Liz Truss – stirring up conflict – ++ Mick Lynch, her nemesis

Liz Truss, affectionately dubbed ‘the human hand grenade’ by the ever acerbic Dominic Cummings is lurching her way towards No 10, despite misgivings about her erratic and absurd economic policies.

 He reckoned she blew up everything she touched and she’s wasted no time in casting aspersions over Emmanuel Macron, throwing poison darts at the Chinese and Russians and heading for an explosive relationship with Joe Biden and the US. Ukraine and the Northern Ireland Protocol being the initial areas of conflict.

  Born 26 July 1975 Oxford, no birth time, she’s a Sun Leo with two T squares – a Cardinal T Square of Jupiter in confident Aries opposition an adventurous Uranus square a rigid Saturn Mercury in excitable Cancer – and a Mutable T Square of Venus opposition a Pisces Moon square Neptune in Sagittarius.  She’s an odd mid of an executive with organising ability though a tendency to be domineering and overbearing; and a head-in-the-clouds disorganised daydreamer. Plus she has Mars in ultra-stubborn Taurus which I might suspect from her belligerent, combative approach is on the chart axis.

 The USA will be in the firing line of her ire. Her Saturn is conjunct Joe Biden’s Jupiter so she squelches his enthusiasm; her Mars opposes his Scorpio Mars Mercury; and his Saturn is opposition her Neptune and square her Venus – not much love in there.

  Their relationship chart is incendiary and volatile with a composite Mars Uranus conjunction, suggesting two individuals, neither of whom will be happy to compromise. That will blow a fuse this December to mid January and again February to mid March.  At a time when the USA/UK relationship chart is also being upended. Not so much an ice shower falling on the special relationship as light-the-touch-paper and stand back.

  Her connection with Biden also has a tussle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter square Pluto which suggests a constant jousting for power. There’ll be no room for a win-win in their relations.

 Her relationship chart with the USA is equally stark and hostile with a composite Mars Jupiter opposition Pluto square Saturn, which is under discouraging Saturn transits from early 2023 right through next year.  

  The Conservative Party (1912) is looking less than enthusiastic about her progress with their composite Sun, Saturn, Mars catching an undermining run of Neptune squares until 2024.

  The UK will be having anxious moments about her across the New Year into January and it is essentially a ratchety, irritable, strained relationship.

 What is intriguing is that all of her composite charts – with Biden, the USA, UK, Conservative Party – all have Jupiter Pluto hard aspects. That suggests a thirst for personal power is ingrained in all her relationships. Not even Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair, both of them micromanaging control-freaks, had such Jupiter Pluto aspects. Will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  She is tied into the UK chart with her Sun conjunct the 10th house UK Jupiter; her Mars in the UK 8th not far from the UK Mars and in hard aspect to the UK’s financial Neptune and Venus. Most significantly of all her Pluto is conjunct the UK’s Ascendant so she will attempt to railroad changes through which will affect the UK’s image abroad and be felt as coercive and bullying.

  What is floating her boat at the moment against all odds is tr Pluto conjunct her lucky Jupiter/Uranus midpoint which runs out early this December – with a catastrophic tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Pluto picking up on December 9th running till mid January 2023, and repeating late year; and a depressed slog from mid January, also on and off till late year. Plus a failure-strewn tr Neptune square her Sun/Mars midpoint throughout 2023.

  What is odd is that the two central T squares in her chart – the Cardinal Uranus Jupiter Saturn Mercury and the Mutable Venus, Neptune Moon are colliding at the moment and for the next several years as their Solar Arc positions sit on top of the other T Square. Usually this presages a life-changing crisis – again interesting to watch.

  The November 8th Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will conjunct her Mars – which will bring a shock, an over hasty reactions and arguments running on for months thereafter.

   She is volunteering for a poisoned chalice given the economic calamity the UK and elsewhere are facing but her approach won’t bring too many remedies. Making relations with the USA and the EU worse is hardly helpful in these troubled times.

