Koh-I-Noor – winner takes all

The Koh-I-Noor diamond, Persian for Mountain of Light, was supposedly found in the 13th Century. It then had a chequered history being taken as a spoil of war through several centuries, before the Brits in India (then united with modern Pakistan), got hold of it in the mid 19th Century. It was presented to Queen Victoria on 3 July 1850, re-cut and ultimately found itself as the centre piece of the Queen Mother’s crown.

There is now a claim, as there have been in the past, for its return, in this case to Pakistan, though it is unlikely to happen.

The 3 July 1850 chart has a flamboyant Mars in Leo trine Uranus Pluto Saturn in Aries – so a triple conjunction event. Venus also in showy Leo is conjunct the ‘leadership’ Leo North Node – winner takes the spoils.  The Cancer Sun is trine Neptune on one side and sextile Jupiter on the other.

Tr Uranus is conjunct the KIN Saturn in a couple of months and by 2018 will be conjunct the KIN Uranus Pluto which looks like an upheaval of sorts. But being removed from the Tower of London is not a realistic possibility.

Libya – bleak future

The war against ISIL appears to be moving to Libya as top ISIL commanders have gone there from Iraq and Syria. US planes are now reportedly bombing there.

The revolution against Gaddafi in 2011 led to civil war, with French, British and American forces joining in, but misjudging the chaos of tribal militia infighting which would follow the toppling of a dictatorship which had been in place for 42 years. A senior UK minister described the post-Gaddafi stabilisation plans as ‘fanciful rot’. And so another Iraq failed state was created.

Libya independence, 24 December 1951 12am Tripoli. Nothing remotely cheerful here for several years ahead. Tr Pluto has another year of squaring Saturn bringing hardship and deprivation; with the even more destructive tr Pluto square Mars in 2016/17. Plus tr Uranus in the highly strung, nervy opposition to Neptune this year and a hugely upsetting opposition to the Libya Moon in 2018. Tr Saturn will oppose the MC this year and tr Neptune will square in 2018 – setbacks and no clear direction. Tr Pluto moves to square Neptune in 2018/19 which is devastation. Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct the Moon in late 2018 – an anguished population. Solar Arc Neptune will conjunct the Capricorn Sun by 2020 – undermining.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Upcoming Eclipses in Pisces and Libra

This will go into its own section at some point for future reference.

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE: March 9 2016 at 19 degrees Pisces IN Saros Cycle 18 South.

LUNAR ECLIPSE: March 23 2016 at 3 degrees Libra.

This Solar Eclipse (New Moon) is opposition Jupiter North Node in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn square Jupiter is one of these awkward influences which swings between optimism and pessimism. One moment expansive, the next running into setbacks and having to contract. So relatively unstable. Plus a Mutable Saturn on the point of a T Square tends to be nervy, scattered, sceptical. Focus is needed to get the best out of it – usually by concentrating on detailed work.

What will help is the New Moon sextile Pluto which in turn trines Jupiter – a wedge isn’t the easiest configuration to balance but there will be bursts of confidence and success.

According to Bernadette Brady (The Eagle and the Lark), an 18 South Eclipse is concerned with endings or separations. Maybe someone close travelling a distance away. But, as ever, as one door closes another door opens. New situations will arise bringing positive outcomes.

The Lunar Eclipse on 23 March with the Sun at 3 Aries opposite the Moon at 3 Libra luckily misses aspects to the disruptive Uranus Pluto. It is trine/sextile Mars in Sagittarius – another wedge, so there will be spurts of dynamic activity and then some misdirected anger. Mars in Sagittarius can be a great crusader but can also be self-righteous. There’s also a Jupiter North Node opposition Venus Neptune square Saturn; and the opposition trine/sextile Pluto.  But aspects not connected into the Eclipse itself generally have less effect.

Eclipses set major personal themes for your next six months depending on your Sun and Ascendant sign. Eclipses demand you live one area of your life in a new way. This takes effort and courage but it does offer an opportunity. If you get a grip and put much needed changes in place then you can avoid crises in the months ahead. If you know your birth time then look to see which house the Eclipse falls in and it is that arena of your life which needs a shake up.

