26 thoughts on “Questions & Comments

  1. Hi Marjorie
    I know you are busy and only if of interest, but the wonderful CJ Samson died yesterday after a long illness. His Matthew Shardlake novels set in Tudor London are fantastic, from a plot, character and sense of London at that time, perspective as well as fascinating history. He was an historian after all. If you have the inclination please have a look at his chart, I suspect Cancer and maybe Virgo are prominent. 9.12.52

  2. I’d like to ask you about synchronistic events in politics.
    Today, 2 prime ministers positions ( Scotland and Spain) were on the line. One resigned and the other one kept going. But why? Why both at the same time? What’s happening with the stars?
    And I noticed both the SNP and the conservative party are not governing very well, both parties seem to be in crisis. Why is that?

  3. Hello Marjorie!

    I was wondering what you think about the overall global transits of the 2030s? Will they be as frenzied and intense as the transits that we seem to be coming upon in the next few years?

    Thank you!

  4. Transits to transits of natals?!?

    Neptune is currently transiting late Pisces. Back in 2009-10, Uranus was there and Saturn was in opposition from Virgo. I went through a particularly traumatic experience that took most of the decade to really get over but eventually I got there.

    I noticed the past couple of days, something flared up and brought it to my attention again although it’s faded again.

    My natal Pluto is late Virgo, so was getting hit back then although there were other major transits in effect.

    I’m assuming transiting Neptune is dissolving the transits that inflicted damage back then? I don’t think I’ve ever read anyone putting this idea forward but it seems like it makes sense?

    • I’m also having a sense of dissolving unease. My Pluto is at 29 Virgo, and had a similar rough time of it from Saturn Uranus back then between 2009-11.

      Now we have the Saturn Neptune conjunction forming opposite, which may explain it. Not to mention Mars joining in this week as he steamrollers home into domicile over that point.

      • Thanks JB … useful to hear from someone experiencing something similar. Maybe it is just as simple as transit Neptune opposite Pluto – certainly it’s seems in line with what you’d expect for a Neptune transit. I can also see how its related to the house which Pluto rules.

  5. I remembered this morning another thing I wanted to ask: Marjorie and everyone else who would like to reply, what would you ascribe the economic power and prosperity of countries such as Singapore, South Korena, and maybe Switzerland to in their respective natal charts?

  6. Marjorie, could you please take another look at the US Supreme Court, in view of their recent arguments that seem to favor Trump skating and allowing women to die for lack of needed medical care from disastrous pregnancies?

    They seem to be increasingly out of touch with the populace. And will Chief Justice John Roberts, usually so mindful of the court’s reputation and legacy, allow it to lose its last vestiges of legitimacy by bowing to Trump’s demands for immunity and infinite delays of trials?

    Thanks so much!

  7. The calm before the Storm(pun intended). I believe Trump is gonna go ballistic when either Daniels or Cohen is on the stand, which will likely land him in jail.
    Or maybe I’m just fantasizing.

  8. You wrote in November:

    “Pedro Sanchez, the present caretaker PM, 29 February 1972 10.25 am Madrid, is a Sun Pisces with a forceful Mars in Taurus on his Ascendant; a confident Pluto square Jupiter; and a tough-minded Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Pluto trine North Node. He has tr Saturn moving through his 11th at the moment which fits with difficulties in trying to assemble a workable team. He should get some uplift from tr Jupiter moving through his 1st at the moment. But there is not much else showing for the immediate future.”

    It seems his wife has been embroiled in a mess, and there is this whole play at work where he might resign. The prosecutor is demanding the investigation into his wife be stopped for being unfounded.

  9. Hi Linda, I did read that Sutcliffe was suspected in the murder of a woman in London..he was known to have gone there at the time she was found… I to would like some thoughts about why this man was the way he was.

  10. Marjorie I was wondering if you could do a reading on the serial killer Peter Sutcliffe other wise known as The Yorkshire Ripper.

    At one point in the late70s my husband and I were dining in a restaurant in London. In marched about 30 men and they all seemed to be speaking in a
    WestYorkshire accent and it became obvious that they were coppers and seemingly involved with those murders.

    This was around the time when they were convinced that he was from the Northeast of England because of the tape that was later to be proved a hoax.