Add On: The major thorn in her side in domestic politics is likely to be not the leader of the Opposition but Mick Lynch, spokesman for the Rail Union, who is speaking up for struggling workers in every industry. Not even Maggie Thatcher’s relationship with miners’ leader Arthur Scargill was as bad.

 Lynch’s Saturn in Aquarius opposes her Leo Sun and her Saturn in Cancer opposes his Capricorn Sun. His Neptune opposes her Mars and his Pluto is conjunct her Venus, square her Neptune opposition her Moon. Saturn criticises and sets up barriers. Neptune undermines. Pluto controls. If the outcome wasn’t so serious, it would be good spectator sport.

 That translates into an astoundingly difficult relationship chart. With a locked together, fated, deeply frustrating and self-defeating Yod onto Saturn inconjunct Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune, with Saturn opposition Sun.  For good or for ill, individuals with a Yodal relationship chart have their destiny intertwined.  

  Tr Pluto is bearing inexorably down on the composite Yod, squaring the Sun and Saturn through this year till late 2023 – depressing, discouraging and an unrelenting battle. With a worrisome tr Saturn square Neptune on one leg of the Yod in early 2023; and tr Uranus in a highly-strung opposition in 2024. The other leg of the Yod is catching the undermining tr Neptune opposition to Pluto and Uranus now till 2025. As if that wasn’t enough tr Pluto will square the composite Mercury from March 2023 till late 2024 for bitter arguments and hostile discussions.

  See previous Mick Lynch post 15 August 2022. He does have a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo as Maggie Thatcher did – born to be out front.  Liz Truss’s North Node is Scorpio – born to be embroiled in endless arguments until she learns to let go.  

Tolkien – a fantasy world that endures

22nd Harmonic

Leaving a legacy that dominates a culture for decades is a rare talent. Nearly fifty years after his death the genius of J.R.R.Tolkien is still capturing attention with a new Amazon TV series The Rings of Power out.

  Tolkien’s achievement in The Lord of the Rings was to create a mythology, a high fantasy world with a detailed history for Middle-earth, a complete language for his elves and a set of archetypes for a whole range of fantastical creatures. His books went on to generate a vast sub-culture of fans for other-worldly mediaeval fiction, films and video games and inspired later writers.

 Tolkien was born 3 January 1892 10 pm Bloemfontein, South Africa, and moved to England when he was three after his father died. His mother died when he was 12 and he was put under the guardianship of a Roman Catholic priest. WW1 interrupted his studies and he returned from the front line with trench fever, which cut short his military career. He became a philologist and professor of Anglo Saxon at Oxford. Along with serious academic writings, he started work on The Lord of the Rings and eventually became successful and almost a cult figure.

  He had a serious Capricorn Sun in his entertaining 5th house which was sextile Mars in Scorpio and, if the birth time is accurate, that was inconjunct the Midheaven and widely inconjunct Pluto Neptune in Gemini.  His prominent Neptune Pluto in the 9th house which rules higher education and publishing fits an academic and a fantasy writer – and his Neptune Pluto was in a communicative Air Grand Trine to Venus in Aquarius and Saturn in Libra.  

  His Jupiter and Moon in Pisces were square his Pluto Neptune giving him confidence and an active imagination. Jupiter trine his Mars gave him vitality and an appetite for adventure.

  His 4th house Mercury in Capricorn gave him an interest in his roots and lineage and no doubt spurred on his interest in creating a mythology for England. His Mercury was sextile Uranus and inconjunct Neptune Pluto, channelling even more energy through that iconic and supernaturally-inclined combination.

  Not surprisingly his leaving-a-legacy for history 17th harmonic is strong; as was his writer’s 21H; and even more so his global reputation 22nd harmonic.

  A fascinating man.  