Effects on Sun signs:

ARIES The Pisces Solar Eclipse falling in the sign before yours says slow down, be less active and more introspective. Put the past in order by understanding it better. Sort out unresolved psychological and emotional issues.   The Lunar Eclipse will throw a focus on close relationships. Are you fulfilled? If not, what can you do about it? Find a balance between giving and receiving.

TAURUS The Pisces Solar Eclipse will prompt you to look ahead and make longer term plans. You’ll also want to widen your circle of friends and acquaintances and be more of a team player.  The Lunar Eclipse says getting healthy will be a priority but looking after your state of mind will be as important as looking after your body.

GEMINI The Pisces Solar Eclipse at your Midheaven says you’ll feel it is now or never for success so you’ll push extra hard. The added motivation will give you a spur to aim higher.   The Lunar Eclipse says you need to find a better balance between friends on the one hand and love ones on the other. You may want to play away the days but sorting out long term plans will be important as well.

CANCER The Pisces Solar Eclipse says you need to broaden your understanding and knowledge, read more, travel more, set your sights higher and communicate more widely.   The Libra Lunar Eclipse is all about finding time for work ambitions and home and family matters. You won’t be fulfilled unless both areas of your life are getting your attention.

LEO The Pisces Solar Eclipse in the deepest, most confidential area of your chart will prompt you to share, care, relate and co-operate in a new way, emotionally and financially. Letting go the habits of a lifetime will be tricky but it’s important you try.   The Lunar Eclipse says pay attention to everyday details as well as aiming higher and seeking adventure.

VIRGO The Pisces Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign will make your close relationship a top priority. Can you be less self-sufficient, more adaptable, more co-operative? Being in a partnership demands compromise to make it work.  The Lunar Eclipse again focuses on how you share, care, and relate financially as well as emotionally. You need to find ways of being independent and inter-dependent at the same time.

LIBRA The Pisces Solar Eclipse says you must take steps to improve your health and fitness. Also to streamline your efficiency since you’ll have a pile of chores in coming months.  The Lunar Eclipse in your own sign will pose questions about your closest relationship. You’ll need to adjust the amount of give and take on each side and reach fairer agreements.

SCORPIO The Pisces Solar Eclipse in your chart area of romance, fun and children says you’ll need to make the effort to sparkle and play more. If you feel short of affection and attention then you need to give more. Hand out the kisses and cuddles and you’ll be centre stage.  The Lunar Eclipse in the sign before yours says take some time out to re-centre and regain inner calm, as well as ensuring you boost your physical stamina.

SAGITTARIUS The Pisces Solar Eclipse will prompt you to make changes at home and in your domestic environment. Not just physically but emotionally as well, you’ll want to clear the decks for a better time ahead. Make the effort and ask for what you need.   The Lunar Eclipse hints that friends need as much attention as loved ones. Be prepared to sort out long term plans as well as enjoying the moment.

CAPRICORN The Pisces Solar Eclipse indicates that an exceptionally busy everyday schedule lies ahead. You’ll need to get better organised, manage your time well and make out to-do lists otherwise you’ll end up going round in circles. The Lunar Eclipse points to an imbalance in your life between outer ambitions and a happy family life. See what you can do to pay attention to both.

AQUARIUS The Pisces Solar Eclipse falling in your chart area of personal finances says that being pro-active will help. Take the initiative and reorganise your approach to money. Don’t throw it around to impress but ensure you are focusing on long term security as well as pleasure. The Lunar Eclipse will keep you on your toes for a busy time ahead. Paying attention to small details will be important as well as getting your grander plans into gear.

PISCES The Pisces Solar Eclipse says you are at a crossroads in your life and need to make significant decisions about your time ahead. You’ll be more independent for a few months. It’s your life and should be your choices. Don’t amble along as before, hoping for the best. Take the initiative and make it happen.   The Lunar Eclipse will pose a few dilemmas, mainly financial but also emotional.  You need to find a way of protecting your own interests as well as sharing more with those close.

