JonBenet Ramsey, the miniature beauty queen murdered 20 years ago is back in the news with TV and chat show reconstructions of her death and theories about whodunnit. Her brother Burke is suing over suggestions he hit her with a flashlight, aged nine, and his parents staged a cover up.
The family initially reported a kidnap and the house was over-run by police setting up for a ransom demand; and when the body was discovered, it was moved by the father, further contaminating any evidence that may have been left. The initial call to the police was deemed odd and rehearsed, as was the ransom note. The parents John, a multi-millionaire business man, and Patsy, now dead, were always under suspicion but never charged.
JonBenet was born 6 Aug 1990 1.36am Atlanta, Georgia, and had a truly difficult chart, so even before her murder, must have lived with high levels of anxiety, fear and anger. Her 4th house Leo Sun opposed an Aquarius Moon, MC, North Node squaring onto Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio. So both parents have the Mars Pluto signature, which is dominating, angry, unbudgeable. Plus her superficially glitzy Venus Jupiter in Cancer opposed Saturn – so emotional coldness towards her; with Saturn trine Mars and sextile Pluto – all really bleak, unkind and deprived, trapped. It’s often the case with individuals who exhibit an exterior ‘beauty’ that they are driven by underlying dread and horrors. They put on a façade of pleasing in order to escape punishment or worse.
When she died her Moon had moved by Solar Arc to close the square to the Mars Pluto opposition to exact.
What struck me years ago when I first looked at the charts was how stressed/emotionally conflicted the parents’ relationship chart with each other were. John Ramsey, 7 Dec 1943 12.45am Omaha, Nebraska, is a volatile Sagittarius Sun opposition Uranus Mars in Gemini and widely opposition Saturn in Gemini; with Uranus Mars trine Neptune, sextile Pluto – so quite explosive and controlling. Patsy Ramsey, 29 Dec 1956, was a Sun Capricorn trine Pluto on one side and square Mars in Aries on the other; with a Sagittarius Moon conjunct Saturn trine Mars trine Uranus – certainly impulsive and ambitious with a Fire Grand Trine but also probably passive-aggressive.
Their relationship chart had a composite Venus opposition Mars square Pluto probably opposition Moon which is an unpleasant mix of sexuality and power.
No proof of anything, but JonBenet was a lotus growing in a swamp.
Burke, her brother, 27 Jan 1987, is a Sun Aquarius square Pluto with a Capricorn Moon probably conjunct Neptune square Mars in Aries; with Mars trine Saturn Venus (Uranus) in Sagittarius. So he’ll be bubbling with the family tensions and anger as well.
As in most dysfunctional families there would be sibling rivalry. The JonBenet/Burke relationship chart had a power-struggling composite Sun Pluto and composite Mars trine Uranus Saturn, so there would be tensions and aggravations.
As to when there might be a definitive answer? Short of a confession, there may never be one. Assuming her birth chart lingers on with the presence of her life, there is a Solar Arc Saturn exactly square the Mars opposition Pluto, as the 20th anniversary of her death brings renewed interest. Though that feels blocked rather than enlightening. Tr Uranus will square her Saturn and Venus for a final time late Nov to Jan 2017 which might bring more insights; or from June 2017 onwards as tr Uranus square her Jupiter bringing relief of sorts.
One way or another, her life always was going to be a tragedy. All countries seem to have one case which catches the zeitgeist and remains an unresolved mystery.