Princess Diana – a life marked out by eclipses ++ 2.10pm birth time

Twenty five years on the memory of Princess Diana burns brightly and still raises strong reactions. She died on 31 August 1997 in Paris, causing worldwide shock and an outpouring of grief in the UK. 2 billion people watched her funeral on television.

  She died two days before an 18 North Solar Eclipse in the same Saros cycle as the previous one which oversaw the death of the Queen’s uncle, Earl Mountbatten, killed by an IRA bomb while holidaying in Ireland. This Saros cycle usually accompanies illness or accidents and is given to obsessive worry. Eclipses repeat in the same cycle every 18.5 years approximately and this one has particular relevance for the Royal Family.  It was the closest to the birth of Lady Diana Spencer in 1961.

  Eclipses marked her life as she was married two days before an eclipse on 31 July 1981, a service watched by a global audience of 700 million people. This cycle, not seen as a luck-bringer, puts pressure on personal relationships, with the caution that hasty decisions are not wise since information is distorted and possibly false. Tiredness or health problems are also associated with it.

  Prince William, the eldest son and heir to the throne in succession to his father, was born on the day of a solar eclipse in June 1982. This series is challenging in effect, dealing with separations or the ending of a union, although the long-term outcome is hopeful.

  Born 1 July 1961 7.45pm (memory) Sandringham, England, Diana had a charming and people-oriented 7th house Cancer Sun and Mercury so was adept at making everyone she met feel special; and in trine to Neptune would give her a healing presence. Her 5th house Venus would also give her a radiant and entertaining glow. She needed a stabilising partner in life but she would be conflicted and contradictory emotionally. Her yearning for Watery togetherness sat uneasily with a maverick Aquarius Moon in a freedom-loving opposition to Uranus square Venus conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol. And she had an angry, argumentative 9th house Mars Pluto in Virgo. On the one hand this gave her the ability to spread a message to a wide audience about the tragedy of AIDS and landmines, dark subjects the public would otherwise have turned away from. But it would also give her considerable inner turmoil, resentment and hostility.

 She was also born with a Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn/Aquarius, which for a very few individuals ties them into the spirit of the age and whose lives seem marked out by destiny. Messiahs in their own sphere, they carry the hopes of their era. John Lennon was born in 1940 with Jupiter–Saturn in Taurus and became the unlikely hero of a generation. The Beatles’ debut occurred on the 1960 Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, and his death on the conjunction in Libra in 1980.

  Similarly, Diana, born on a waning Jupiter–Saturn conjunction, was married in 1980 during the exact Jupiter–Saturn conjunction but never quite made it to the next one in 2000.

  What appears to happen is their Jupiterian fame pitches them too high into the realm of the gods and Saturn, the grim reaper, comes into play to cut them down to size as mere mortals. Most US presidents in the past 200 years who were inaugurated on a Jupiter Saturn conjunctions were either assassinated, survived an assassination attempt or died while in office.

  When Diana died, most significantly tr Pluto was putting pressure on her natal Mars Pluto conjunction – building up from the previous year, so she would be amped up, feeling trapped and not thinking clearly, driven by her demons. She also had tr Neptune conjunct her Saturn which brings great uncertainty; and an accident-prone tr Uranus opposition her Sun/Mars midpoint. Strangely she also had tr Uranus conjunct her Jupiter which is usually associated with luck and relief from tension though it may also have stoked her high-spirited streak into taking risks.  