Mozart & Salieri – a murderous myth

One of the enduring myths in classical music was the supposed rivalry of composers Austrian Wolfgang Mozart and Italian Antonio Salieri, with the latter suspected of hastening Mozart’s end by poisoning.

In reality, despite some rivalry being in competition for jobs, they seem to have got along reasonably well. Mozart died aged 35 from causes unknown, variously ascribed to overwork, financial worries or fever.

Mozart was born 27 January 1756 6pm Salzburg, Austria and Salieri on 18 August 1750 10pm Legnago, Italy.

Mozart had a 5th house Sun Saturn Mercury in Aquarius opposition Neptune so was serious about performing, quite neurotic. He had an ambitious 10th house Mars in Cancer; and a possessive Moon Pluto in the 4th square Uranus and trine Neptune – so emotionally changeable.

Salieri was a Sun Mars in Leo opposition Uranus – so quite volatile and excitable; and could be jealous if he was outshone. He had Saturn Pluto in his 7th so harmonious relationships wouldn’t come easily to him.

Mozart’s Moon Pluto fell in Saleri’s 8th and M’s Sun Saturn in S’s 10th, so Salieri would feel cornered and deflated at times, composing as the same time as one of the great geniuses.

Their relationship chart has a friendly composite Sun opposition Venus; a supportive Mars Jupiter conjunction; though Mars was also conjunct Neptune so one’s success would diminish the other. The composite Mars was inconjunct Saturn and Pluto inconjunct Venus –  so there would be strains and rough edges. But nothing too hostile.

Salieri produced nothing in the last two decades of his life and ended up suffering from dementia. His work fell into obscurity from which it was only rescued fairly recently.

Nicholas Sarkozy – crashing into difficulties

Former French President, right-wing Nicolas Sarkozy is under formal investigation over campaign funding for his unsuccessful 2012 bid for re-election. Despite his denials of all involvement in campaign finances, it is seen as a blow to his attempts to regain the presidency in 2017.

Born 28 January 1955 10pm Paris, his chart does show signs of a collision of sorts which will bring him to a halt and infuriate him. His Solar Arc Sun will conjunct his Mars in Aries, exact in four months’ time. Into 2017 he has several unpleasant and counter-productive influences – tr Pluto will conjunct his Neptune which can be devastating; tr Saturn will oppose his Gemini MC around the time of the election; and his Solar Arc Saturn will oppose his Jupiter, exact late in 2017, and possibly casting a damper over his attempt.

Admittedly he also has tr Uranus square his Jupiter through this year from late May onwards which will give him a lucky break. But maybe not enough to shake him loose from various allegations which have been swirling around him.   His marriage to Carla Bruni also looks more than creaky in 2017.


Sheena Bora – a sad death swirling in conspiracy theories

A thriller of a murder story, involving hidden identities, allegations and counter-allegations and arrests has been gripping Indian media for months. An unidentified skeleton, badly burnt, was recovered near Mumbai in 2012 but only identified in 2015 as being that of Sheena Bora. Police had earlier named Indrani Mukerjea, thought to be her sister but in fact her mother, as the main suspect in the case. They have also arrested her first husband as a co-conspirator in the murder, as well as her former driver who is listed as an accomplice. Now Sheena Bora’s stepfather, Peter Mukerjea, the former CEO of Rupert Murdoch’s Star India network, has been formally charged with the murder as well. He denies all knowledge of any conspiracy.

Sheena Bora was born 11 Feb 1987 when her mother (born Nov 1972), would have been 14, conceived at 13, raised by her maternal grandparents. She was an Aquarius Sun on the focal point of Mars in Aries trine Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius so volatile with a tough life. Her Jupiter in Pisces was square Uranus Saturn so quite impulsive.

And she had another mini-Grand Trine of Pluto trine Mercury in Pisces, sextile Venus Neptune in Capricorn – intense, charming though not always clear thinking.

