her mother, and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Several sensationalised accounts of her time in mental institutions were later declared fictions, written to pay off her debts.

  She was born 19 September 1913 4.45am Seattle, Washington, and has a chart closer to Natalie Wood’s than Britney Spears. Her mother does look monstrous with her Mars Pluto conjunction and Saturn all in her 10th house; with Mars Pluto opposition Jupiter. Her Virgo Sun is conjunct her South Node in her 1st so she would struggle to establish a firm sense of identity and to pull herself away from old patterns.  

Natalie Wood had a Sun Mars Pluto in Cancer in her 10th.

Abimael Guzman & Pol Pot – ideological terrorists

Abimael Guzmán, ‘a Marxist megalomaniac’ and former philosophy professor whose Shining Path movement inflicted a reign of terror on Peru, has died in prison. He rose from academic obscurity to mesmerise his followers into provoking a civil war in which 70,000 died, until the atrocities he set in motion lost the sympathy of the people he claimed to represent. He created a cult of personality, despite evidently being a monumental bore, seeing himself as a leader of the world revolution which would be sparked by his triumph in Peru. He regarded himself as a god and for a while succeeded in creating a highly disciplined, fanatical, brutal and hierarchical guerrilla movement that controlled large stretches of the national territory.

  Born 3 December 1934 he was a Sun Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune, which fits the philosophy teacher; with a revolutionary Uranus square Pluto. And two Yods of Mercury in Scorpio sextile Mars inconjunct Uranus, further accentuating his disruptive Uranus; and a brutal Pluto sextile Mars inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius. He also had an obsession-for-a-cause North Node in Aquarius.

  In 1980 when he started his movement his Uranus square Pluto had moved by Solar Arc to connect with his Sun Venus which makes sense of infusing his identity with his warped revolutionary ideology.

  He is spoken off in the same terms as Pol Pot, the genocidal Marxist-Leninist leader of Cambodia, whose reign of terror saw quarter of the population wiped out from assassinations or starvation.

 Pol Pot, 19 May 1925, was a Sun Taurus square Neptune, sextile Uranus and trine Jupiter; with his Neptune on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Jupiter and Uranus – so both his Neptune and Uranus were emphasised – as in Guzman’s chart.  Pol Pot also had an even more brutal combination of Mars Pluto conjunct trine Saturn. Pol Pot’s North Node is in the ‘leadership’ sign of Leo. His birth date may be questionable but it looks feasible enough.

Forum manners – respect

Can I suggest – request, insist – that posts be respectful? It is possible to disagree with A.N.other without treating them and their views with hostility and contempt. Just because they don’t agree it doesn’t mean that a) they are necessarily wrong or b) an idiot.

 Restricting comments to the subject matter rather than attacking the individual poster for their perceived shortcomings will also contribute to a constructive discussion. Ad hominem rebukes – trying to pull down the person rather than focusing on what was said – are not only bad manners, they are also lazy.

  This is an astrology forum but I do allow non-astrological comments which can bring context to subjects under discussion and sometimes spark off further astrological points.  But that needs to be kept within limits. Spraying out random thoughts is not acceptable.

  I am sure there are friendship or even enemy forums out there for those who wish to vent and/or share. But this isn’t one of them.

  Thank you.

9/11 remembered ++ New York charts

Memorials are being held on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with political leaders in New York, at the Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania where passengers brought down a hijacked plane. The atrocity set in motion the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq with repercussions still ongoing.

  The below is from an old post on the astrology:

  The astrology of 9/11 isn’t quite as starkly obvious as you might expect of such an epoch-changing event.

  In direct transits tr Uranus was trine the USA Mars exactly which can be explosive, disruptive and insecure-making. Tr Neptune was exactly opposition and undermining the USA’s leadership North Node in Leo. And tr Saturn just over the direct opposition to Pluto was exactly trine the USA Saturn and within minutes of being conjunct the USA Mars/Uranus midpoint. In retrospect that looks entirely descriptive but I’m not sure you’d have predicted an atrocity of that proportion from the above.

