The scandal that broke British politics. The Horizon/Fujitsu system whose unreliability was flagged up before the £900million deal was struck in 1999 was backed by Peter Mandelson (Lord) and pushed through by Tony Blair (Sir) despite the adverse reports to avoid damaging relations with Japan. Gordon Brown later appointed Lib Dem Ed Davey (Sir) as Postal Affairs Minister while prosecutions were ongoing. David Cameron (Lord) and every Tory PM since have averted their eyes from the egregious miscarriages of justice going on under their noses. What are they for?
The Mail on Sunday has also noted that Blair had close links with Fujitsu, meeting Fujitsu bosses in Japan in 1996, before he entered No10.
On the UK chart the 2nd house Neptune is under attack from a square to the Solar Arc Sun and also to the SA Midheaven over coming months – all of which might point up a financial snafu of epic proportions with all the Neptunian vices of evasion, deception, dishonesty, smoke-screening, chilling inhumanity on show.
The Solar Arc Saturn is also opposition the UK Uranus exactly over this furore, tugging on one leg of the UK yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter inconjunct Pluto. That yod at its most negative is bullying, coercive and grandiose as well as wayward and defiant. Saturn has no truck with arrogance or deviations from the straight and narrow – so this influence may be part of this scenario as well.
Plus tr Uranus is moving to square the UK Saturn in the 11th house, which rules the legislature this May and again over the New Year into March 2025 – which might give Westminster a sharp elbow in the ribs. Maybe. Hopefully.
It is too much to hope that the great British electorate rise up and toss all of them into the trash can. But again it may be Pluto in Capricorn’s swansong to spotlight wholesale political failures. Never mind the PPE procurement and infected blood disasters which are still limping along in the background.
Tony Blair, 6 May 1953 6.10am Edinburgh, Scotland, is running into a series of cataclysmic setbacks courtesy of his Progressed Mars square his Neptune Saturn from now till 2026; and his SA Moon opposition his Neptune Saturn in 2026/27. At the moment his has a Solar Arc yod formed from SA Neptune sextile SA Pluto inconjunct his Jupiter – all at the 29’ anaretic degree. Tr Pluto is also just into his career 10th house which often coincides with a reputation dent/collapse..
The Fujitsu Sun, 20 June 1935, falls in his financial 2nd house with the Fujitsu Jupiter exactly opposition his Taurus Sun. His relationship with Fujitsu has a ‘fated yod’ hinting that the association will affect the destiny of both for good or ill. That yod is being cut down to size with tr Saturn square one leg and tr Neptune Saturn in 2025 colliding with the Saturn focal point. So it is a link that won’t fade into obscurity any time soon.
Ed Davey has tr Pluto conjunct his Mars in Aquarius from late February on and off for two years which will box him in.
Just goes to show a week is a long time in politics. Starmer’s two backroom string-pullers of Blair and Mandelson will be compromised over this which will reflect badly on his judgement. And Rishi Sunak has gone into full “Wag the Dog” mode over the Houthi attack, whether intentionally or not, which could change the rules of the game in coming months.
See previous posts: Blair – 14 November and 28 July 2023. Fujitsu/Post office 8 January 2024.