What is really sad about her chart is a singleton Moon in Cancer which would give her key issues around mother. The Moon may also be on the focal point of a Yod to her Sun sextile Saturn Uranus; and in an angry square to Mars. She only discovered about her mother when she was 19 and came to find her.

Her 16th Harmonic which can be destructive/self-destructive is very strongly aspected. When she disappeared around 24th April 2012 tr Saturn was hovering around the opposition to her Mars; with tr Uranus square her Venus, moving to square her Neptune; and tr Pluto was just over the conjunction to her Neptune Venus.

Kanye West – ego threatening to explode

Kanye West, hubbie of Kim Kardashian, hip hop singer and record producer, one of the best-selling artists of all time, and a fashion designer has always boosted his career by being controversial. He seems more seriously over the top at the moment, claiming to be hugely in debt and demanding Mark Zuckerburg bails him out. Whether it’s all a stunt or his narcissistic mania has finally tipped him off the edge, isn’t clear.

Born 8 June 1977 (no time), he’s a Sun Jupiter in Gemini opposition Neptune, trine Pluto. Jupiter Neptune will certainly give him dreams off the Richter scale; Sun Neptune Pluto can be tinged with megalomania; and heavily Mutable charts are common amongst bi-polar sufferers. His Pisces Moon probably squares that Sun Jupiter opposition Neptune making him even more sensitive.

Plus he has a wannabe-grand Saturn in Leo on the point of a wide T Square to Uranus opposition Venus Mars – which will exacerbate all of Saturn in Leo’s tendency to self-aggrandise.

Unfortunately for him tr Saturn = come down to earth and face reality, is ploughing round his Mutable T Square this year conjunct his Neptune, opposition his Sun Jupiter and square Moon. Saturn Jupiter can be financial cutbacks; Saturn Neptune is paranoid and neurotic and Saturn Sun Moon can be discouraging. Though tr Jupiter in Virgo is doing the exact opposite – so all quite unstable, expanding and shrinking at the same time.  Into 2017 tr Neptune will square his Jupiter which can be bubble-bursting.

He does look confused exactly now with tr Pluto trine his Sun/Neptune. And late April through May looks very agitated with running crises.

There’s nothing very definitive and without a birth time it’s trickier still.  His lucky Jupiter could still pull a rabbit out of the hat.

PS: There is a possible, unconfirmed birth time of 8.45am which would put his Moon at 16 Pisces, closely tied into the Sun Jupiter opposition Neptune. Tr Saturn is aiming to square that in March/April which will dampen his spirits and make him feel less than supported/popular.

Plus the March Solar Eclipse will conjunct his Moon, sending a tremor round the Mutable T Square which may well hype him up to even higher levels of anxiety. Tr Uranus is also square the Cancer Ascendant, shining a new light on his image or giving it a mighty jolt.  Plus tr Pluto is poised to conjunct the Descendant bringing much more intense feelings about close partners and the general public.

His relationship with Kim Kardashian, never easy at the best of times; does look under pressure, volatile and uncertain this year.

Oscars – Di Caprio, Larson, Stallone

The Oscars are back round again on February 28th.

Leo di Caprio, who has already won the BAFTA leading man award for Revenant is hotly tipped. Born 11 Nov 1974 2.47am Los Angeles, his chart is oddly short of clues even for the BAFTA win. He’s a secretive Sun Venus Mars in Scorpio; with Pluto Moon conjunct in Libra in his 1st house. His recent UK win came with tr Neptune conjunct Jupiter which is often not that good – high hopes, disappointment.

What he has over the Oscars is tr Jupiter sextile his Venus = minorly sociable; and tr Uranus square his 10th house Saturn which can be jolting and tension-inducing.   He certainly looks cheerful later in the year as tr Jupiter crosses his Ascendant. It may be he doesn’t put much store on the Oscars and he certainly seems to dislike being too much on the celebrity trail.

Brie Larson, 1 Oct 1989, up for leading actress for Room, is a Sun Mars in Libra square Uranus Saturn Neptune in Capricorn opposition Jupiter in Cancer – so quite a high-wire personality, and overflowing with initiative, restlessness and luck. Again there’s not much showing apart from tr Uranus trine her Solar Arc Venus; and a mildly positive tr Jupiter sextile Mars/Uranus.