 On her astrocartography, the United States would be where her Cancerian sun shone at its brightest. A glittering public career would have been guaranteed and her Jupiter (easy) on the I. C. (home) line runs through New York and down to the Bahamas, both places where she was happy to relax and feel accepted. Her Venus (love, affection, indulgence) on the I. C. (home) line, and the Jupiter ascendant (confidence-bringer) line both run through Egypt, the home of Dodi Al Fayed. Her Sun I. C. line (spiritual home) runs through India where she frequently visited Mother Teresa, and which was also the home of one close friend, an Indian heart doctor, after her separation from Prince Charles. Her Neptune (sacrifice, pity for the suffering) midheaven line runs through Africa, as does her Jupiter ascendant, giving her confidence to raise her land-mine campaign to international notice. Her other Jupiter midheaven and Neptune descendant lines, with much the same meaning, run through the Far East, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, suggesting she had much to do in future in this mine-strewn area before her life was cut short. She had Pluto cross lines (‘parans’) through Paris, northern France, and significantly through the Mediterranean, the scene of sailing holidays a few weeks before her death, hinting that this was not a safe area for her. Jupiter in the midheaven crossing her Venus ascendant also in the Mediterranean zone perhaps distracted her, suggesting as it does glittering acclaim, a glitzy lifestyle and a good deal of lavish indulgence.

Her Sun fell on the UK midheaven so she was a guiding star for her time.

Add On: Penny Thornton wrote to me suggesting a 2.10pm birth time which she resourced from Diana’s personal comment to her that she was born just before a Wimbledon match.

It would give her a charming Libra Ascendant and put her passionate Venus in the 8th; with her Moon on the cusp of the 5th house ruling parties and children. A much-travelled Sun in the 9th’ influential-out-in-society Mars Pluto in the 11th though also difficult friendships.

 When she died tr Neptune would have been crossing the IC and tr Saturn crossing the Descendant. When she married tr Uranus would have been trine the MC and Solar Arc Pluto sextile the MC – certainly feasible.  

Eclipses and Ingresses – the Sun on its courses

  The high-tension, unsettled and economically challenging Saturn Uranus square which haunted last year has another few months to run. The final exact aspect falls this October and by January 2023 it is out of orb. Though the Eclipse effect will carry resonances of it further ahead.

 Ebertin describes Saturn Uranus as irritability and inhibition, tensions, kicking against limitations on freedom and separations. But also the power to endure and cope; growth of strength through overcoming difficulties and dangerous situations.

  Levels of anxiety are peaking globally at the moment which will come from a mix of Astro-influences, some of which affect individual countries more than others. The shift of Pluto into another sign will be part of the high uncertainty as the celestial tectonic plates prepare for a move. The June 2022 Cancer Ingress chart also had a Mars square Pluto to add to Saturn Uranus, adding another layer of fear and desperation.

 The upcoming Cardinal Ingress charts from 23 September for Libra and 21 December 2022 for Capricorn will still have the Saturn Uranus stamp but without Mars Pluto and will have the addition of easy-going, lucky Sun Jupiter contacts so should be marginally less stressful. [Caveat: I don’t put much store by Ingress charts which can be so-so in terms of useful information.]

  Eclipse charts tend to make more sense. The previous late April 2022 Taurus Solar Eclipse was in a series which highlighted the unreliability of authority figures. The upcoming late October Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio is in a Saros Series hinting at forceful even manic activity intent on taking power – and huge efforts in group activity. Which might, in the UK’s case, be when public tolerance snaps over energy prices and inept government. The tr Uranus opposition the 2nd house UK Neptune picking up this July, running on exactly now and repeating in early 2023, certainly mirrors the extreme concern over impossibly high living costs.

  The October Solar Eclipse has the almost exact Saturn square Uranus plus two quincunxes of Mars to Pluto and Jupiter to the New Moon – a mix of extreme aggravation and grandstanding on the part of some.

  The October Scorpio Eclipse will have an impact on the Royal Family since the Queen’s Taurus Sun, Prince Charles’ Taurus Moon and Prince William’s Scorpio Midheaven Jupiter (and Prince Harry’s Pluto) will all be in close aspect and triggered by it.  Boris Johnson’s Zero degree Scorpio Moon will also be shaken up.

  The Lunar Eclipse of 8 November at 16 degrees Taurus conjunct Uranus and square Saturn may well be the more powerful of the two. The Mars quincunx Pluto is still in place, along with Saturn square Uranus emphasized by the Lunar Eclipse closely entangled, with a financial-bubble-bursting Jupiter Neptune conjunction.