 If the USA had an 8am birth time which no one I think has ever suggested then tr Uranus would have been exactly conjunct the Aquarius Moon – and that would make sense of such an emotionally shocking event.

 The previous Lunar Eclipse chart is more indicative than the Solar Eclipse charts.  The 5 July 2001 Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn at the exact degree of the USA Cancer Sun (and GW Bush’s Sun as well) is peculiarly dangerous looking located to New York. A ruthless and brutal Mars Pluto conjunction straddles the IC made worse by being in opposition to Saturn conjunct the Midheaven – Saturn Pluto is war, hardship and Mars Saturn is assassination, cruelty. Tr Saturn had moved to exactly oppose the Eclipse Mars/Pluto midpoint on 9/11.

  The event chart itself for 11 Sept 2001 8.46 am New York  does have the war-mongering tr Saturn just across the first exact hit of the opposition to Pluto and square the Virgo Sun – but nothing exact and nothing on the angles apart from expansive Jupiter approaching a conjunction to the Midheaven.

 Down into the more minor aspects however it is clearer – on the 22.5 degree aspects (quarter of a square) in the 16th Harmonic there’s a fierce Mars in Aries in an explosively angry, tension-erupting square to Uranus Saturn and a ruthless sextile to Pluto. On the 11am USA birth time there’s also a Pluto opposition MC square Sun (Jupiter) which is suggestive of a craving for power, physical suffering, danger to life.

  The astrocartography of the 9/11 event chart has the bleak, war-associated Pluto MC Saturn IC line through Afghanistan.  And on GW Bush’s chart his Mars MC line also runs through Afghanistan which follows in the long line of world leaders whose Mars line through the region in which they waged war.

 Bush at 9/11 had tr Uranus opposing his Venus describing an emotional shock and tr Saturn trine his Solar Arc Venus bringing sadness; and his Solar Arc Saturn was exactly square his Uranus bringing a major jolt. The tr Virgo Sun on the point of the T Square to the Saturn opposition Pluto was within less than a degree of being conjunct his Solar Arc Saturn as well. The tr Sun is very minor but when amplified by tr Saturn Pluto it pushed executive responsibilities onto his shoulders which his 12th house natal Saturn were ill-designed to cope with.

  You can piece it together with hindsight but not easy to predict in advance apart from the high-risk and brutal Lunar Eclipse chart. 

Add On:

The New York City Incorporated chart shows 9/11 starkly with the tr Saturn opposition Pluto hitting the NY Pluto. 

   Even more so the New York State chart which has the destructive, brutal Solar Arc Pluto conjunct its Mars and an emotionally upsetting tr Uranus opposition the Venus. Plus Jupiter showing his less favourable qualities with Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct Pluto and a Jupiter Return. Expanding the bad as well as the good.

Royals risking their legacy

Will the Royals survive to provide a symbolic anchor for the national psyche after the Queen passes? The present shenanigans of both her elder sons, Charles and Andrew, are raising huge questions and undermining the support of even the staunchest monarchists. Charles is described as a ‘spoilt brat’ with terrible judgement and Andrew is so beyond the pale he should have been banished into Kazakhstan exile long since. If the UK is moving into an-end-of-an-era phase will there be a knock-on effect on the throne?

  When Edward V111 abdicated in 1936 which shook the UK’s confidence in the Royals, tr Uranus was in early Taurus moving through the UK’s 8th house, which rules deep-seated transformations, and more pointedly the Solar Arc Pluto was conjunct the 10th house Cancer Moon, which has been traditionally associated with the ruler.

   Astrological influences rarely repeat exactly as in the past. However there is a collection of transits and Solar Arcs congregating into the 2030s which will bring many of the same pressures. The Solar Arc Pluto will square the UK Moon in 2032 with tr Neptune in Aries and tr Uranus in Cancer in hard aspect to the UK Moon in 2033 and 2036. All of which will put the monarchy under considerable pressure.