Sylvester Stallone, 6 July 1946 7.20pm New York, is up for best supporting actor for reprising his role as boxer Rocky in Creed. He has tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter at the Oscars which is definitely a lucky break; but he’s also got tr Neptune opposition his Mars which is usually not good news. His Jupiter may triumph since his Pluto is moving by Solar Arc to conjunct his natal Jupiter, exact in 8 months but in effect before then.  What’s certainly true is that his career and confidence are getting a considerable lift this year with his Solar Arc MC conjunct his Ascendant and tr Jupiter aiming to cross his midheaven in 2017.

Tweeting howls of rage

A hate mob of incontinent diatribers has seen Stephen Fry flounce off Twitter (again) saying the ‘fun is over’ after a stray comment of his at the BAFTAs evoked an avalanche of hyped-up outrage.

Twitter is also in deep trouble over revenues, lack of popularity and falling share prices. It has only 300 million users in contrast to Facebook’s 1.6 billion and even Instagram has overtaken it now.

When it sent its first tweet on 21 March 2006 at 9.50pm PST the Aries Sun was in the entertaining 5th. But what is really eye catching is Mars in Gemini in the 8th opposition Moon Pluto in Sagittarius – Mars Pluto all too easily falls into black rage. It’s often seen in the charts of shock-jocks who mouth off at the blink of an eye.

I was pondering on quite what general influences have stoked up the outpourings of often misdirected anger that have been obvious over the past few years. Several newspapers have now rowed back on having comment boxes below columns because of immoderate, insulting and slanderous posts left anonymously. The net was supposed to bring greater access to the public but it seems to have degenerated into mob rule by the screamers. Ditto the brainless student protests against anyone who doesn’t toe their very PC line.

Maybe it is the ugly side of Uranus Pluto leading to anarchy and chaos; platformed on the IT era’s Aquarius underpinnings. Uranus brings the underdogs to the surface, those who have felt powerless in the past, tramped underfoot by the Plutonic forces of power and the status quo. If it tips too far then Uranus can be a wrecker and the revolution ends up causing its own destruction. Indeed Uranus/Aquarius can have quite a fascist streak which is what some of this feels like.

Pope John Paul – surprising insights

Pope John Paul had a close friendship with a married woman for 30 years. Letter detailing his feelings have been hidden away in the National Library of Poland since his death but will be the subject of a BBC TV Panorama programme tonight.

Anne-Teresa Tymieniecka, 28 Feb 1923, was a Polish-born American philosopher and academic who helped him at times with his books and seems to have been in love with him, testing his faith. There is no suggestion that he broke his vows of celibacy.

Born 18 May 1920 5.30pm Wadowice, Poland, he had a charming and tactile 7th house Venus Mercury in Taurus; with an 8th house Taurus Sun so celibacy wouldn’t come easy to him. He also had an 8th house Gemini Moon on the focal point of a Mutable T square to Uranus opposition Saturn so fairly erratic emotional impulses.

Her Sun Uranus in Pisces fell in his 5th close to his Uranus and opposition his Saturn – so she’d cheer him up though he’d also block her out with his dutiful Saturn.  Her Jupiter opposed his Venus which is also friendly and light hearted; though her Saturn was conjunct his Mars which would put her own blocks on his enthusiasm.

Their relationship chart did have a possessive composite Moon Pluto conjunction; a passionate Venus trine Mars; but also a defensive Venus opposition Saturn – so a complicated, blow hot blow cold relationship with simmering undercurrents.

Her husband, economist Hendrik Houthakker, 31 Dec 1924, whom she married 17 years before she met John Paul, was determined and controlling Sun Jupiter in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Mars in Aries.

The conventional wisdom is that he was friendly with John Paul through his wife, but the HH/John Paul relationship chart has a hostile composite Pluto opposition Mars square Saturn – so again undercurrents, this time of unspoken dislike at the situation.