  It will have a considerable impact on various countries – Ukraine with its 10th house Pluto catching it and Russia’s Scorpio Sun (with Moscow sitting under part of the Eclipse path). China will get a sobering reality check as its Saturn is elbowed. The EU and UK will catch both the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in its financial houses; and Germany, and Italy will be particularly aware of the Lunar Eclipse.

  No greatly reassuring conclusions except that the April 2022 Solar Eclipse’s focus on unreliable leaders was all too accurate. There will clearly be a few more humps and bumps before we clear this phase.  

Tim Page – living on “free time from the gods”

Legendary Vietnam photojournalist Tim Page has died. Described as the wildest of the “wigged-out crazies running around Vietnam”, he rode a motorcycle to the front lines, jumped on and off helicopters like a hobo riding a train, went into high-risk situations where other journalists would not venture and kept returning to combat zones despite being injured four times. On one occasion he floated wounded in the South China Sea for hours before being rescued after the ship he was on was strafed. The fourth time a shrapnel wound in the head sent him into rehabilitation for a year.

  What is intriguing and refers back to the Ranulph Fiennes/Black Elk post, July 9 2022, is he had a ‘delusional’ sense of invulnerability that carried him into and through situations of extreme danger.

  The Times obituary remarks: “His fearlessness derived from a karmic belief that he was living on “free time from the gods” after a near-fatal motorcycle accident when he was 16.

“I had seen the tunnel. There was no light at the end and it did not seem scary . . . This was the dawning, the overture to losing a responsible part of my psyche. A liberation happened at that intersection,” he wrote later.

   He was born 25 May 1944 with his biological father killed in the World War 11 (like Fiennes) and he never knew the identity of his birth mother. He was adopted and left home at 17 to travel abroad with no plan in mind, driving overland through Europe and the far east. He taught himself photography and eventually got a staff job with UPI in Saigon.

  He was a Sun Uranus in Gemini trine Neptune and sextile  Mars Pluto in Leo conjunct North Node in Cancer. The Mars Pluto would be essential for a crisis-zone career, giving him courage and grit; Sun Uranus Neptune is creative and a maverick. He was immersed in the Vietnam War drug culture – marijuana, LSD and opium – which also had Neptunian overtones.

  His Sun was square his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which points in two directions – one is a craving for alcohol/drugs. The other is a leaning towards psychic, supernatural and occult beliefs which he obviously utilised to boost his fearlessness.

  Ranulph Fiennes has his Uranus square his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which gives supernatural experiences.

  When Page had his teenage near-death experience tr Neptune was square his Pluto for a devastating and other-worldly event. Tr Pluto was conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter which would give him a sense of supreme power – there was nothing he could not overcome.

  Mind magic sometimes works.

Volcanoes – another worry to add to the list

There’s nothing like good news to keep you cheerful. Luckily the astrology is the bearer of better tidings than scientists who have said there is a one in six chance of a major volcanic eruption this century which could cause abrupt climate change and the collapse of civilisations with millions of lives in danger.

The Mount Tambora eruption of 10 April 1815 in present-day Indonesia was the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded human history. The ash from the eruption column dispersed around the world and lowered global temperatures in an event known as the Year Without a Summer in 1816, bringing extreme weather and harvest failures around the world.

  In 1815/16 there was the classic natural-disaster aspect of Neptune (in Sagittarius) square Pluto (in Pisces), a rare occurrence. The next Neptune Pluto square does not occur until the early 2060s.

  The Vesuvius volcano, 24 August 79 AD, was one of Europe’s deadliest, and it also happened when there was an approaching Neptune (in Taurus) square Pluto (in Aquarius). Though it did not have the global effect of Tambora.

Huaynaputina, 19 February 1600, the largest eruption ever recorded in South America had a significant impact on Earth’s climate, causing a volcanic winter: temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere decreased; cold waves hit parts of Europe, Asia and the Americas; and the climate disruption may have played a role in the onset of the Little Ice Age. Floods, famines, and social upheavals resulted.