 Which does rather coincide with an astro-opinion voiced years ago that the Solar Eclipse which occurred on the day Prince William was born in 1982 was in a Saros Series (2 Old North) which finishes in 2036 – and for some reason this indicated he would be the last UK monarch. How much validity there is in that argument I don’t know, but it does look an edgy period.

  There are various suggestions about which chart to use for this monarchical family but the start of the Hanoverian Monarchy 1 August 1714 JC worked well over Edward’s 1936 abdication with the Solar Arc Saturn exactly square the Mars, tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Uranus, tr Neptune opposing the Virgo planets and tr Uranus approaching a highly-strung conjunction to the Neptune.

  Looking ahead on the Hanoverian chart, the Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct Mars on this chart in 2029 which looks like a considerable setback; with a grind-to-a-halt Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Mars by 2035.

 So it would fit the timeline.

  By 2036 Prince William has his Solar Arc Midheaven aiming to conjunct his Neptune and tr Neptune aiming to cross his IC into his 4th; with tr Pluto just over the conjunction to his Solar Arc Neptune and tr Saturn conjunct his Solar Arc New Moon with tr Pluto in opposition.  He will be uncertain about his direction and undermined in terms of home and family as well as career.

  In the immediate future the Queen’s Coronation chart has a panicky-failure tr Neptune square the Mars Mercury in 2021/22 so not a happy end to her illustrious reign. Though she made a better Queen than a parent, given the way the sons turned out and chickens will come home to roost eventually.

  The Royal women always were the stronger. The Queen’s mentor growing up was her grandmother Queen Mary of Teck of the kleptomaniac tendencies, a Gemini with an immoveable Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto in Taurus – and she did not have resounding success bringing up well-behaved sons either. Prince George, Duke of Kent had a wild and wayout love life and drug habits and Edward V111 was no example.

Pluto into Aquarius – shock waves through central banks

A global financial crunch looks likely around Pluto’s entry into Aquarius from late March 2023 onwards. It may not be the same as the 2008 Pluto-into-Capricorn crash but there is consternation writ large on several central bank charts.

   The US Federal Reserve has tr Pluto opposition the Neptune at zero degrees Leo in 2023/24 which usually indicates devastation of sorts and paralysis running for two years after; followed by tr Neptune square the Saturn Pluto conjunction in 2025/26 which won’t be much better. The Bank of Russia has an equally blocked and scary tr Pluto square Mars at zero degrees Taurus in 2023/24.  The European Central Bank has Neptune at 1 Aquarius catching the tr Pluto hard aspect in 2024/25.

 The Bank of Australia also highlights 2024/25 as years of panic and uncertainty.  The Bank of China is nerve-stretched in 2022 and worse in 2024 to 2026 with tr Neptune and Solar Arc Neptune both in hard aspect to its overly confident Uranus opposition Mars Jupiter which will deflate confidence considerably.

  We are so used to thinking of Pluto in Capricorn as the transformer of all financial ills, deconstructing and reconstructing, that it’s a shock to consider Pluto into Aquarius may bring more even if of a different variety.

  Looking back to the last Pluto in Aquarius (1778 to 1799) from an economic standpoint there were several significant shifts. The American colonies revolted against Britain which was the world’s pre-eminent military and economic superpower of the time over taxation. In France the agricultural and climatic problems of the 1770s and 1780s led to great problems with a third of the population living in poverty. Wealth inequality led directly to the French Revolution (1792) during Pluto in Aquarius (opposition Uranus in Leo). In China the height of Qing glory and power had been reached and was slowly sinking into decline with corruption, court wastefulness and a stagnating civil society.

  None of the above shifted the global balance of power immediately.  Britain was increasingly prosperous with the Industrial revolution ongoing. China went into slow stagnation with next ruler post 1796 as Pluto moved into Pisces which coincided with a major downhill slide into chaos. In France it took a decade plus for the Pluto effect to produce results.

 From previous posts in 2018/19 and Hugh’s comments (below) it’s clear this combination of Pluto into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries has a profound effect on England – the split from Rome in 1533 and the submission to the Romans in 60 BC.

  End of an era may be more prescient than expected.