    And while he was deemed to be a Paranoid Schizophrenic, I always had my doubts, as it seemed more of an attempt to be sent to a psychiatric hospital , in an attempt to be released back into the community after he was ‘cured’. As we know he was returned to prison, that scheme did not work.

    Anyway that night sent chills down my spine as it looked to me as though they thought he was in London. I mean why were they there and why did it need so many of them?

  11. I want to bring up something from your Finland reading from April 2023 on this year after Finland joined NATO. Your assessment here:

    “Late 2024 looks trapped and scary on the Finland chart with Solar Arc Mars opposition the Pluto but that could be for any number of reasons, including financial ones.”

    The way this has shaped up is that external security for Finland looks solid. Sweden finally got a “yes” from Turkey and Hungary, and with the new President (and the First Lady who gets well deserved comparisons to Amal Clooney for the fashion sense with a British Touch) having completed the traditional first state visit to Sweden, we are now discussing dividing NATO command centers in the region (look like
    Air Force would be in Norway, Navy in Sweden, and Army in Finland).

    However, Finland has been hit by a heavy stagnation, and in the same time, labour issues with Government cutting benefits and wanting to ban political strikes. As someone looking for a new employment, I have been met with a market that’s in utter turmoil. There were 60 k more job seekers in March 2024 than 2023. My friends who are recruiters are exhausted, because number of good candidates have quadrupled. I think there are more things at play, with several disruptions happening at once, but it’s brutal and could lead to violent clashes later in the year.

    Fortunately, through all this gloom and latest recorded snowstorms hitting the country, I just got really good news today. I got an offer with Jupiter trine natal Mercury and Moon opposite MC from a company I think I first applied to 2009, and again in 2019 and couldn’t even get an interview with. Turns out, it took the HR being shifted to a service center abroad to get through. This is telling, given I have Jupiter conjunct MC on 9th house side.

      • Thank you all! I’m still in disbelieve that for the first time in more than 20 years in full time workforce I got the job I wanted the most at the time I applied and also seems like a logical career steps! In other occasions, even when I’ve ended up enjoying the job, I have landed them by chance.

        @ El Aznar, on your question, Vaisala used to be and I suppose still is, a client of one of my employers. I used to do industry reports on them, and liked what I saw. I don’t think it’s particularly hard to land an employment with them, in fact, one of the recruitment agencies I was talking to for another position I ended up not getting does their recruitment too, and said they’d likely suggest me for roles there. However, I’ve understood that despite global scale of operations, it’s the most “local” of big Finnish tech companies. They do tend to recruit Finnish management more than likes of Kone and UPM, not to mention Nokia (and what remains of their network business).

        • Thank you so much! And, of course, congratulations!

          I wonder if I could find somewhere how to apply or ask around or send a speculative letter of interest as a foreigner for a job with them.

  12. Marjorie, can you look at Bird Flu? Apparently, it’s now in cattle in the US and the virus is showing up in milk. There is some concern that the virus will move to pigs where it could mutate into a virus that would be more dangerous for humans.

    (I posed this in last week’s comments before you opened this up.)

    How do you create a chart for such a thing as a disease? Do you use the date it was first reported? (I believe it was noticed in 2022, killed many birds and then mutated and has affected many sea mammals and now land mammals–cows (and two people! But their illness, if any, was mild.)

  13. Hello Marjorie,
    I was wondering if you could have a look at Caitlin Clark’ chart. At 22, she has already an astounding college basketball career, with a plethora of dazzling records and is considered as the greatest college player ever (both men and women). Yet her salary doesn’t reflect her performance and the gap between men and women is still so excessive (she is expected to make $76,535 in her rookie season when Victor Wembanyama, the n°1 pick in the NBA draft, earned $12.1 million in his rookie year). Do you think that the current outrage regarding this matter will help to reduce the gender pay gap in sport?
    Thank you for your insight

  14. Marjorie,

    Does your royal hiatus also mean that until further notice you also won’t be covering members of the nobility connected to the royals, such as the members of the Earldom of Spencer?

    The other thing I wanted to say is that I’ve been revisiting some clips and the biography of Dame Edith Evans and was wondering if she would be an interesting person to portray.

    Thank you!

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