Is there a magic lever which allows some individuals to switch from negative to positive and transform the energies of their chart to develop themselves and their life? Conversely why do some refuse to change, running endlessly on the same hamster wheel until eventually they fall off seemingly having learnt nothing at all?
Profound questions to heap on the unworthy shoulders of Prince Andrew but he does stir up thoughts of the seven deadly sins and old style preacher condemnation. Stubborness, pride, envy, wrath, sloth, avarice, gluttony and lust – and round and round he goes.
One key factor in his chart is his yod with a focal point Uranus in his 1st inconjunct Saturn sextile Mercury. Tierney is worth quoting in full – “If mismanaged this yod suggests sudden repercussions coming from the environment that radically alter the individual’s lifestyle and often against his will. This turning point can be brought about due to the individual’s intolerance of convention, his excitable yet disruptive behaviour, his active rebellion against the norm or even his lawlessness.”
His focal point Uranus was given a sharp elbow last year by that momentous tr Uranus conjunct North Node at 18 degrees Taurus which repeated at the Queen Elizabeth’s death (see post 17th June 2022). If anything was a wake up call that was it but it passed by without him blinking.
The other developmental factor in a chart is the North Node, though many ignore it and remain firmly rooted in their unevolved South Node. His 2nd house Virgo North Node suggests a tendency to be overly dependent (sliding back into 8th house of other people’s money), be self-pitying and escapist. His redemption would come through service to others. He should not expect to grow through other people’s efforts and money but to learn resilience and independence. He needs to pay his own way.
He does have a 7th house Pisces Sun opposition Pluto and a 4th house Scorpio Moon, both of which will tend to make him hang on for control but both are capable of insight and personal growth which seems to escape him.
His 5th Harmonic is strongly aspected which can bring strength and capability. But the downside has a tendency to be sensationalist and self-indulgent. His 9th and 18th are heavily marked as well. 9H can be humanitarian but is also money-seeking and can be frivolous, immoral and irresponsible if not evolved. 18H can bring a character twist that is unfortunate. His self-defeating, self-inflicted disaster 16h is also notable.
He seems to pick the negative of all the aspects which if turned the right way up could put him on the road if not to righteousness at least to a fulfilled life.
His yod has been triggered since last year with tr Uranus square his natal Uranus and also by SA Saturn conjunct Mercury on one leg. His Progressed Mars will also conjunct his Mercury in 2025 giving his yod another almighty shunt; and his SA Neptune will conjunct his Saturn on the other leg in 2026. Life will offer him insights throughout, though whether he is capable of grasping the lesson is a different story.
What is for certain is that the other senior Royals will finally decide enough is enough. From April onwards there are signs of upheavals between him and Prince Edward, Camilla, King Charles in June and Princess Anne across July plus Prince William all the way through. That coincides with tr Uranus in his 10th opposition his 4th house Scorpio Moon – a change of life’s direction, involving a house move and significant changes within the family. His SA Pluto conjunct hid 4th house Neptune exact late 2024 also hints at home and family muddles.
Throughout it all he’ll bluster and bull**** with two Jupiter midpoints giving him that edge of confidence/arrogance that assumes he is entitled to special treatment.
It remains to be seen whether tr Saturn through his 8th for two years through 2025/2026 when he is thrown back on his own resources financially and emotionally will drill some sense into him.
Helpful suggestions.
Places to settle – Moon on his IC eastern Europe down through Egypt, maybe Durban in South Africa.
Jupiter IC – Kazakhstan, an area he knows well.
Sun IC – Myanamar, Phillippines, Darwin in central Australia.