Previous Pluto in Aquarius phases:

1778 -1797: The USA had declared independence in 1776 so the Brits were in retreat, though elsewhere were fighting the French, Spanish, Dutch and Indians in different spats.  The French Revolution of 1793 had a dramatic effect and not just in France, though this was partially due to Pluto being opposition Uranus.  The Industrial Revolution was in full swing having got under way during Pluto in Capricorn. James Watts’ improved steam engine revolutionised production.

  Aquarius is scientific, so no surprises there were major advances in chemistry. And, with blissful syncronicity, William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, which rules Aquarius. Explorers, another Aquarian strength, were also out and about with Captains James Cook and William Bligh leading the way to ‘new’ lands.

  It was a productive period for philosophical and social thinkers – Emmanuel Kant and Thomas Paine (Rights of Man); with cultural highpoints from Mozart and Scottish poet Robert Burns, who later established a global footprint.

1532 – 1552: Henry V111 declared himself head of the Church in 1531 and was excommunicated in 1533 by the Pope. The RC versus Protestant schism got under way in earnest, which led to centuries of conflict.

1287 – 1307: Welsh Rebellion against the English. Edward 1 of England put John Balliol on Scottish throne with William Wallace rebellion following.

1041 – 1061: Macbeth succeeds to throne of Scotland. Great schism between the Western RC church and Eastern Orthodox churches.

796 – 816: Charlemagne becomes Holy Roman Emperor in 800. He unites most of Western Europe, laying the foundations for modern France and Germany. He dies just as Pluto is about to exit Aquarius.

551 – 572:  Mohammed is born.

   This next time round tr Pluto in Aquarius will march in time to Neptune in Aries (2025 to 2038) and initially to Uranus in Gemini (2025 to 2033) – so early on there’ll be a Uranus trine Pluto sextile Neptune after the mid 2020s – innovative and creative. Of the earlier historical happenings which might repeat, we can expect more advances in science and exploration (outer space/bottom of the sea/under Arctic ice?). For the rest – the US and France will have come full circle back to their first Pluto Return or the immediate aftermath, so significant shifts/adjustments, epochal events in both countries. Sometimes empires that rise on one Pluto cycle, fall on the next.

Hugh Fowler comments;

At the risk of becoming an ephemeris bore I have checked the 11th century to see what was happening in the run up to the Norman Conquest. The record shows Pluto ingresses into Aquarius in 1041 which was the year Edward the Confessor returned from exile in Normandy to become the heir to his half brother Harthacnut. The latter died in April 1042 and Edward became king almost precisely at the point of the Neptune ingresses into Aries in May 1042. Edward’s accession to the throne, his Norman upbringing and his failure to produce an heir set in train the series of events that would lead to the fall of the Anglo Saxon royal house of Wessex and its replacement by the Dukes of Normandy. Again the transition seems to fall at a deeply significant moment where a seemingly mundane event in the historical process kicks off changes that run very deep and last centuries. One final point it should be noted that however big the change Britain seems to always reset to old patterns. So while all the Norman and Angevin dynasties ruled for centuries by the end of the 13th century the kings of England were being titled Edward again.

As a quick addendum I have checked the ephemeris to see what was happening at the time the Roman province of Britain was created. It essentially began in 43 CE when Claudius army invaded. At that time Pluto was in Capricorn and Neptune was in Pisces. Rather spookily the conquest was essentially completed and made permanent for the next four centuries when the Boudiccan revolt was crushed between 60 and 61 CE. That was precisely the time that Pluto ingressed into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries. This transition does seem to echo down the centuries for the inhabitants of Britain. 

Scots are looking through the wrong end of the telescope at the astrology here. If the past is anything to go by Pluto moving into Aquarius and Neptune into Aries in the 2020 signals some sort of transformation of English identity and its relation to the world if the 1530s is anything to go by since that is the last time it happened. Moreover it all be generated internally (ie the English nation will do it to themselves for good or ill). I can’t even guess what is going to happen but as in the 1530s what triggers the change (Henry VIII lack of a male heir from his Spanish wife) won’t necessarily be as significant as the changes it brings.