  It happened when there was a Pluto Uranus conjunction in Aries trine Neptune in Leo.

  Uranus Neptune aspects are also often around over natural disasters, like the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

  The effects of the Mount Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines, 15 June 1991, were felt worldwide as it ejected more particulate into the stratosphere than any eruption since Krakatoa in 1883. Over the following months, there was a global layer of sulfuric acid haze, global temperatures dropped by about 0.5 °C in the years 1991–1993, and ozone depletion temporarily saw a substantial increase. It happened on the Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn sextile Pluto.

Similar aspects were in place for the Ambrym eruption circa 50 AD, reckoned the third largest volcanic explosions in recent geological history. Pluto was sitting on the midpoint of a Uranus trine Neptune then.

 Krakatoa, 27 August 1883, Indonesia, caused a volcanic winter with Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures down by 0.4 °C in the aftermath.  Sulfur dioxide gas ejected into the stratosphere darkened the sky worldwide for years afterwards and produced spectacular red sunsets reflected in paintings of the time. Ships as far away as South Africa rocked as tsunamis hit them, and smaller waves were recorded on tidal gauges as far away as the English Channel. It happened on a Neptune in Taurus trine Uranus in Virgo.

  The next Uranus Neptune aspects are 2038 to 2042 with Uranus  in late Cancer/Leo square Neptune in late Aries/Taurus. Pluto in 2043 will move into Pisces.

  In summary, Neptune Pluto hard aspects or Uranus Neptune tend to be around for major major disasters. But there is nothing imminent. Mind you they did say in the coming century – even I don’t worry that far ahead.

Katherine, Mrs Kent – pursuing her own course

Katherine, the Duchess of Kent, once a highlight of Wimbledon Trophy day, who disappeared into obscurity after she gave up her HRH title and stepped back from public life 20 years ago, has revealed she taught music at a Yorkshire primary school for thirteen years.

  There had been speculation she was a recluse, suffering from agoraphobia, given her earlier bouts with depression after an abortion in 1975 because of rubella and having a stillborn son two years later. But clearly not. She just wanted a quiet life out of the spotlight.

  Music always been her passion and she also gave piano lessons in a rented studio flat near her official residence at Kensington Palace, served as the president of the Royal Northern College of Music, and was the director of National Foundation for Youth Music from 1999 to 2007. At the primary school she was known as Mrs Kent and no one noticed.

She was born 22 February 1933 8am York, England, and married the Queen’s first cousin the Duke of Kent when she was 28, going on to have three children, and became the first member of the royal family to convert to Roman Catholicism since the passing of the Act of Settlement in 1701.

 She has a see-saw chart with a 12th house Pisces Sun, North Node, Mercury opposition Neptune, Mars and Jupiter in Virgo in her 6th house. So her life will have been a balancing act, swinging from one extreme to another. Her friendly Aquarius Moon is conjunct a cool Saturn which in turn is conjunct a friendly, charming Venus. Her 12th house Pisces Sun, North Node will incline her towards music and also to understanding those suffering mental problems.

   Her independent-minded Uranus in her 1st house square her 5th house Pluto will make him more determined to rock the boat and pursue her own course than her ethereal image suggests.

  See-saw personalities tend to need another half to make them feel stable and both she and the Duke of Kent have their respective Suns in each other’s 7th house which is ideal, though it isn’t close combination with his Saturn conjunct her Sun and her Uranus opposition his Sun.

  Their relationship chart is not easy with a volatile composite Uranus opposition Mars Jupiter square Pluto; and Sun trine Uranus sextile Moon Saturn. But they seem to have got on with their lives without causing great upheavals or attracting undue publicity.  

