David Cameron’s ‘lucky’ Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Uranus, exact in three months’ time, is obviously his Papandreou moment when he walks away from a horrendous mess in sheer relief. Today on the news of a Brexit win the pound and the markets made historic falls; there’s talk of UK’s credit rating dropping a notch or two; Scotland who voted for Remain is talking of another referendum to leave the UK and stay in the EU which they might well win this time; Northern Ireland also voted Remain and are now facing the prospect of a ‘hard’ border with the Republic which could brew up the old troubles again. Finance houses and banks may well relocate; businesses will stagnate in the interim two or more years of exfiltration. The leaders of the Brexit campaign may find this is a victory which proves to be a poisoned chalice.
The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 10 am, is looking jangled from late November this year with tr Saturn opposition Uranus and the financial Venus; and appears to be in meltdown in 2017 with tr Saturn square Mars and Neptune; and even worse the Solar Arc Sun squares Mars and Neptune in 2017. All of which is panicky and sliding downhill.
David Cameron’s chart, 9 October 1966 5.30am? London, has another couple of hits of the forced-to-change tr Pluto square his Libra Sun this year and the deeply frustrating tr Pluto square his Solar Arc Mars now till 2018 as he tastes his legacy of failure. However he also has tr Jupiter about to move across his Ascendant in August or thereabouts which will buck him up. Though he’s got the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting two of his Mars midpoints and his Sun/Moon through into 2017. 2017 will pick up more Jupiter for him.
His Second Term chart, 8 May 2015 12.30pm, did have Mars conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol in the 10th which never sounded like good news. The Term chart hasn’t much of note exactly now though picks up the de-stabilising tr Pluto square Uranus from early 2017 for two years; and if it survives till 2018 the Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus. The government will continue with a new leader, to be announced/elected.
If Article 50 is invoked this year which the sulky EU leaders are calling for, then the UK/EU divorce happens two years thereafter. Tr Saturn will conjunct the EU and UK and composite Sun in late 2018 which could fit the timetable.
The problem for the EU is that other countries now want to follow suit into a referendum, egged on by the far right. The EU chart, 31 December 1957 11pm Brussels, does have a bubble-bursting Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint within four minutes of a degree exact now (one fifteenth of a degree); moving on to conjunct Neptune in 2019 which is ditto and ditto and ditto. Next year they have tr Neptune back to square the Mars/Saturn midpoint, which is around this month, which has a nasty sagging feel to it.
The EU/UK relationship chart has the separating tr Saturn opposition the composite Moon this year; and disappointing tr Neptune square the Moon in 2018/19. Plus tr Saturn conjunct Sun in 2019 for the final separation. There will be a fair amount of one-upmanship through the next few months as early negotiations begin with tr Pluto trine the composite Jupiter.