Sam Allardyce – the mighty felled



England football manager Sam Allardyce, a former player, has resigned his job by mutual agreement with the Football Association after one match and 67 days in charge, following a newspaper investigation claiming he offered advice on how to “get around” rules on player transfers. He is also alleged to have used his role to negotiate a deal worth £400,000 to represent a Far East firm.  An FA statement said, “He accepts he made a significant error of judgement and has apologised.”

Born 19 Oct 1954, he’s a working-class lad done well with a flash house on the Costa Brava and worth millions. He’s got a Sun Neptune in Libra on the point of a T square to Mars in Capricorn opposition Uranus Jupiter in Cancer – overflowing with initiative, restless, ego-centric, lucky, keen on money, not always straightforward. Plus Venus in intense Scorpio square Pluto, so charming when it suits him, though also manipulative.

What has undone him now is his Solar Arc Pluto moving to square his Mars, bringing his high hopes to a grinding halt.

Deutsche Bank’s woes – Merkel on the horns of a dilemma



Germany is in the grip of a banking crisis with no clear solution. The mammoth Deutsche Bank, based in Frankfurt with a global outreach, once seen as Europe’s strongest financial institution, is in dire trouble facing falling profits, a struggle to cut costs and restructure, legal wrangles and a whopping $14 billion dollar fine from the US for dodgy sub-prime mortgage selling ten years back. They haven’t the capital to pay the fine and Angela Merkel has said there’ll be no bail-out, since that would open the floodgates, especially in Italy where the government is desperate to breach EU rules to fund their banks sagging under bad loans with tax payers money.

Deutsche Bank was set up on 22 January 1870 and got its banking licence on 10 March 1870. Both these charts have Neptune in Aries square Uranus in Cancer picking up the tr Pluto hard aspects through 2017/18 which looks like rolling confusion, scandal, panic and disruption.

Commerzbank, 26 Feb 1870, is also said to be in trouble. Likewise it has the same Neptune Uranus, and even worse Solar Arcs than Deutsche Bank.

The Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, 26 July 1957, will be edgy and distraught through 2017/18 with tr Uranus opposing the Solar Arc Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Venus; and tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars – so jangled and very trapped. Worse follows in 2018/19 with Solar Arc Venus conjunct Neptune, Solar Arc Saturn opposition Uranus; and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Neptune – which looks like a complete meltdown.

Baling out dodgy banks isn’t a heartening prospect but a total banking collapse would be worse.

Shimon Peres – died without achieving his goal



Shimon Peres, one of Israel’s leading statesmen and Nobel Prize winner in 1994 for his efforts to negotiate peace in the Middle East, has died. There’s a dispute about his birthdate, partly because it is transcribed from the Hebrew calendar, but says his mother confirmed 16 August 1923 with a sunrise birth time from his father of 5.51 am Visnevo, Poland.

This gives him four planets in Leo – Sun, Mars, Neptune, Venus, falling in Israel’s 10th and 11th house, beside the Israel Moon Pluto Saturn Mars in Leo, so a key figure in their history. His Libra Moon was conjunct the Israel Neptune, so an almost telepathic connection. He had a healing Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Scorpio trine Uranus trine Pluto, with Uranus opposition Mercury – so talented as a spokesman and a reformer. He always described himself as an optimist which with a strong Jupiter makes sense; though he also had a tough streak with his Pluto square Moon Saturn.

Born in Poland, his family moved to Israel when he was 10. Although never a soldier, he rose up the political ranks, becoming eventually Prime Minister twice and the 9th President of Israel.

His Harmonics are strong, with a the creative-get-it-together 5H marked; as was his determined 8H; leaving a legacy for history 17H; and the two Master numbers – the obsessive dream 11H and super-star 22H.

His relationship with Israel wasn’t always easy with a suspicious/doubtful composite Saturn Neptune in the relationship chart; but there was a persuasive Pluto Mercury Venus conjunction. And more importantly a Yod of Uranus sextile Sun inconjunct the composite Jupiter which suggests that together they could effect progress in social development. He was always keen on a two state solution.

Zoe Ball & Fatboy Slim – another Sun Saturn relationship chart



Zoe Ball, TV and radio presenter, and DJ, music producer Norman Cook (Fatboy Slim) have split after 18 years and two children – with a longish history of drug problems, rehab and the odd affair.

He was born 31 July 1963 in Bromley, and is a Sun Leo sextile Mars in Libra, with a Sagittarius Moon probably square Uranus Pluto in Virgo; with Jupiter in Aries and Venus in Cancer.

She was born 23 Nov 1970 and is a vague, creative Sun Neptune in Sagittarius with probably a late Virgo Moon conjunct Pluto, and Venus Jupiter in Scorpio; with a singleton Saturn in Taurus in one hemisphere of her chart.

His Moon and her Sun chime though her Neptune will make her evasive. His Neptune is conjunct her Venus so the reverse will happen there. Her Pluto (Moon) is conjunct his Mars, so not entirely in harmony. Their Fire and Water planets mix relatively happily though it’s a combustible combination, more so for her.

Their relationship chart has a passionate composite Venus Pluto Uranus so it would sizzle initially though Uranus in the mix would make it erratic and unpredictable. And there’s also a composite Saturn opposition Sun and Mars which would put blocks and irritability, as well as unkind treatment in the way of bliss. The composite Sun does trine Jupiter which would help to smooth round rough patches and Saturn can give longevity if not much warmth. But they’ve been having problems from years, really since the late 2000s with the tr Saturn opposition tr Uranus hitting on the composite Venus Pluto; and then the tr Pluto square tr Uranus wending its way across the composite Saturn, Sun and more recently Mars in this decade.

Jenna Coleman & Tom Hughes – lacking the spark of Rufus




Jenna Coleman, star of the television ‘Victoria’ has allegedly moved in with Tom Hughes, who plays her husband, the well-meaning but hapless, Prince Albert.

They were both born in 1986 only two weeks apart, she on 27 April and he on 18 April. She’s an early Sun Taurus trine Mars Neptune and opposition Pluto, with a Sagittarius Moon perhaps conjunct Uranus or Saturn; with Venus in Gemini. Certainly determined, stubborn, emotionally changeable.

He’s a Sun Aries opposition Pluto with a Leo Moon perhaps square Pluto, and Venus in later Taurus. Both have a showbizzy Mars Neptune conjunction, and both have Pluto trine Jupiter in Pisces.

There’s some cross-over between their Fire planets – her Moon and his Sun and Moon; and his Venus and her Sun – though there are no conjunctions. And really apart from strong Pluto ties there’s not much indicating a great love affair.

Their composite chart has a composite Sun opposition Pluto, so it will feel meant – for a while. But the composite Venus is unaspected and not well integrated; and the composite Moon may be square Mars Neptune. It could amble on for a while but really doesn’t give off any great chemistry.

Rufus Sewell with his earthy Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Pluto, Uranus in Virgo will chime better with her Taurus Sun; and his seductive Scorpio Sun is conjunct her Pluto and opposition her Sun. It wouldn’t be a runner for anything committed since their relationship chart has a composite Sun opposition Saturn square Uranus. But there is a composite Yod of Uranus sextile Mars inconjunct Jupiter, which does give their relationship enthusiasm and an aura of hope.

Liev Schreiber & Naomi Watts – lives of constant change



Liev Schreiber (Ray Donovan, Spotlight etc) and Naomi Watts (Fair Game, J Edgar), regarded as one of Hollywood’s more stable partnerships have split.

Both are Sun Libras, both have similar Scorpio Ascendants, self-reliant Saturn in Aries and, tellingly, both had ruptured childhoods.

Liev Schreiber 4 Oct 1967 10.30am San Francisco, had a far-left hippie mother, a friend of William Burroughs, who after a bad acid trip was hospitalized and when threatened with being institutionalised, fled with him. His father kidnapped him but his mother got full custody and he grew up in poverty, having to adapt to her eccentricities. Her mother (his maternal grandmother) had been lobotomized. He lived in an ashram in his teens.

He has a friendly 11th house Libra Sun and Libra Moon on the cusp of the 12th. His Sun opposes Saturn in Aries in the 5th. He has Jupiter Venus on his Midheaven, which can be an indication of a drama-queen mother. He also has Pluto Uranus in Virgo in his 10th, again a hint of a chaotic, rebellious mother. With his Pluto square Mars in Sagittarius in his 2nd, which he has channelled into making money. It’s a relatively sane chart given the insanities of his upbringing.

Naomi Watts, 28 Sept 1968 11 am Shoreham, England, is the daughter of an antiques dealer and an ex-roadie for Pink Floyd, who later died in an apparent heroin overdose. The family moved to Australia when she was one; her parents divorced when she was four, later reconciling; and the family moved frequently in England, then Wales, then back to Australia during her childhood. She also has an 11th house Libra Sun and her hard-edged Saturn in Aries is in her 6th trine a 2nd house Sagittarius Moon. A hard-working, ambitious Mars in Virgo sits on her Midheaven with lucky Jupiter conjunct Pluto also in her 10th; with Pluto conjunct Uranus in the 11th which latter is conjunct her Sun.

Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction but that’s been under strain since tr Uranus moved into Aries in 2011, increasingly so with tr Pluto square the Sun. The composite Venus is also conjunct a switch-on, switch-off Uranus; and the composite Sun opposes Saturn, so too much work or barriers in the way of warmth. There’s a successful Jupiter in the 10th, so OK career-wise and as far as image goes; but  Pluto Uranus also in the 10th suggest a good many ups and downs. Plus an evasive hidden composite Moon Neptune in the 12th.

Given both their childhoods, it’s a miracle it stayed intact as long as it did. And has finally split when tr Uranus and then tr Pluto hit on the composite Saturn. Though it’s been a long time coming.

What is probably relevant, apart from the tr Uranus square tr Pluto hitting on his Sun/Moon midpoint in 2015/16, and tr Uranus opposing his Libra Moon, is tr Saturn moving through both their first quadrants, heading into the deepest part as it moves towards their 2nd houses. Traditionally this written up as shortage of money, and less success. But it also has the effect of bringing up unresolved psychological and emotional issues to be sorted out; and forcing the individuals to ask what they really want out of life. It pushes people into the core of themselves, taking down the old facade.

She may find it more difficult to cope with than him, but both have reasonably successful midpoints in 2017, so despite tr Saturn pulling them back, they won’t sink.

Arnold Palmer – aggressive sportsman, nice human being



Arnold Palmer, one of the greatest golfers of all time who popularized the sport and turned it into a glitzy money-earner, has died. Born 20 Sept 1929 7.30am Latrobe, Pennsylvania, to a green-keeper father whose own golf ambitions had been thwarted by childhood polio, he spent his early years strengthening his arms by mowing greens manually. Commentators said of his  electrifying style. ‘He held a club like his life depended on it and hurled the ball off clubface like his arms were the cannon. ‘ ‘A grip that could strangle a bison.’ ‘His only thought was to swing as hard as he could and, when he found his ball, to swing as hard again.’.

No surprises then, that he had Mars in Libra on his Ascendant along with Mercury opposition an Aries Moon (Uranus) squaring onto Pluto Midheaven. That’s a power-house of assertion and do-or-die determination. A marked Pluto in the 10th can give individuals great influence and making them ‘a living legend’.

He also had an inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Venus in Leo in the friendly 11th trine Saturn in Sagittarius trine Moon, formed into an even more talented Kite with Saturn in a hates-failure opposition to Jupiter. That made lucky, enthusiastic Jupiter the driving planet. His 12th house Virgo Sun square Saturn partly reflects the father held back by ill-health, and also his own understated temperament and common man touch.  It held him back from becoming an attention-demanding monster which the rest of his chart could easily have made him.

Bruce Springsteen – running faster than ever


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Bruce Springsteen, ‘the ‘Boss’, American singer, song-writer and activist, is in his late sixties but still out on the concert tour (the present one is 75 gigs globally, each lasting three and a half hours and is his highest grossing tour ever, $135 million last count). He’s also just published a mammoth memoir Born to Run in an effort to shake off demons that have haunted him for years, including a ruptured relationship with his hard-drinking father. His father said “fewer than 1,000 words” to him through most of his childhood, he says in the book. “He loved me, but he couldn’t stand me. He felt we competed for my mother’s affections.” He’s very anti-Trump, pro-the working man, anti-combat weapons being sold, pro-LGBT.

Born 23 Sept 1949 10.50pm, Freehold, New Jersey, he has a 4th house Libra Sun square a first house Uranus in Cancer, so a born rebel, not an image normally associated with diplomatic Libra. He does have a high-energy, outspoken and deeply frustrated Mars Pluto in his 3rd which added to his 4th house Saturn in Virgo fits with a cold, angry father. His mother was the main breadwinner in the family and his Libra Moon in the performing 5th squares an 8th house Jupiter, so she would be a supportive figure for him. He also has musical Neptune, Mercury in Libra and Venus in Scorpio in the 5th  – a born entertainer, despite his depressive streak. His Venus is square Mars Pluto, so he would get tortured at times by his feelings.

He’s been married since 1990 to singer/song-writer, guitarist, Patti Scialfa since 1991 with three children. Which given the pressures of that lifestyle is amazing. She’s a feisty Sun Leo conjunct Mars in late Cancer or Leo; with a charming, light-hearted Jupiter Venus in Gemini which sits on his Ascendant, so she’d cheer him up, though her Saturn Neptune are conjunct his Moon and her Sun is conjunct his Mars – so there would be a fair few arguments about boundaries of behaviour.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus probably trine Moon and opposition Jupiter; and an adventurous and morale-boosting Mars trine Jupiter, so there’d be enough pluses to smooth round the rougher patches.


Israel – Obama winding up for a parting shot?



Both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have been voicing forcible criticisms of Israel’s expanding settlement programme which they say makes a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue well-nigh impossible.

The Times of Israel says: ‘Officials in Jerusalem have expressed concern that Obama will use his last few months in office (after the November election) to facilitate a UN resolution to impose a deal between the two nations.’ Though the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz says Netanyahu has won, having stood up against Obama so far, and the rest of the world is disinclined to get overly invested in the issue, given everything else that is going on.

Obama’s relationship with Netanyahu is certainly on a downward slide with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mars until mid Jan 2017 (which also picked a square from the September Solar Eclipse) – so there’ll be not much going right and an upsurge of anger. And tr Saturn will square the composite Sun in late December into Jan 2017. So it’s just possible there might be a gesture of sorts, which would deepen the rift between them.

What is certainly true is that the USA will be increasingly disheartened with Israeli Government policies right through the next USA Presidential Term with tr Neptune opposition the composite Saturn first and then square Uranus Sun until 2020. With an eruption of bad-tempered criticism from April 2017 till early 2018 with tr Uranus square the composite Mars. And more downers in 2018 with tr Saturn square the composite Neptune Jupiter and opposition Venus.