Serena Williams – a one-off talent with a serious work ethic

Serena Williams is bringing her uniquely successful tennis-playing career to a close in order to have another child. She has won 23 Grand Slam singles titles and been ranked singles world No. 1 five times. Her first baby born with husband Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian in 2017 disrupted her training schedule as she was hospitalised with deep vein thrombosis and suffered post-partum depression. She is one of the world’s highest paid women athletes, earning multi millions a year from equipment and endorsements deals and fashion outlets.

  Born 26 September 1981 6.28pm Saginaw, MI, she has a packed, hard-working 6th house with a Libra stellium of Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Mercury there. So taking it easy won’t be in her nature. She has flamboyant Mars in Leo in her sporting and entertaining 5th house in square to a charming and emotionally intense Venus in Scorpio in her 7th.  Uranus is also in her 7th house of relationships so she will need space and independence in marriage and an unconventional partner. Her Virgo Moon is square an 8th house Neptune so she will have an idealised vision of motherhood.

  What is intriguing for such a driven personality is her North Node in Cancer in her 4th house – which suggests that fulfilling career ambitions is not her true purpose in life. Establishing a happy home life and putting down roots is.

  She has a well-aspected global superstar 22nd Harmonic; a leaving a footprint for future generations 17H; and a particularly strong 9th Harmonic – which last will either turn her into an even more successful money-making machine or focus her attention on humanitarian efforts where she will have considerable influence.

 She will have good news this coming November and again March but that could refer to any number of events in her life. Her husband Alexis, 24 April 1983, will be going through a high-stress, immensely challenging few years from 2023 to 2026 with tr Pluto square his Saturn in Scorpio and then square his Taurus Sun. That will be discouraging and depressing and may be partially what lies behind a dip in their relationship now up till 2025/6.

   Serena’s Spotify podcast with Meghan Markle has not gone down well with reviews in the UK and Australia calling it anything from ‘a lemon and a dud’ to ‘preposterous’, ‘banal’ and one reviewer pointing out that Meghan was responsible for about 61 per cent of the conversation while the focus of the podcast Serena only got 39 per cent.

  They were born within seven weeks of each other so have similar stelliums in Libra. Despite all the PR gush it is a fairly combustible relationship with MM’s Leo Sun conjunct Serena’s Mars; and MM’s Mars square Serena’s Saturn exactly.

  Their relationship chart has a stressed composite Mars square Pluto which is under strain right through till late 2023 with the composite Moon being undermined as well in 2023/24.

 Meghan’s personal chart has an infuriated and frustrated tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint exactly now until early this December so she won’t be ecstatic over events in her life.   

Olaf Scholz – cometh the hour with the wrong man

Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, is plummeting in approval ratings as he wrestles with rising energy bills, the threat of recession and a parliamentary inquiry into a €47 million tax scandal from his days as Hamburg Mayor. Under questioning he said 22 times that he could not recall the precise details of the bank scandal. His foreign policy since the Ukraine invasion has been variously criticised at home as too adventurous or too timid.

 He was never going to have an easy time with tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun and Saturn, on and off this year till January 2023. With this November/December being the worst slump of his confidence.

 His Term chart, 8 December 2021 10.55am is equally lacklustre and indecisive with a Sun Mercury square Neptune so he’s never going to cut it.

  His relationship chart with Germany is seriously stressed at the best of times with a composite Saturn opposition Mars (Pluto) square Sun – and that is catching the undermining, scandal-prone tr Neptune square Saturn from May 2023 onwards  with his popularity swamp deepening right through till 2025 and beyond if he survives that long as Chancellor.

  With Germany undergoing seismic changes with tr Uranus conjunct the 8th house Pluto into early 2023; and facing devastating relationship problems with Solar Arc Pluto opposition the 7th house Neptune, exact in 18 months, followed by the uncertainty of tr Neptune square the Saturn in 2025, the country needs a competent hand on the tiller. Scholz isn’t it.

  The Neptune Pluto scheduled for very late 2023/2024 could also be accompanied by a disaster, natural or otherwise, which is worrisome given Putin’s high-stakes game of chicken around Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant.